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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Solomon Grundy's MVP chase
Besides, around this time last season. You and everyone else here hated me. Remember? Now, there is LXA plus other teams just like us that are apart of these boards. That might be why you think I'm the normal one. You had a season to prepare and get used to me.
I don't hate. I like to argue and you LXA guys serve the purpose.
nah it was phinphan who was a comment on that thread shows i appreciate wat u have to offer.
Last edited Apr 8, 2009 18:36:40
Originally posted by Rickey-P
nah it was phinphan who i didnt comment on that thread shows i appreciate wat u have to offer.

Touche, though I haven't read it in forever.

I had a thread in EEA also, same sort, but trying to petition to get me banned.
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Rickey-P

nah it was phinphan who i didnt comment on that thread shows i appreciate wat u have to offer.

Touche, though I haven't read it in forever.

I had a thread in EEA also, same sort, but trying to petition to get me banned.

What!?! Why would anyone hate on you? I...I just don't understand?
Ive said it before and ill say it again, driftinggrifter is one of the good guys. The rest of LXA leaves something to be desired.
Last edited Apr 8, 2009 18:45:55
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Rickey-P

nah it was phinphan who i didnt comment on that thread shows i appreciate wat u have to offer.

Touche, though I haven't read it in forever.

I had a thread in EEA also, same sort, but trying to petition to get me banned.

fo real? hahaha that shit is hilarious! at least they aint got a program to ignore u. poor boltz, i aint eva seen wat hes dun wrong
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Anebriated
Ive said it before and ill say it again, driftinggrifter is one of the good guys. The rest of LXA leaves something to be desired.

What did I do to you, other then the old GG thread thing.
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Anebriated

Ive said it before and ill say it again, driftinggrifter is one of the good guys. The rest of LXA leaves something to be desired.

What did I do to you, other then the old GG thread thing.

aww make u cry?
Give Boltz time. He will wear out on you.

He's kind of like the retarded kid you feel bad and pity, but then after a while it just gets really old. Kind of like he isn't really that fucked up but he just plays it to get sympathy.

Well, except Bolts isn't playing.
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Rickey-P
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

Originally posted by Anebriated

Ive said it before and ill say it again, driftinggrifter is one of the good guys. The rest of LXA leaves something to be desired.

What did I do to you, other then the old GG thread thing.

aww make u cry?

Nah, just bring up bad memories for him in a slightly amusing way. That is all.
Originally posted by Anebriated
Ive said it before and ill say it again, driftinggrifter is one of the good guys. The rest of LXA leaves something to be desired.

Maybe I missed it, but this is the first time that I've read that you think drift is one of the good guys...which is fine, but he is DEFINITELY not one of them. Unfortunately, his unnatural love of anime is a little unnerving.

In other words, if KDPat and him have something in common, something is wrong with Drift.
I dont even remember the old GG thread thing tbh. Driftinggrifter has been the only one to prove being capable of putting the asshole aside and having a good conversation. By all means if the rest of you want to give it a try then be my guest, the league forums was more enjoyable when the assholes werent around. PhinPhan is a perfect example of someone whose posts make me want to remove my eyes with a rusty spork to save myself from reading further mindless dribble. I understand being in character or whatever you want to call it but theres no need to be a douche 24/7.
Originally posted by Anebriated
I dont even remember the old GG thread thing tbh. Driftinggrifter has been the only one to prove being capable of putting the asshole aside and having a good conversation. By all means if the rest of you want to give it a try then be my guest, the league forums was more enjoyable when the assholes werent around. PhinPhan is a perfect example of someone whose posts make me want to remove my eyes with a rusty spork to save myself from reading further mindless dribble. I understand being in character or whatever you want to call it but theres no need to be a douche 24/7.

For the record:
1. We aren't douches 24/7, just when we are on GLB and posting in LXA's league forum. So there!
2. Apparently PhinPhan's approach is working exactly as he hoped. He's more bazooka than surgical laser, tbh.
3. Check out BBB#7 forum now...*cricket* *cricket* The forums get boring without teams like us. It's not me saying it, this comes from other non-LXA agents.
4. Every single person that has ever commented about how bad the 'mindless dribble' continues to post and interact with us. As has been said many times, if you don't like it, don't read it, don't reply to it, ignore it.
5. From what I've noticed, it looks like this season, the planets have lined up and there are a bunch of trash talkers in Canada A4. Could be a long season for those that don't like smack talking.
Its not that I dont like it, there are times when you guys are amusing. It just gets old hearing the same shit every day from you guys. Its "fear the death ray" until you lose a game and then its "the death ray malfunctioned" or "grundy left a donut on the flux capacitor and it shorted the system" or whatever the excuse is. Yeah I understand the point is to play the asshole role and I have no problem with the shit talking but for some of us we use this game as an escape from working with assholes and it kind of sucks hardcore to now have my "escape" full of people playing assholes, whether they are or not.

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