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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #1 > Please stop beating the Barcelona Cock N' Bulls
Originally posted by Javarius Blaze
Originally posted by PrizzLeTaSTiC

The team was demoted to BBB last season what were they suppose to be? 16-0? WE BBB1>EE BBB2 easily(Comparing last seasons WE BBB to this seasons EE BBB).

I may be off base with this response cause I thnk your speaking about Prime team. No one is knocking this BBB or the team really just prime flaunting it at us in our BBB like he is the heat or something. It was comical and we all jumped on it, his feelings were hurt and like wolves we poked more. It's whatever.

Did I respond right

Javarius, While it is true that our beloved li'l brother PRIME Evil came into your backyard and started picking on the EE #2 kids. I can't help but notice that your doing the same thing by coming here.

My Dad use to say, "if your gonna fight, do it in your own yard not the other kids yard, that way you will have the advantage." So if like you said you and other EE #2 teams gave PRIME the what for when he was in your forum then it sounds to me like the intrusion was handled.

So, to keep you from making the same mistake; Please read the following thread:

Because PRIME's BBB brother's are bigger and badder than yours. Have a nice day.
Last edited Feb 19, 2009 18:24:08
Originally posted by Javarius Blaze
Originally posted by merenoise

Originally posted by s00n3r_nAti0n

Apparently our beloved PRIME Evil is out running around the neighborhood stirring up trouble. Shouldn't of changed his avatar....

I'm sure it would have gone over better. The new one kinda grosses me out. tbh the kids in that crappy EE league over-reacted to PRIME's shenanigans. Especially this guy.

He can't form a coherent sentence but is quick to anger.

Yeah I got my feeling hurt by coming to our league flaunting his garbage team at us like we were supposed to run or something. Lol class act. If you think anyone is angry start with your Prime guy his feelings were hurt in 5 post. Wow speaks volumes of who is hurt.

Oh the grammar police is out in force like you never made an error, who cares. The world stops I made an error whoa!

I am far from the grammar police. I use webspeak all the time and my punctuation leaves much to be desired. Still my point gets across somehow. Reading your posts reminds me of the time I spent tutoring English to immigrants in NYC. Perhaps English isn't your first language, far from me to judge you on that. Your posts however lack any imagination and your teams are below average even in a crap league like EE BBB#2. I can name 15 teams from EE BBB last season that would have torn your team a new asshole. I GMed on a team in EE BBB#3 last season that wasn't even the best in its conference that would have beaten your team by 50 or more. Coming to BBB#1 to start talking smack is silly for the reasons Skvan pointed out, but also because you will end up having me watching your team now for any slip up so that I can come with the flaming. Thanks for the entertainment.

First of all.. THANK YOU so creating a thread about my team in this forum. I am honored. My team to have it's own thread in this forum is GREAT!

To all the regulars in THIS forum. I went into their thread backing my owner (I have a player in EE BBB) other wise I wouldn't choose to hang out with a bunch of little bitches. Like I said there, they all band together like a bunch of women at a tupperware party.

I do apologize to everyone in THIS forum for this drama coming here. I pride myself on keeping my team drama free and I stopped my early bullshit in this forum early last season because I really enjoy this league.

To Javarius Blaze : I believe s00n3r nAti0n said it best.....

Originally posted by s00n3r_nAti0n

So, to keep you from making the same mistake; Please read the following thread:

Because PRIME's BBB brother's are bigger and badder than yours. Have a nice day.

Originally posted by Javarius Blaze
Originally posted by joeymck


Sum it up for me, im lazy



Can anyone tell me how to respond to that?
Originally posted by Javarius Blaze
Originally posted by joeymck

No that whole thread, i get your point posted here but i honestly dont feel like reading that many pages for a gradeschool hair pulling contest.

Lol my bag bro. Summary, new team comes to our league opens mouth gets a razing (everyone gets and gives here look at my team) mangina got his cherry hurt and wants to challenge us cap teams with his team. Pull him back he needs to worry about reaching .500 with his team first.

My my, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

Eastern Europe BBB #2 (Alpha Conference)
Record: 7-9-0 (9th place)
Owned by Javarius Blaze
Originally posted by PRIME EVIL

First of all.. THANK YOU so creating a thread about my team in this forum. I am honored. My team to have it's own thread in this forum is GREAT!

To all the regulars in THIS forum. I went into their thread backing my owner (I have a player in EE BBB) other wise I wouldn't choose to hang out with a bunch of little bitches. Like I said there, they all band together like a bunch of women at a tupperware party.

I do apologize to everyone in THIS forum for this drama coming here. I pride myself on keeping my team drama free and I stopped my early bullshit in this forum early last season because I really enjoy this league.

To Javarius Blaze : I believe s00n3r nAti0n said it best.....

Originally posted by s00n3r_nAti0n

So, to keep you from making the same mistake; Please read the following thread:

Because PRIME's BBB brother's are bigger and badder than yours. Have a nice day.

Drama rules tbh.
wierd they win matchp against our team but our team is better then theres in overall there team looks btter then yours hell our team looks better then yours so i suggest u shut up and well get out
Originally posted by Jwalker
wierd they win matchp against our team but our team is better then theres in overall there team looks btter then yours hell our team looks better then yours so i suggest u shut up and well get out

I have no idea what you just said.
Originally posted by joeymck
Originally posted by Jwalker

wierd they win matchp against our team but our team is better then theres in overall there team looks btter then yours hell our team looks better then yours so i suggest u shut up and well get out

I have no idea what you just said.

Originally posted by Jwalker
wierd they win matchp against our team but our team is better then theres in overall there team looks btter then yours hell our team looks better then yours so i suggest u shut up and well get out

Originally posted by sultan81
Originally posted by Jwalker

wierd they win matchp against our team but our team is better then theres in overall there team looks btter then yours hell our team looks better then yours so i suggest u shut up and well get out


i cant read it either srry basically what i was saying was saying was c&b is better then the guys team who posted here thats all
LOL....I forgot about this thread Glad the Bulls are properly representing BBB1 this season. Amazing how much we turned things around from last season.

We have a huge game against the Hitmen to see who goes to the champioship game and we are just hoping to give them a run for their money. We are honored to have beat the Popes and be in the position we currently are.

Whether we win or lose at least we did win the WE BBB Tournament and made it as far as we have in the playoffs. I don't think anyone except us thought we could turn this team around like we did in a matter of 1 season
Last edited Apr 1, 2009 23:43:59
looks like it was instigated.

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