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Are you a kindergarten drop out?

I'm getting paid $16 hr to sit here and argue with a 12 yr old kid, what about you?
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Are you a kindergarten drop out?

I'm getting paid $16 hr to sit here and argue with a 12 yr old kid, what about you?

if we had more people like you who sat on their ass all day and as unproductive to society as you, this country would be a mess
Originally posted by Boltz
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Are you a kindergarten drop out?

I'm getting paid $16 hr to sit here and argue with a 12 yr old kid, what about you?

if we had more people like you who sat on their ass all day and as unproductive to society as you, this country would be a mess

Sadly, you don't even know what my job curtails nor do you know what I do when I'm not at work.

TBH, I hope you know you are also insulting, or trying to, over 80% of GLB users. Not many people on here are little kids like you.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Boltz

Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Are you a kindergarten drop out?

I'm getting paid $16 hr to sit here and argue with a 12 yr old kid, what about you?

if we had more people like you who sat on their ass all day and as unproductive to society as you, this country would be a mess

Sadly, you don't even know what my job curtails nor do you know what I do when I'm not at work.

TBH, I hope you know you are also insulting, or trying to, over 80% of GLB users. Not many people on here are little kids like you.

are you a janitor on your phone?

That was a shitty insult. Please, try again.

And TBH, there is nothing wrong with being a janitor. If it wasn't for them then you would of never been conceived.
Originally posted by hatchman

2.) whatever team does this will win the inaugeral hatchman appreciation award. and by winning this award it means that you will be the Yukon City Grizzlies guest for a weeks stay at the whore house in Yukon City. we will pay for all ammenities. Now remember you will have to shave and bath the women from yellowknife as most are related to boltz.

Better hope that you don't meet us in the Championship game or that "week stay at the whore house in Yukon City" will be like staying at a brothel in Hiroshima, August 6, 1945.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
That was a shitty insult. Please, try again.

And TBH, there is nothing wrong with being a janitor. If it wasn't for them then you would of never been conceived.

That was fuckin funny. lmao
good stuff grifter
Last edited Apr 24, 2009 18:12:26
Originally posted by Boltz
my learning deficiency? i bet i had and will have a better gpa than you will ever have dumbfuck get a life

Last edited Apr 24, 2009 18:25:20
Originally posted by Boltz
Me fail English? That's unpossible!
Originally posted by boomer82
Originally posted by Boltz

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

Goat Father
Originally posted by Boltz
op is a faggot, 40 years old and insulting people on the internet? really you cocksucker? get a fucking life...

Don't get me mixed up with your mom as she was polishing most of our knobs. I hate to tell you baby boy that you were conceived kind of funny. see all of canadaA4 got BJ's from your mom and we then busted a nut in a blender. after we were all finished we blended that shit up poured it in your mom's and little man you are the screwed up being that was hatched out. LOL
Goat Father
Originally posted by Boltz
my learning deficiency? i bet i had and will have a better gpa than you will ever have dumbfuck get a life

3.96 GPA and my high school valedictorian.

I also have a 3.65 GPA right now in finishing my degree as a chemical engineer. I also have a partial degree in micro biology and will have that finished sometime in 2010.

I make $26 a hour so baby boy doltz know what you speak of before you get the potty mouth. also before you try to judge someone know what you are talking about. Your reputation of being a cry baby little kid preceeded you here. with all the stuff everyone has read and a few have witnessed you are due for the crap you catch. you are the one that has a problem. As far as I know I am a well respected player on GLB I have numerous offers for my OC skills and also get alot of contacts asking for my help with teams. I was just messing around with you trying to get a friendly rivalry going between your team and my own as I thought you may be fun to compete against.

Well in retrospect I was wrong you are most of the things I have read about you. I expect to have a MOD contact me soon as this action is something you do on a normal basis from what I understand also. I do look forward to meeting your team and I will try my best to hang the worst beating your team has ever seen. hell you may beat my team and I will then post a great game thread to you as any team that beats my team has indeed done a very good job as I know my team is good.

Good luck to you and I look forward to our meeting

We hung a 71 pt diff on them. LXA Def hung a 4pt diff by ourselves.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

We hung a 71 pt diff on them. LXA Def hung a 4pt diff by ourselves.

Yeah, well we tied the game up with 6:56 to go... in the first quarter!

GG grifter and LXA, was hoping that maybe we could keep it closer since the game before that that we played you guys was closer. Oh well. Congrats.

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