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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Wow... Future Championship Game
Originally posted by polish85
2 bad both of these teams are gonna loose to THE U!!! must really suck to be LXA loosing to us every time u play us...and by a shit load....cant say to much on blue because we havnt played them yet but im sure they will start our rivalry by loosing

Their in the other conferance dumb ass.

Besides, we are ready to lay down the death ray at your pointly little noses. This isn't a team that is midway through it's slowbuilding so I hope you are prepared to feel what it's like to get dominated by gameplanning and superiour builds.
doubt we will get dominated but it should be a close game between us and a good one and i hope we are both 9-0 when we meet to make it even better!
Originally posted by kdpat15
doubt we will get dominated but it should be a close game between us and a good one and i hope we are both 9-0 when we meet to make it even better!

Why? it will just hurt you that much more when we disinergrate your team.
Originally posted by cowboys74
Originally posted by kdpat15

doubt we will get dominated but it should be a close game between us and a good one and i hope we are both 9-0 when we meet to make it even better!

Why? it will just hurt you that much more when we disinergrate your team.

True, if I was the U, I would hope for just domination instead of disinergration. Just ask the Thunder Bay Giants on which they would of preferred........wait, they are no longer in existence thanks to the Death Ray.
The funniest part is that their stadium kind of looks like the coliseum in Rome. I think it is foreshadowing.

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