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pfft were higher then that,
You are now, you'd be a 17 or so.

I may update this if I have time
Thankee for putting us as number 1. VCC.
Thanks, for doin this rutgar. Glad to see a familiar face.
Good job.
Nice work!
Originally posted by rutgar
I assigned a value of 1-5 to five categories.

d - Owner/GMs
Long time Professional GM/ownership with trophies = 5 (no one has this)
Long time high level GM/ownership with obvious winning experience = 4
Some evidence of winning experience on several GMs = 3
Little evidence of winning experience or several GMs with none = 2
One or two GMs (including owner) with no evidence of winning experience = 1

Thanks for the write-up. To answer a couple questions and ask some of my own... Most of WEBBB originally had a higher cap before the reshuffle and I was hoping to get one of those higher capped teams. I did not and wasn't about to spend the next couple days frantically looking to sign a bunch of lvl 10-13 player/agents I don't know when I was given a 13 cap. I did break down and field a bunch of my own little guys to try and get a bump a season or three down the line so I can start moving the people I had originally planned to my team and because those pesky CPU players just don't listen when I tell them their tactics. Low level players allow me to be miserly while I play SIM Stadium and invest in the future. I apologize for yucking up your league in the meantime but you will all be shown great hospitality at The Barnyard when you come for your respective visits.

What went into the Moo Cows initial value of a '5' ? A,b,c,and e I'm sure were ones, but D is also a one ? Myself and many agents, players and/or owners like me have been a part of several successful teams in multiple leagues at every level through forum support, recruiting efforts, team building, GLB related info, financial advice, etc. Trophies at the top of ones profile aren't the best measurement of successful upper management. There are just as many if not more people that solicit GM tags for the sole purpose of saying they have one. They contribute little, if anything, and are the beneficiary of a trophy from time to time. If I was listed as a GM for a few dozen teams, I'd prolly end up with a couple more trophies just out of dumb luck... not because of my personal involvement and/or knowledge of the game.

So in conclusion, thanks again... I appreciate the write up. I'm glad to be in the league and wish everyone the best of luck. I can rest easier at night knowing the Cows won't finish last and am not so concerned about this seasons curb stompings we are about to receive. IMHO, however, Moo should be a 6 for surely I show a little evidence winning experience

Dub J
Originally posted by Nif
Myself and many agents, players and/or owners like me have been a part of several successful teams in multiple leagues at every level through forum support, recruiting efforts, team building, GLB related info, financial advice, etc. Trophies at the top of ones profile aren't the best measurement of successful upper management. There are just as many if not more people that solicit GM tags for the sole purpose of saying they have one. They contribute little, if anything, and are the beneficiary of a trophy from time to time. If I was listed as a GM for a few dozen teams, I'd prolly end up with a couple more trophies just out of dumb luck... not because of my personal involvement and/or knowledge of the game.

Agreed...I have had teammates before with multiple GM trophies that didn't know the AI from their a-hole. It's kinda funny/sad when you have to explain what a "soft cap" is to someone with 6 GM trophies. lol
Sorry man. By default, I gave all teams that had just an owner and no GMs 1s. I guess it doesn't jive completely with my description.

It was by far the hardest category to judge, but it matters. Season 7, when all of WEBBB was 21-capped, a team I DC for had been promoted to WEA2. We kept our roster in tact and come week 9 we faced a team where the average level of the starters was more than 10 higher than hours. We lost by 2 in a game that could have easily gone our way. If the opposing management had a clue they should have beaten us soundly, but they didn't. I chalk our good performance up to good builds and good game-planning.

How do you quantify it? I picked to just look at number of GMS and trophies. I admit that it isn't the ideal way of tackling the subject but for getting things done in a timely manner it served its purpose.

Best of luck to the Moo Cows this season.

I'll try to get something more accurate put together later this week. Rosters are still coming together.
Thanks for the reply. Probably no way to fully gauge untill the season is underway and you see how committed owners are, whether for this season or down the road. Thanks again for the write-up ... I don't mean to take anything away from its value. I'm just petitioning the author for a 2 for my humble mgmt. experience ... which might take me up to a 9 in total now lol.
here... i'll make it easy... Dusseldorf wins the whole thing.
Dub J
Originally posted by cdd757
here... i'll make it easy... Dusseldorf wins the whole thing.

Ssshhh...don't let the Beer Drinkers hear you say that.
I agree. Dusseldorf is hands down the best team in Zeta! No contest.
Dub J
Originally posted by strom2127
I agree. Dusseldorf is hands down the best team in Zeta! No contest.

Yeah, right.
LOL, I'm not much for the smack talk. I've had a look at your squad, and I look forward to that matchup. Looks like a coin flip on paper.

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