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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Congrats to the Pitbulls!
Originally posted by Six-Out
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by Six-Out

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by crowbar832001

Originally posted by Billsman

Yeah. I'll pm you about it. Congrats to the PB's they game planned better.

You didn't throw a game to try to stay in A did you Bill?

LOL No. I'm not going to take anything away from the Pitbulls, they deserved to win, we didn't.

Uh, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there boss. The team gameplanned good, and we played good. The pittbulls are a hell of a team, and learned from the last game.

Good luck in the next few rounds guys, rep for our side.

You dont think they deserved to win? I do. I'm not making any excuses for our loss.

No, not that. I disagree with saying we didn't deserve to win.

It's all good bro.
Originally posted by Six-Out
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by Six-Out

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by crowbar832001

Originally posted by Billsman

Yeah. I'll pm you about it. Congrats to the PB's they game planned better.

You didn't throw a game to try to stay in A did you Bill?

LOL No. I'm not going to take anything away from the Pitbulls, they deserved to win, we didn't.

Uh, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there boss. The team gameplanned good, and we played good. The pittbulls are a hell of a team, and learned from the last game.

Good luck in the next few rounds guys, rep for our side.

You dont think they deserved to win? I do. I'm not making any excuses for our loss.

No, not that. I disagree with saying we didn't deserve to win.

Your team dramatically outlevels the Pitbulls. If you deserved to win even a LITTLE BIT it would have been a slaughter. Deal with it, son. Your team is a bunch of chokers who don't know how to win the big one.
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Six-Out

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by Six-Out

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by crowbar832001

Just like the Rangers you GM? lmao!

Everyone take notice of VJ's personal team and ICR's GM:

Yet another season yet another early playoff exit.

We like to call them the One and Done team!
Record: 12-4-0 (5th place) bwahahaha

Originally posted by Billsman

Yeah. I'll pm you about it. Congrats to the PB's they game planned better.

You didn't throw a game to try to stay in A did you Bill?

LOL No. I'm not going to take anything away from the Pitbulls, they deserved to win, we didn't.

Uh, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there boss. The team gameplanned good, and we played good. The pittbulls are a hell of a team, and learned from the last game.

Good luck in the next few rounds guys, rep for our side.

You dont think they deserved to win? I do. I'm not making any excuses for our loss.

No, not that. I disagree with saying we didn't deserve to win.

Your team dramatically outlevels the Pitbulls. If you deserved to win even a LITTLE BIT it would have been a slaughter. Deal with it, son. Your team is a bunch of chokers who don't know how to win the big one.

Everyone take notice of VJ's personal team where ICR is a GM:

Yet another season yet another early playoff exit.

We like to call them the One and Done team!
Record: 12-4-0 (5th place) bwahahaha
Last edited Feb 7, 2009 06:01:27
ICR's and VJ's death kiss on teams they play on and GM's: Record: 12-4-0 (5th place) Record: 8-8-0 (8th place) Record: 5-11-0 (12th place) Record: 13-3-0 (4th place) Record: 11-5-0 (6th place)

WOW, never knew it was possible for one guy to suck so bad as a GM.
Originally posted by Billsman
ICR's and VJ's death kiss on teams they play on and GM's: Record: 12-4-0 (5th place) Record: 8-8-0 (8th place) Record: 5-11-0 (12th place) Record: 13-3-0 (4th place) Record: 11-5-0 (6th place)

WOW, never knew it was possible for one guy to suck so bad as a GM.

You forgot one: Record: 13-3-0 (4th Place)

And, oh yeah, one more: Record: know that one, don't ya Rick?
Last edited Feb 7, 2009 06:13:13
John, haven't seen you on the Range is that why you're trolling here? hahaha

Time to head to the PR&S forum and see what the gang is talking about today. Late!
Originally posted by Billsman
John, haven't seen you on the Range is that why you're trolling here? hahaha

Time to head to the PR&S forum and see what the gang is talking about today. Late!

