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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > HOLY CRAP!!!! F U Masterminds!!!
Season 3 builds v. season 1 builds is at least a new argument for me. Is there an advantage to having players built in seasons 3/4? Hell yeah. I wish I had taken the time to do some basic math back at the start of season 2 instead of waiting for two seasons. The fun thing about MM is that we're a group of guys who met in GLB world way back in the day - figured out how to build (not as soon as some) and have stuck with it long enough to begin to see the fruit of a small dash of intelligence and a bigger dash of loyalty.

I also know the crappy feeling of watching an up and coming team pass by a veteran team. I've seen a couple of early slow-builds make their way to APL and push their way equal to or past my own team. But that kind of stuff is just built into the fabric of the game. For me I take equal amounts of pleasure being part of an up and coming team as I do in owning an older team that has had to scrape and claw its way to being competitive. They're equally interesting and equally deserving of credit IMO.

I've also taken some pleasure in watching some up and coming teams that thought they were all hot disintegrate when they tasted their first bit of adversity. I can assure you that's not MM.
we all hate masterminds now You guys are officialy on our shit list lol. You guys and your fancy season 3 builds coming in here trying to pull ur upsets. We see what your trying to do and we dont like it
Last edited Mar 23, 2009 05:31:31
Originally posted by Btownjay
USB and the Bootleggerz will get this thread. PLEASE BEAT the "Masterminds"!!

And PACharger... Penn St AND Chargers fan? Really? you should be more than used to losing at this point. Penn St!!! LMAO!

Damn, Btownjay, you fight like a girl and whine like a Jersey whore.

Maybe instead of being a twit, you should suck it up and ask advice on how to build a player and a team.

The good thing about this is if you keep walking around with that grain of sand stuck in your girlie parts, you'll eventually end up with a pearl.
Originally posted by Btownjay
I have never hated a team like I do the Minneapolis Masterminds. I can't even believe what i've been reading. USB... I talked crap, but holy hell you guys are amazingly better than these douches.

PLEASE Bootleggerz.... beat those bastards. Unless we get the chance to do it again.

How can these retards NOT understand they have an advantage when they start their team later?

So wait, just so I have some sort of understanding here, you hate us because we started building our players later than you did, or because we setup a scrimmage with a team and ran the gameplan they asked us to, or because we are "trach talking" with everyone else in the league? Maybe all of the above? Not sure, but do us all a favor and let me know when you figure your shit out.
Originally posted by OldSailor88
Damn, Btownjay, you fight like a girl and whine like a Jersey whore.

Play some Springsteen next time....they settle right down....
Originally posted by Btownjay
USB and the Bootleggerz will get this thread. PLEASE BEAT the "Masterminds"!!

And PACharger... Penn St AND Chargers fan? Really? you should be more than used to losing at this point. Penn St!!! LMAO!

HEY HEY HEY NOW....that was uncalled for....LOL
Baby we were Born to Run................
Originally posted by NSab
Baby we were Born to Run................

Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by NSab

Baby we were Born to Run................


Timing is everything, excellent!
Originally posted by Horncolio
Originally posted by PACharger

Originally posted by NSab

Baby we were Born to Run................


Timing is everything, excellent!

Just havin a little fun.
Originally posted by byrongame21
Originally posted by Btownjay

I have never hated a team like I do the Minneapolis Masterminds. I can't even believe what i've been reading. USB... I talked crap, but holy hell you guys are amazingly better than these douches.

PLEASE Bootleggerz.... beat those bastards. Unless we get the chance to do it again.

How can these retards NOT understand they have an advantage when they start their team later?

So wait, just so I have some sort of understanding here, you hate us because we started building our players later than you did, or because we setup a scrimmage with a team and ran the gameplan they asked us to, or because we are "trach talking" with everyone else in the league? Maybe all of the above? Not sure, but do us all a favor and let me know when you figure your shit out.

oooooh, the ever elusive "trach talking". Please change your avatar, you're not worthy.
Originally posted by Kolpaz
Originally posted by byrongame21

Originally posted by Btownjay

I have never hated a team like I do the Minneapolis Masterminds. I can't even believe what i've been reading. USB... I talked crap, but holy hell you guys are amazingly better than these douches.

PLEASE Bootleggerz.... beat those bastards. Unless we get the chance to do it again.

How can these retards NOT understand they have an advantage when they start their team later?

So wait, just so I have some sort of understanding here, you hate us because we started building our players later than you did, or because we setup a scrimmage with a team and ran the gameplan they asked us to, or because we are "trach talking" with everyone else in the league? Maybe all of the above? Not sure, but do us all a favor and let me know when you figure your shit out.

oooooh, the ever elusive "trach talking". Please change your avatar, you're not worthy.

What the fuck are you talking about? Please explain to me what doesn't make me worthy of a god damn picture? You own a team in a USA A league and you think that makes you a big shot? You're embarrassing yourself by trying to intimidate me over the internet, so do us all a favor and go crawl back into your hole.
half decent "trach talking" there anthony henry fan, keep practicing, one day you'll get it right.

p.s. uh, where is the part that I attempt intimidation? are the voices talking to you again?
Originally posted by Kolpaz
half decent "trach talking" there anthony henry fan, keep practicing, one day you'll get it right.

p.s. uh, where is the part that I attempt intimidation? are the voices talking to you again?

I really don't get the Cowboys secondary rant you're going on here. And the intimidation is you trying to insult me in an attempt to have me change my avatar... not sure where that one is going either?
Originally posted by OldSailor88
Originally posted by Btownjay

USB and the Bootleggerz will get this thread. PLEASE BEAT the "Masterminds"!!

And PACharger... Penn St AND Chargers fan? Really? you should be more than used to losing at this point. Penn St!!! LMAO!

Damn, Btownjay, you fight like a girl and whine like a Jersey whore.

Maybe instead of being a twit, you should suck it up and ask advice on how to build a player and a team.

The good thing about this is if you keep walking around with that grain of sand stuck in your girlie parts, you'll eventually end up with a pearl.

who the F are you? Are you a part of this league? What the F is wrong with my builds?? Clearly we've had a lot of success.

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