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wow....not everyone in the league was using. That's about as big of a gross generalization as I have heard....ever!

"Do you actually research things before they spew out of your mouth."?

I don't hate the Yankees. I just think that they could do a little more research into the character of the guys they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on.

Cal Ripken Jr, Tony Gwynn, Derek Jeter and many more never used steroids. So lets not say that "everyone was doing it so its ok."

If it were up to me, I would ban them for a year for the first offense and then for life if there is a second offense.

It is amazing to me that people buy into the theory that on a magical day a few years back everyone in baseball stopped using. They didnt. They just stayed one step ahead of the testing.
I'd like an invite.
Mark James
Originally posted by Bigasshammm
If you really think that neither of those players used on the Yankees you are one naive person.
Are you a 13 year old girl?
That would explain a lot.

BTW how is Captain Choke Sabathia working out for you?
Just wait till he ever pitches in the post season if NY ever gets back there.

Actually Im a 29 year old man, been a yanks fan my whole life. CC will be fine he always starts slow. just look at last season.
Mark James
Originally posted by shadofax29
wow....not everyone in the league was using. That's about as big of a gross generalization as I have heard....ever!

"Do you actually research things before they spew out of your mouth."?

I don't hate the Yankees. I just think that they could do a little more research into the character of the guys they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on.

Cal Ripken Jr, Tony Gwynn, Derek Jeter and many more never used steroids. So lets not say that "everyone was doing it so its ok."

If it were up to me, I would ban them for a year for the first offense and then for life if there is a second offense.

It is amazing to me that people buy into the theory that on a magical day a few years back everyone in baseball stopped using. They didnt. They just stayed one step ahead of the testing.

I dont think people stopped I just dont care, it was a league wide epidemic. No im not naive enough to actually think every single player was using but enough of them were(are) to make it a mute point.

Mark James
Originally posted by Rob26480
I'd like an invite.

Originally posted by Styxx
Originally posted by Bigasshammm

If you really think that neither of those players used on the Yankees you are one naive person.
Are you a 13 year old girl?
That would explain a lot.

BTW how is Captain Choke Sabathia working out for you?
Just wait till he ever pitches in the post season if NY ever gets back there.

Actually Im a 29 year old man, been a yanks fan my whole life. CC will be fine he always starts slow. just look at last season.

CC cannot pitch in the post season. Look at his stats every year the Indians made it. They would have gone to the WS a few years ago had he been able to pitch. He is a giant waste of money and I'm damn glad they traded him while he was still worth something.

BTW how as that new home opener? Bad taste in your mouth?

Mark James
Originally posted by Bigasshammm
Originally posted by Styxx

Originally posted by Bigasshammm

If you really think that neither of those players used on the Yankees you are one naive person.
Are you a 13 year old girl?
That would explain a lot.

BTW how is Captain Choke Sabathia working out for you?
Just wait till he ever pitches in the post season if NY ever gets back there.

Actually Im a 29 year old man, been a yanks fan my whole life. CC will be fine he always starts slow. just look at last season.

CC cannot pitch in the post season. Look at his stats every year the Indians made it. They would have gone to the WS a few years ago had he been able to pitch. He is a giant waste of money and I'm damn glad they traded him while he was still worth something.

BTW how as that new home opener? Bad taste in your mouth?

CC has never had the supporting cast that he has in NY. Hence the reason he has pitched the most complete games of any pitcher in the majors. They kill his arm during the season and he has nothing left for the post season. Lets just see what happens this year.

Its a long season and we played against the reigning Cy Young winner. It happens. Long season though.
Cubs will still finish better than Yanks
Originally posted by Styxx
Originally posted by Bigasshammm

Originally posted by Styxx

Originally posted by Bigasshammm

If you really think that neither of those players used on the Yankees you are one naive person.
Are you a 13 year old girl?
That would explain a lot.

BTW how is Captain Choke Sabathia working out for you?
Just wait till he ever pitches in the post season if NY ever gets back there.

Actually Im a 29 year old man, been a yanks fan my whole life. CC will be fine he always starts slow. just look at last season.

CC cannot pitch in the post season. Look at his stats every year the Indians made it. They would have gone to the WS a few years ago had he been able to pitch. He is a giant waste of money and I'm damn glad they traded him while he was still worth something.

BTW how as that new home opener? Bad taste in your mouth?

CC has never had the supporting cast that he has in NY. Hence the reason he has pitched the most complete games of any pitcher in the majors. They kill his arm during the season and he has nothing left for the post season. Lets just see what happens this year.

Its a long season and we played against the reigning Cy Young winner. It happens. Long season though.

Which is why the Indians have basically been the "Major League farm team" since they are one of the top teams for developing talent? CC never wanted to come out of those games. He is a choke artist. You will see.

all about the Red Sox
One little two little three little Indians...

Mark James
Funny you guys only talk shit when they lose. Thanks for the bump guys.
Yay! They got a win in their 3rd chance!
Mark James
actually they won 2 out of 4 thanks for playing

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