I haven't been on your website because you banned me because you got sad about things I said on GLB.

You already knew this, of course. But it can't hurt to let everybody else know how much of a child you are, can it?
lmao So you're stuck with posting on a GLB forum, classic! Must be killing you. lol
I'm ok with it. Just think, maybe if you'd spent more time here your team wouldn't have suffered such a pathetic, embarassing defeat.
Originally posted by ICRockets

Your team dramatically outlevels the Pitbulls. If you deserved to win even a LITTLE BIT it would have been a slaughter. Deal with it, son. Your team is a bunch of chokers who don't know how to win the big one.

To be fair IC - You can't say that about the entire team - some guys, while not posting much, have shown class and decency. We shouldn't drag those guys down on the whole.

and while obviously trying to appear as the better man - Billsman has showed some balls still posting and not going into hiding after we stunned the league and beat them - so we need to give him credit for that. --he could have easily ran and hid after all the talk he made in our regular season game.

But yes - we did beat a team that outleved us pretty good - It is pretty satisfying, so live it up - I'm off to start prepping for the Warriors
Originally posted by ICRockets
I'm ok with it. Just think, maybe if you'd spent more time here your team wouldn't have suffered such a pathetic, embarassing defeat.

lmao is that the best you have? Weak!

Who's embarrassed? I'm here and still laughing at your attempts to get me upset. lol
Last edited Feb 7, 2009 07:33:45
Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by ICRockets

Your team dramatically outlevels the Pitbulls. If you deserved to win even a LITTLE BIT it would have been a slaughter. Deal with it, son. Your team is a bunch of chokers who don't know how to win the big one.

To be fair IC - You can't say that about the entire team - some guys, while not posting much, have shown class and decency. We shouldn't drag those guys down on the whole.

and while obviously trying to appear as the better man - Billsman has showed some balls still posting and not going into hiding after we stunned the league and beat them - so we need to give him credit for that. --he could have easily ran and hid after all the talk he made in our regular season game.

But yes - we did beat a team that outleved us pretty good - It is pretty satisfying, so live it up - I'm off to start prepping for the Warriors

No reason to hide, I'm pretty happy with what we've done in 3 seasons and I like what the future holds too. I had thoughts of wiping the slate and starting new to get us money for stadium upgrades but I wont have to do that now and we'll be able to afford the lvl 32 and 40 equipment finally.

As far as showing class and decency, your owner has shown some through all this, too bad it didn't rub off on some of his players and GM's more.

Good luck vs the Warriors, they look pretty solid right now.
Lil DB
Originally posted by bashemgud
Holy crap, you lost?

Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by ICRockets

Your team dramatically outlevels the Pitbulls. If you deserved to win even a LITTLE BIT it would have been a slaughter. Deal with it, son. Your team is a bunch of chokers who don't know how to win the big one.

To be fair IC - You can't say that about the entire team - some guys, while not posting much, have shown class and decency. We shouldn't drag those guys down on the whole.

and while obviously trying to appear as the better man - Billsman has showed some balls still posting and not going into hiding after we stunned the league and beat them - so we need to give him credit for that. --he could have easily ran and hid after all the talk he made in our regular season game.

But yes - we did beat a team that outleved us pretty good - It is pretty satisfying, so live it up - I'm off to start prepping for the Warriors

No reason to hide, I'm pretty happy with what we've done in 3 seasons and I like what the future holds too. I had thoughts of wiping the slate and starting new to get us money for stadium upgrades but I wont have to do that now and we'll be able to afford the lvl 32 and 40 equipment finally.

As far as showing class and decency, your owner has shown some through all this, too bad it didn't rub off on some of his players and GM's more.

Good luck vs the Warriors, they look pretty solid right now.


"I was gonna gut the team if we got in a more competitive league where we can't win, but now that I can stroke my ego with a 16-0 season I'm more than happy to not screw everybody over."

lmao .... Weak.

Must be lonely with only GLB foums to troll. hahaha

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