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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #4 > Someone answer me this please
The team has not paid that much for my equipment upgrades. They have only paid for my level 16 upgrades and my player's money was used up completely during the upgrades before the team equipment fund took care of the rest. The team paid out about 32K for those upgrades. As far as the salary, I have been playing and that salary I believed has been earned. All I was asking for was to be released at the end of the season so that I could retire the player. I accepted a low contract for the purpose of helping the team to keep the annual salary low and the signing bonus was also minimal. The 32K for the rest of my level 16 upgrades would be the only thing I would think the team would have an argument about losing but in reality, that could've been salary money if I had agreed to a contract for less than $1,000 more per day.
Last edited Mar 26, 2009 13:56:37
Originally posted by RODTIDEFAN07

But, me being a team player couldn't do anything to hurt the team and since you accepted the contract i would do my best, by my time and when it is over i would retire

I have no intentions of removing the equipment. Like you said, it hurts the team and I'm not trying to do that. I'm simply trying to retire that particular player at the end of the season. I would also like to restate the fact that this owner has blocked my forum access as well so again, I can't set tactics properly either. Like I said before, not sure why he did that because I had no intentions of spamming up his forum about this. I tried to take care of it privately and in return all i got back was "I'm definitely not going to release you. Your guy is leading the team in everything." Which by the way is totally inaccurate. The other starting guard on the team has 2x's the pancakes as my player and is the same level. I don't understand why he would want to keep a player that the player's own agent says isn't good enough. I just don't understand the logic so that is why I'm trying to get a feel for what other owners think. As a team owner myself, I know what I would've done but as I said in a previous post, am I in the majority or the minority. So far it looks like I'm in the majority.
You signed the contract. It's not that owners fault you decided to retire him.
Originally posted by legalbama
You signed the contract. It's not that owners fault you decided to retire him.

Yes, we've established that but thank you for the post anyways.
I personally would release you just for being a bengals fan. I would release or accept minimum trade. That is fair deal for owner.
Last edited Mar 26, 2009 18:04:30
Honestly, if a agent wants to be released and it doesn't affect playoff situations, I can't see why he wouldn't let you go. It's a shame he can't be more civil about this. He may need something from you some day.
Originally posted by legalbama
You signed the contract. It's not that owners fault you decided to retire him.

I agree with this.. Hell the only time I release someone is if they bitch about not getting all the playing time and/or place on the depth chart even when they were never promised a spot. I try trading first but if that don't work bye bye.. Don't need the headache.
Originally posted by wileyw61
Honestly, if a agent wants to be released and it doesn't affect playoff situations, I can't see why he wouldn't let you go. It's a shame he can't be more civil about this. He may need something from you some day.

But... Doesn't this guy have another year left on his contract?
What's up Tom? Didn't know you gm'ed a team in WE BBB 4. How do you think the Thunderheads are gonna do next season in Can. A6?

Anyways, I wasn't trying to be a pain with this. I was simply asking for the owner to let me retire this guy and forego the final year of the contract. At this level, I feel that if the build isn't headed in the right direction then it's best to ditch it and start again. No sense in wasting time with a build that isn't as good as it could be. Yes, we all know he has another year on the contract hence the whole reason this came up. If the contract was over at the end of the season then it wouldn't have been a problem because I told the owner I would gladly play out the rest of the season. I simply asked to be let go to retire him. Only reason I asked is because the team hasn't invest a whole lot of money in him for equipment and what not. A 150K to 200K trade for a guy that a team has only spent 32K in just seems like bulls*** to me. Forget the salary because he would've had to pay that anyways and he could be paying that to a better player next season instead of me.
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 07:54:21
Well there is all so the thing of being a good owner, even if i signed a 2 year contract the owner should let you go just cuz you asked for the contract to be redid.Any owner that would say no to me he could leave my guy on his roster and not give him 1 play a game cuz i would be upset for not being let go when the guy could vary easy replace that player at the end of the year.If he dont he would have a guy that dont want the player that is being forced to play so A that player would not have the rigth tactics or EQ or Any skill points being spent thru the next year.
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 08:36:39
Moral of the story is don't sign contracts that you don't know if you can fullfill.
Originally posted by Derek McFadden
Moral of the story is don't sign contracts that you don't know if you can fullfill.

