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Originally posted by VickIsAmazing
Either way, at least BBB #16 will be representing the East side. I will be rooting for Chanhassen to win their match up as well so it will be another #16 vs. #16 match up.

I guess being in that league made us work that much harder and it is paying off
Good game Dutch, good luck with the rest of the playoffs.
Originally posted by Adidas
Originally posted by VickIsAmazing

Either way, at least BBB #16 will be representing the East side. I will be rooting for Chanhassen to win their match up as well so it will be another #16 vs. #16 match up.

I guess being in that league made us work that much harder and it is paying off

Representing the bastard step-child of BBB #16, the western conference, I feel it is my duty and obligation to inform you that Chanhassen will most likely continue their playoff ineptitude and lose. We've never beaten a higher seed in 6 seasons, and we've been beaten by a lower seed 2 or 3 times.
Last edited Feb 7, 2009 07:04:41
Originally posted by secondeye
Representing the bastard step-child of BBB #16, the western conference, I feel it is my duty and obligation to inform you that Chanhassen will most likely continue their playoff ineptitude and lose. We've never beaten a higher seed in 6 seasons, and we've been beaten by a lower seed 2 or 3 times.

That's the spirit!! I like where you're mind is at...
Originally posted by secondeye
Originally posted by Adidas

Originally posted by VickIsAmazing

Either way, at least BBB #16 will be representing the East side. I will be rooting for Chanhassen to win their match up as well so it will be another #16 vs. #16 match up.

I guess being in that league made us work that much harder and it is paying off

Representing the bastard step-child of BBB #16, the western conference, I feel it is my duty and obligation to inform you that Chanhassen will most likely continue their playoff ineptitude and lose. We've never beaten a higher seed in 6 seasons, and we've been beaten by a lower seed 2 or 3 times.

Happiness through pessimism. See my message is reaching the masses.


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