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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #15 > Conference Championship previews
Originally posted by ElKeeed
tbh romania are going to win be far more than 21. Dinwiddie have been lucky to have a weak conference, competition in Zeta has been much fiercer.

The hatred continues. We have consistently beat teams that outlevel us all year. This is simply a great difference in levels. I will not come in here predicting a win, but for the love of God will you people quit telling me how lucky we are when I out gameplan you every single week. its annoying.

We just beat a team that is 3 overall points higher than us, while giving up 7 points. Which was one 80 yd pass where my backup CB fell. They had - rushing yds and aside from the 1 80 yd pass play we gave up like 47 yds. Yes we were lucky /sarcasm
Actually, I have to give props to ElKeed, OSshane, and the rest of the WE-BBB15 Alphabashers...

Because your constant "You're weak, you're going to be destroyed by (insert team here)" has made 19-0 very, very sweet.

20-0 would be about as sweet as a cake topped in chocolate with a side of honey-laced chocolate milk.

And I'm borderling that's too sweet...I'll take the 19-1 silver trophy and be content.

If, by some miracle ala Jets over Colts or Giants over Patriots, we pull this out...all I ask is that folks say "Hmm...we were wrong".
Its not hatred at all, its pretty clear from inter conference matchups that you are more in the region of my team rather than the leaders of our conference. Don't take it as any sort of attack, it is merely an observation.

The only way I can see you winning is if Romania give it to you.
Last edited Apr 3, 2009 12:25:22
ELK's team would have won ALPHA this season, truth be told.
Originally posted by OSshane
ELK's team would have won ALPHA this season, truth be told.

If I cared I would get mad, but seeing as how I dont, and I beat his team without gameplanning for it, I will just roll with these ignorant comments.
Originally posted by ElKeeed
Its not hatred at all, its pretty clear from inter conference matchups that you are more in the region of my team rather than the leaders of our conference. Don't take it as any sort of attack, it is merely an observation.

The only way I can see you winning is if Romania give it to you.

I dont argue with is statement nor take offense, I take offense to statements such as " u guys got lucky". We didnt get lucky, we won every single game handily with the exception of one and we ran all screens on accident and still won. We are an overall 51 and beat every opponent better than us, such as MOntana and Lubeck and possibly Copenhagan.
Originally posted by OSshane
ELK's team would have won ALPHA this season, truth be told.

We beat him in a scrimamge without even gameplanning for it.

Yeah, I know, scrimmages are srs business, but to make a blanket statement like that with no evidence behind it is just...well...OSshane at your usual level of intelligence.

I really hope you do a better job with your new child than your parents did with you.
I didn't gameplan against you either. In fact I told you our plan before the match! And you barely won even though you outleveled us at the time. I think a rematch could easily go either way.

You won every game in a weak conference. Well done, but you *were* lucky to be in that conference and not ours.
I will accept that. I was lucky to be in that conference. And hopefully our paths will cross next season when it matters and I can gain some small amoutn of respect after beating you
Seeing as how all along, my primary wrath has been for the people that said "No disrespect to Dinwiddie, but you're not even Top 4 in Alpha" at the beginning of the season...I'm content with how things have gone.

Yes, in Zeta we'd be top 4, not top 1. We'll never know exactly where, as that's not how this game works.

We will, however, get a good measuring stick against Romania in 43ish hours...good enough for me. Romania's smallest win was (let's see...carry the two...) a 55 point margin, other than the two Berlin games. They beat their first two opponents in the playoffs by more than that. We'll see where we end up. Like I said originally, the vegas line is 21, possibly more...and yeah, I'd proabably bet on Romania with a 21 point line myself...but..strangely enough...we're the only team left this season that can say "We still have a chance". So, as long as we haven't lost yet...I'd like to play the game before handing them the trophy.

Perhaps we'll be in the same conference in A next season, and you'll get a chance to see where we are...although it will be a different team, as I imagine both of us are moving some players for next season.

