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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Championship Game
Originally posted by Blitz_Inc.
Really? The Strong I formation all game? After you complained about its use several games ago?

That's a chicken shit way to win. Pure class ... Okies to the end.

Really Bootleggerz? wow.
Congrats Bootlickers.
Originally posted by Blitz_Inc.
Really? The Strong I formation all game? After you complained about its use several games ago?

Exactly such a cowardly and hypocritical team
At least we played an honest game, no cheese.
well ur other team started it and we were called winers when we complained about it. If i would have known you werent going to do the same I would have played it straight up, but with all the Masterminds discussions. I was led to believe you guys would do the same
The Masterminds and the Marauders are two different teams. We have not once used that strategy all year, even when it would have been advantageous for us because we didn't want to have anything tarnish our season. We aren't complaining about the loss, we lost that happens. We are just confused you guys used a strategy you complained about over and over and one we the Marauders have always publicly denounced.

Not to mention the Masterminds didn't even use it against you in the playoffs.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 11:31:56
Originally posted by dalpoas83
well ur other team started it and we were called winers when we complained about it. If i would have known you werent going to do the same I would have played it straight up, but with all the Masterminds discussions. I was led to believe you guys would do the same

The Marauders don't cheat, we played it straight all year GG, end of story.
Next year Bootlickers, maybe then you play it straight. It's ON!
Originally posted by dalpoas83
well ur other team started it and we were called winers when we complained about it. If i would have known you werent going to do the same I would have played it straight up, but with all the Masterminds discussions. I was led to believe you guys would do the same

You came into this season talking about how you were the best team in the league, nobody was even comparable. Then you lost a game to MM and complained that we used an exploit as if the loss "didn't count in your book." That's fine, I can understand that and half agree with it, I would be pissed off as well. But to then feel the need to use that same exploit that you and your buddies bitched and moaned about for weeks in the title game, when you were supposedly SO much better than everyone else, is the lowest of lows.

Congratulations on the championship you guys won this year, I just wish you had actually earned it and not copped out when it mattered the most. You can go ahead and try to link Philly to MM, tell us all how this is payback or you "needed" to do it because you thought it was coming, but it clearly was not. Everybody else in this league could have told you that except you morons. Go ahead and team up on me, I don't care, but anything you post now no longer holds any merit. If you hadn't cried about things for so long I might be singing a different tune, but that's clearly not the case.
No one mentioned anything about not using it. I dont remeber any of you guys complaining when it happened to us, you gm for that team. In fact most of you were celebrating and rubbing it in nonstop, but this was not my teams decision, it was mine.
Originally posted by dalpoas83
No one mentioned anything about not using it. I dont remeber any of you guys complaining when it happened to us, you gm for that team. In fact most of you were celebrating and rubbing it in nonstop, but this was not my teams decision, it was mine.

Are you kidding? Myself, Val, alot of the Marauders said several times it was crap. Even though we may have been glad to see you lose out of a rivalry, at the end of the day we all said it was cheap. Val even filed a message to the people who run GLB to get this fixed because of your problem. At the end of the day, you won with a strategy you yourself complained about. It's not about us being mad we lost, its about you being hypocritical about it all.
Originally posted by dalpoas83
No one mentioned anything about not using it. I dont remeber any of you guys complaining when it happened to us, you gm for that team. In fact most of you were celebrating and rubbing it in nonstop, but this was not my teams decision, it was mine.

In a "mean nothing" regular season game, that didn't even effect the standing, and where the team that used it was ~10 levels below you and we didn't think we had a chance to even come close anyhow.

For you to do that in the Championship game was fucking pathetic. Truly, you should be ashamed.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 11:51:53
This is a prime example why you shouldnt be tied in with more than one team in a league. I dont know who is on what team and I dont care to look. All I know is Nsab is part of MM and they did it to us and a lot of the people froma that team called us whiners and so on. Now that being said, REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD! I should have that written on the big gold trophy I will be getting soon

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