most people sign with the intentions of fulfilling their contracts but sometimes the owners or gms don't keep their end of it..So should the player be forced to stay?
Originally posted by ancient1
Originally posted by Derek McFadden

Moral of the story is don't sign contracts that you don't know if you can fullfill.

most people sign with the intentions of fulfilling their contracts but sometimes the owners or gms don't keep their end of it..So should the player be forced to stay?

Look, I am on the same team as Bengaldan85. He has a player we like, we gave him a contract, WHY would we let him out??? I just don't understand if you sign a contract, WHY you can't stay and play it out! Don't come in here whining about why we won't release you, you signed the contract. Man up be a team player, play out the contract and leave.. I get you paid money for your player, we all did, but he payed money to own a team. You were told in the beginning this was a slow build team.. Deal with it, be a man, set tactics and play with the team.

The owner has lived up to his end of the contract, I know Brandon if he didn't, he would let you out. What has he denied you on?

Why whine about it...
Originally posted by BengalDan85
Originally posted by legalbama

You signed the contract. It's not that owners fault you decided to retire him.

Yes, we've established that but thank you for the post anyways.

Dan, explain this to me?

"Yes. we've established that but thank you for the post anyways."

We've established that you want to be released, but why have this big forum making both of you look stupid? You signed, play until it's over.
Originally posted by Golden1
Originally posted by BengalDan85

Originally posted by legalbama

You signed the contract. It's not that owners fault you decided to retire him.

Yes, we've established that but thank you for the post anyways.

Dan, explain this to me?

"Yes. we've established that but thank you for the post anyways."

We've established that you want to be released, but why have this big forum making both of you look stupid? You signed, play until it's over.

This was a question I posted. I have had this similar situation in the past with players on my own team and found it best to just let them go on if they wanted out. I asked Brandon nicely and he came back and said he definitely wouldn't entertain the idea of letting my player go at the end of the season.

I made this thread to see if the way I handle it on my team is the same way other people would handle it too. I also wanted to see the reaction of the people in this league as well. I told him I had no problem playing out this season and to be honest, if he would've responded in a different manner instead of saying he wouldn't even consider it, I probably would've been ok with his decision. I didn't like the fact that he was a bit of a smartass about it either.

As far as setting my player tactics, I have no problem doing that and I will do that for however long I'm on the team. I won't be one of those guys that will set his tactics wrong to try and prove some kind of point. That hurts everyone and in my eyes is pointless so that hasn't even entered my mind as an option. Of course, it is a little harder to set tactics accordingly when you have had the forum access denied!!! Go look in your forum and count how many times I have posted in there. I bet you can count them on one hand. I had no intentions of spamming the team forum and to be honest, until he blocked my team forum access, I had no intentions of posting anything about it. After he did that however, I wanted to see if other owners (not just myself) thought this whole situation could've been handled properly.

Overwhelmingly, the posts so far in this thread have confirmed what I thought. Usually, if a guy goes about it the right way, a sensible owner will respect his agent's request and cut ties. That leaves a good impression on the agent and who knows, a time may come where that agent has a player that the team would like to have. Do you honestly think the team has a prayer in hell of signing that player after being treated the way I have been treating throughout this totally ridiculous situation? I don't think so.

The question here is, and this requires common sense, what is the big problem in letting a guy retire a bad player. His build is not anywhere nearly as good as it should be so why not get rid of him, get his replacement in place and move on. Instead, the team wants to hold onto him and not get the chemistry hit out of the way now!

Is that enough explanation for you or would you like me to continue because I could go on and on about how to and how not to build a team. I've been through both and I'm lucky enough to have great agents on my team with good builds but I've also had the players that didn't want to be there and from experience, have found it better to let them move on and not be a dick about it when they go about asking the RIGHT way.

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