Originally posted by Critwit
I will accept that. I was lucky to be in that conference. And hopefully our paths will cross next season when it matters and I can gain some small amoutn of respect after beating you

You def can't beat us so take pride in that Silver trophy! You earned it! LOL

This will be the worst Championship game ever. You stand no chance at beating the Gypsies, Eagles, or Turin. Now go get your silver and get ready to get your ass steam rolled next year. Sorry my Voodoo team wont be in WEA 8 next year as we are in the Championship game again.

Don't take pride in winning a watered down Alpha Division that you have been in for 3 seasons now, Its expected. Just the fact alone that your team was in WEBBB15 for three years speaks miles of your Ownership(Gorm), lack of knowledge, and lack of recruiting. Now its time to move up and go 4-12 next year and thats being gracious.

I don't have to beat're not in the Championship game.

Maybe you'll be lucky and get to cream us next year...but don't count your chickens on that measure.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to apply my lack of knowledge, and lack of recruiting to our last meaningful game.

We may get creamed, odds are we a team with players 10+ levels above the median of this league *should*, by all rights, crush any and all opposition. We should be nothing but a speedbump, and maybe not even that.

But, regardless, we get the $3.5M for hosting the game, and a shiny Silver Trophy, as well as the pride of knowing we made it farther than you.

Enjoy the empty space on your shelf. Easier to dust that way anyhow.
Originally posted by OSshane
Originally posted by Critwit

I will accept that. I was lucky to be in that conference. And hopefully our paths will cross next season when it matters and I can gain some small amoutn of respect after beating you

You def can't beat us so take pride in that Silver trophy! You earned it! LOL

This will be the worst Championship game ever. You stand no chance at beating the Gypsies, Eagles, or Turin. Now go get your silver and get ready to get your ass steam rolled next year. Sorry my Voodoo team wont be in WEA 8 next year as we are in the Championship game again.

Don't take pride in winning a watered down Alpha Division that you have been in for 3 seasons now, Its expected. Just the fact alone that your team was in WEBBB15 for three years speaks miles of your Ownership(Gorm), lack of knowledge, and lack of recruiting. Now its time to move up and go 4-12 next year and thats being gracious.

Nowhere in there did I mention your name or your teams name. Nowhere in there did I mention we were better than you, nor Romania nor Turin. I dont beleive I have said that to date anywhere on this forum. All I have said is that we are better then you or anyone else expected and while we are in a weak conference we are still outleveled by three teams in that conference and we beat them with ease. If I have stated anything incorrectly, please educate me. You bashed us all year as did most and picked us to finish 5th in our weak conference.

I congratulate you on how well you played Romania and yes the S-I slam is way overpowered and everyone is running it. There wasnt much you could do to stop it.

The only issue at hand that I see is that while I can congratulate you and recognize that talent of your team and planning, you were proven wrong by us numerous times throughout the year and you can not man up to that. Everytime your wrong you simply state how bad we would do in your conference, which last time I checked nobody was debating.

Man up or shut the fuck up.
Originally posted by Gorm
I don't have to beat're not in the Championship game.

Maybe you'll be lucky and get to cream us next year...but don't count your chickens on that measure.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to apply my lack of knowledge, and lack of recruiting to our last meaningful game.

We may get creamed, odds are we a team with players 10+ levels above the median of this league *should*, by all rights, crush any and all opposition. We should be nothing but a speedbump, and maybe not even that.

But, regardless, we get the $3.5M for hosting the game, and a shiny Silver Trophy, as well as the pride of knowing we made it farther than you.

Enjoy the empty space on your shelf. Easier to dust that way anyhow.

Empty space.. GTFO I have 4 games to get ready for(Including my own team). You are truly and idiot. I know how your shelf looks really spectacular!

So my team 1 season in WEBBB15, 2 seasons in WEA8, and now getting promoted to WEAA4

Your team 3 seasons in WEBBB15... 4 season to get out of WEBBB? Enough said.

Stop being proud of being the 5th best team in the League! Now hold your silver up with pride!!!!

I was trying to be objective, its a shame gorm and oshane brought their slagging match into this thread as well. They seem as bad as each other.

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