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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > This is the year of the Maraudernad Masterminds!
Originally posted by eric95403
Originally posted by byrongame21

I'm hoping the Masterminds-Bootleggerz game can be used as an example in the forums as to how broken GLB currently is. The fact that all you need to do is run the ball up the gut the whole game and you are guaranteed victory is an absolute joke and needs to be addresed ASAP (along with a couple other HUGE bugs that come to mind, but this one is the most important). I'm not gonna call people out, but some of the "top teams" in GLB do that exact same thing MM just did... only they do it EVERY game! Maybe somebody will open up there god damn eyes and do something about this before GLB becomes one big joke.

Exactly. I've read many threads on this very subject, hadn't seen it until now. Masterminds held the ball for 47 minutes. Strong I for 3-6yds a pop all the way down field. Apparently there really isn't anything you can do against it. It does suck and I'm sure Bort will fix it somehow and totally screw something else up as a result. Besides a gentlemens handshake saying you won't do this BS to try and gain a victory, there's not much we can do about it. Some teams will just try and win at all costs, not saying you did that MM. Now we all know if you have the right back (key) and run the right'll get those necessary yards needed to continue your drive.

So if both teams use this strategy then I guess the team with the most posessions wins? What a boring game that one would be lol.
pretty much. I bet it could be stopped but you would probably be vulnerable somewhere else, also there is always the possiblity of turnovers.
Originally posted by dalpoas83
pretty much. I bet it could be stopped but you would probably be vulnerable somewhere else, also there is always the possiblity of turnovers.

There is this thread that started yesterday:

Consenus is it really can't be stopped if both teams are equal. Turnovers do happen and could help out. Anything is possible. Considering in this game, everyone copies each other...I won't be surprised if this doesn't become more serious. Teams need to win on their own merit, not using these tactics.
Originally posted by byrongame21
I'm hoping the Masterminds-Bootleggerz game can be used as an example in the forums as to how broken GLB currently is. The fact that all you need to do is run the ball up the gut the whole game and you are guaranteed victory is an absolute joke and needs to be addresed ASAP (along with a couple other HUGE bugs that come to mind, but this one is the most important). I'm not gonna call people out, but some of the "top teams" in GLB do that exact same thing MM just did... only they do it EVERY game! Maybe somebody will open up there god damn eyes and do something about this before GLB becomes one big joke.

I think its retarded. If you know its broken why do it? You act like your against it but do it anyways?lol what a joke. You wanted to win so you was all for it. Don't come on here saying how broken it is when you coulda spoke up on your message board before it happened.
Originally posted by Monoxide97
Originally posted by byrongame21

I'm hoping the Masterminds-Bootleggerz game can be used as an example in the forums as to how broken GLB currently is. The fact that all you need to do is run the ball up the gut the whole game and you are guaranteed victory is an absolute joke and needs to be addresed ASAP (along with a couple other HUGE bugs that come to mind, but this one is the most important). I'm not gonna call people out, but some of the "top teams" in GLB do that exact same thing MM just did... only they do it EVERY game! Maybe somebody will open up there god damn eyes and do something about this before GLB becomes one big joke.

I think its retarded. If you know its broken why do it? You act like your against it but do it anyways?lol what a joke. You wanted to win so you was all for it. Don't come on here saying how broken it is when you coulda spoke up on your message board before it happened.

Is it broken? Maybe. Should teams use it as an advantage? Yes...

What did Belicheck and the Patriots do the year they lost to the Giants? They had Moss, Welker, and Brady...they passed ALL DAY, frankly because they knew it couldnt be stopped.

Here in GLB, if you have a good Powerback you can run all day. And as has been pointed out a few times, its really not OVERpowered. 3.8 YPC? Thats horrible in all actuality. But 3.8 X 4 is more than the 10 yards needed. You can stop the runs, but you have to sell out to stop it. Then your opening your defense to get passed on.

Whats retarded is a bunch of 50+ players in A league if you want to know...50+ can't get promoted to AA? Jeez...
Originally posted by SSlayton10
Whats retarded is a bunch of 50+ players in A league if you want to know...50+ can't get promoted to AA? Jeez...

It's historically been a tough f'in league.

Originally posted by eric95403
Originally posted by SSlayton10

Whats retarded is a bunch of 50+ players in A league if you want to know...50+ can't get promoted to AA? Jeez...

It's historically been a tough f'in league.

Yes, it is a tough league...not taking anything away from the league at all. Just saying that Oklahoma greatly outlevels us all. Yes, a few teams have a few guys above 50. Almost all of Oklahoma's starting lineup is over 50. And you want to post a thread claiming your the best and you'll go undefeated? Fail imo
Originally posted by SSlayton10
Originally posted by eric95403

Originally posted by SSlayton10

Whats retarded is a bunch of 50+ players in A league if you want to know...50+ can't get promoted to AA? Jeez...

It's historically been a tough f'in league.

