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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > West pre season rankings
great job on the ranksings, recruiting at least for me personally has been rough
Great job. I kinda wish we were still in the western conference just for these power rankings, lol. BTW I like the plug for Calgary.
im going to make should the spartans do better than you giving us credit for
Nobody is giving you or taking credit from you in these preseason rankings. This is why many people hesitate on doing rankings. Ah well, can't please everybody.
Originally posted by crowbar832001

#7 Hogwarts Wizards---------(A3 second round loss)-----Pulled a beat down upset in the first round of the playoffs last season, but once again they are in a rebuilding phase with tons of holes. The defense looks a mess at this point and it is going to take a lot of work to have this team ready by the start of the season. They are the most likely team to move up or down the rankings depending on their pickups.

This may be my last season running the team. I cant get over the hump and its because no one seems to want to play for my team that would make us a contender. I have always had a hard time recruiting good players for some reason and im getting tired of this cycle.
The Mounties all the way in season 9
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby; HAHA! Firstly, I'd like to say I'm the least vocal, haha, but the MOST arrogant (sarcasm, felt like saying that again). During that time Brett was in & out, didn't mean it in a direct 'punch', but at the time he was more MIA than in house. Me and Brett have our difference...almost EVERY DAY, right Brett? haha The whole 'secretly glad' part was the truth. There were so many problems w/ players, it made for one large dysfunctional issue. Out of EVERYONE that's been w/ the organization NO ONE has dealt w/ the team issues as a whole like Brett & Myself. So long story short; Myself & Brett will have issues like any other team leaders, but in our case through all the bs we still look out for each other in the end.

So crowbar, throwing this in the mix that has NOTHING to do w/ the league...trying to throw a fork in the team? haha It should have been addressed via PM if you felt it may become an 'issue', but I take no offense to it...but that's dirty laundry in my opinion...sort of singled me out out of all the other players/users in the league. Odd...
Someone is going to be severely disappointed this season.
Because of what was sent to me in a PM by Bobby, I have decicded we are oil and water. Bobby is free to comment on anything I post at will because I can not stop him, but I will not recognize any of his post. As I said this stays in this thread and I am done with him as a GLBer.

Now that that is put to rest, time to have a fun season.
Last edited Apr 13, 2009 12:24:33
Ok, so let's keep it here and END it here...I'll explain to the ENTIRE league why this came about;

The Root of This All:

Part 1
In Season 6 Brett Snyder had run into a minor 'internet issue', along w/ moving which would leave him away from the team at LARGE amounts of time, and as Brett & I had discussed I wouldn't be returning in Season 7, and I was the ONLY GM on board as everyone else had walked away (like cowards when Brett wasn't here to find out). So I had decided w/ the OK from Brett to release the players (but some feel I "destroyed" the team). It was either stay on the team and go Owner'less & GM'less for 3/4's a season or leave on good terms. Who would REALLY enjoy that situation, esp. as a player? If it were a PERSONAL thing between Brett & I, I would have NEVER come back...this time bringing BIG TIME players for him. So let's look at this: I dismantled a team on GOOD terms, so we could bring back agents instead of p*ssing them off. So is that damaging a team? I feel it was the BEST move for all, especially if we needed them in the future.

Part 2
All of the above is REALLY irrelevant,as this 'issue' has NOTHING to do w/ what happened w/ the Mounties. It REALLY is. Back in Season 6, a handful of users decided it was 'fun & ok' to not just bash a user, but surround an ENTIRE thread around bashing him. It's one thing to "trash talk", but this was FULL BLOWN BASHING. We have the MOST SIMPLE rules in this forum and they weren't followed. It's one thing to bash here or there...but to dedicate your time to making another user(s) miserable that's crossing the line. Warnings were implemented, because the league doesn't need to listen to the non stop onslaught of users harassing other users. Politely, both myself & Pallow stated it HAD to stop or bans were in order...long story short, people weren't content and a ban was issued for 48hrs. So this Canada A3 is the REASON why this all came about. It's not a 'team issue' it's the fact that it's a PERSONAL issue w/ me and ONLY me. ...Just in case no one picked up on that from the original post, how I was singled out, and it became a LEAGUE/TEAM issue. THIS is the real reason why it came about, and crow made it known in the PM that I took it to, instead f dealing w/ it in the eyes of the ENTIRE league.

There's the breakdown, and the REASON why it came about....Petty imo, but hey the league had to know right? HAHA, they had to know business that has NOTHING to do w/ 90% of the league right? For future reference to ANYONE who wants to put business out there in the League Forums that pertains to me, drop me a line via PM to solidify the facts and I'll be MORE THAN HAPPY to give you everything you need to post a factual 'reply/thread'....Those who KNOW ME, know I'm not an a**hole, or a d*ck...everyone's entitled to their 'opinion', just want to assure that the little things are 100% truthful.
i think it was bush league tpo talk about this and bring bobby to the forefront like this, This should have been a private pm or something. I have been blasted by two of my former players but 2 out of over 85 that have played for me is good in my opinion.. I personally like bobby and brett and value their rivalry..
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by wchs63
i think it was bush league tpo talk about this and bring bobby to the forefront like this, This should have been a private pm or something. I have been blasted by two of my former players but 2 out of over 85 that have played for me is good in my opinion.. I personally like bobby and brett and value their rivalry..

yeah who thought this would happen to both of us. Laughable imo
being critized by agents is something every good coach deals with eventually.

some agents will even try to take all the credit for doing everything for your team but they actually just jerk off and run at the mouth all season long.
Since you brought it up. There is no need to post forum rules and report to mods. Most people are adults and can hanlde themselves. This all came about because of that stuff you did to people in the past and turn around and do the same thing yourself. Hopefully this will get you away from reporting people this season for stupidness. BTW I was not the one reported or even involved in it at the time if anybody was wondering. I wasn't really looking for an answer on the whole Mounties thing or even cared. I just wanted to say you are not so perfect yourself as you act to be and wanted to give people a heads up about you when they find themselves banned for something. Like I said the past is the past but you went right back up down that same path with candyman and I got tired of walking on egg shells around you for fear of getting banned for something I said.

Once again it ends now.
Great job on the rankings!

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