Yes, it is a tough league...not taking anything away from the league at all. Just saying that Oklahoma greatly outlevels us all. Yes, a few teams have a few guys above 50. Almost all of Oklahoma's starting lineup is over 50. And you want to post a thread claiming your the best and you'll go undefeated? Fail imo

weak sauce
Originally posted by SSlayton10
Originally posted by Monoxide97

Originally posted by byrongame21

I'm hoping the Masterminds-Bootleggerz game can be used as an example in the forums as to how broken GLB currently is. The fact that all you need to do is run the ball up the gut the whole game and you are guaranteed victory is an absolute joke and needs to be addresed ASAP (along with a couple other HUGE bugs that come to mind, but this one is the most important). I'm not gonna call people out, but some of the "top teams" in GLB do that exact same thing MM just did... only they do it EVERY game! Maybe somebody will open up there god damn eyes and do something about this before GLB becomes one big joke.

I think its retarded. If you know its broken why do it? You act like your against it but do it anyways?lol what a joke. You wanted to win so you was all for it. Don't come on here saying how broken it is when you coulda spoke up on your message board before it happened.

Is it broken? Maybe. Should teams use it as an advantage? Yes...

What did Belicheck and the Patriots do the year they lost to the Giants? They had Moss, Welker, and Brady...they passed ALL DAY, frankly because they knew it couldnt be stopped.

Here in GLB, if you have a good Powerback you can run all day. And as has been pointed out a few times, its really not OVERpowered. 3.8 YPC? Thats horrible in all actuality. But 3.8 X 4 is more than the 10 yards needed. You can stop the runs, but you have to sell out to stop it. Then your opening your defense to get passed on.

Whats retarded is a bunch of 50+ players in A league if you want to know...50+ can't get promoted to AA? Jeez...

= I just glitched and I don't care because I won.

Massive fail.
Originally posted by willie2604
Originally posted by SSlayton10

Originally posted by Monoxide97

Originally posted by byrongame21

I'm hoping the Masterminds-Bootleggerz game can be used as an example in the forums as to how broken GLB currently is. The fact that all you need to do is run the ball up the gut the whole game and you are guaranteed victory is an absolute joke and needs to be addresed ASAP (along with a couple other HUGE bugs that come to mind, but this one is the most important). I'm not gonna call people out, but some of the "top teams" in GLB do that exact same thing MM just did... only they do it EVERY game! Maybe somebody will open up there god damn eyes and do something about this before GLB becomes one big joke.

I think its retarded. If you know its broken why do it? You act like your against it but do it anyways?lol what a joke. You wanted to win so you was all for it. Don't come on here saying how broken it is when you coulda spoke up on your message board before it happened.

Is it broken? Maybe. Should teams use it as an advantage? Yes...

What did Belicheck and the Patriots do the year they lost to the Giants? They had Moss, Welker, and Brady...they passed ALL DAY, frankly because they knew it couldnt be stopped.

Here in GLB, if you have a good Powerback you can run all day. And as has been pointed out a few times, its really not OVERpowered. 3.8 YPC? Thats horrible in all actuality. But 3.8 X 4 is more than the 10 yards needed. You can stop the runs, but you have to sell out to stop it. Then your opening your defense to get passed on.

Whats retarded is a bunch of 50+ players in A league if you want to know...50+ can't get promoted to AA? Jeez...

= I just glitched and I don't care because I won.

Massive fail.

= I thought my team was the shit and it got beat by a bunch of level 40's

Originally posted by SSlayton10

= I thought my team was the shit and it got beat by a bunch of level 40's


Man, own up. Your team is full of glitchers. You couldn't hang so you decided to glitch the game instead of playing it the right way. I mean really, if you are gonna cheat the game WTF is the fun in it? It ruins it for everyone involved.

Stuff like what your team pulled is what ruins GLB for alot of other people. Others trying to play it the right way but then we have to encounter teams like yours who are more concerned with not getting beat than actually playing a game.

It's stupid for everyone involved. Even more stupid that you defend it. Own up and move on. Everyone can see what you did, it's just insanely stupid you are here to defend it.

And WTF is the point in mentioning our levels? Our owners and GM recruit their asses off to get the players they do. If we don't move up a level, how the heck are we to blame? That's just completely retarded on your part to bring up that issue. If your GM and owners recruited as well as ours, I'm sure you would have no problems finding players with the same level.
Last edited Mar 20, 2009 15:50:56
agreed. Recruiting great players isnt something that came easy I had to work my ass off to get them. Now I gotta listen to you whine about it after your team exploits the system. Is this some kind of a joke?
This thread was also started about it. It happened in another game I was involved in. Ran the same play all 4 downs the entire game.
What I think about this is that it's bullshit. Thats ok though.... I hope we see you in the playoffs so we can kick your asses the fair way of doing things around GLB.
So wait....

You are bashing him for playing the game the right way and being honest and recruiting his good team while you would much rather just glitch the game to death to be good?

Cool.... You're a fucking clown.

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