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Originally posted by delain3
I think that he is saying that they are going to win this next game against us and then they'll be promoted for sure. It is very possible. For some reason we have had a little bit of trouble in the playoffs. Last year on the final game of the regular season we take Olympus to 44-41 and then first game of the playoffs we lose to Frankfurt. I don't know exactly how to explain it but I am not feeling comfortable at all right now!!!

Well unless a pull off two huge upsets, I will see one of you next season.
Originally posted by delain3
I think that he is saying that they are going to win this next game against us and then they'll be promoted for sure. It is very possible. For some reason we have had a little bit of trouble in the playoffs. Last year on the final game of the regular season we take Olympus to 44-41 and then first game of the playoffs we lose to Frankfurt. I don't know exactly how to explain it but I am not feeling comfortable at all right now!!! I wasn't saying we were gonna beat you. Just figuring win or lose we are gonna get promoted.

There are a few CPU teams in the leagues above us, and I'm sure more will be selling their teams once the season ends.
Last edited Feb 4, 2009 10:30:37
Also, that is not taking in account to teams taht are being sold. isee maybe 3 teams from zeta and 3 from alpha being promoted.
Hmmmmm you have 5 CPU teams, 2 more teams with really bad records for at least 7 teams that need to be moved down.
Last edited Feb 4, 2009 18:25:22
plus teams hich are not reupting inanyleague, 6 teams are going up.
Originally posted by zarro
plus teams hich are not reupting inanyleague, 6 teams are going up.

But isn't shared between (2) BBB leagues? I don't have the league bracket in front of me but I believe BBB#1 and BBB#2 move to the same league above right? So if 2 teams from each conference from each league are brought up that makes 8. I will update this on day 1 of season 9 of course....

Originally posted by riptide1977
Originally posted by zarro

plus teams hich are not reupting inanyleague, 6 teams are going up.

But isn't shared between (2) BBB leagues? I don't have the league bracket in front of me but I believe BBB#1 and BBB#2 move to the same league above right? So if 2 teams from each conference from each league are brought up that makes 8. I will update this on day 1 of season 9 of course....

This is correct, it will most likely be 3-4 teams from BBB1 and BBB2 each
I know, but last yaer it was a bit more and I'm hoping for teh hooligans best chance
Originally posted by zarro
I know, but last yaer it was a bit more and I'm hoping for teh hooligans best chance

eh, I personally would rather not get promoted and have a shot at winning it all, you didn't even make the playoffs here so you would have no chance in A
Don't get me wrong, if i were to stay in BBB for another season I would likely have all of my second level constructed with the 3rd level started. i would much rather get promoted with another shot at getting home field advantage through out the playoffs.
Yeah riptide you did a really nice job getting the whole lower bowl done last season!!! We came up just one corner short which is a shame becuase that is only 1 million. We were actually only a little bit short of that. I tried to trade a couple of guys that wanted gone but nobody wanted them in time to get us the money. It was frustrating because this season we have already paid for our entire 2nd level except the one corner that we couldn't get!!! But hey, it'll be fun next season either way.
Originally posted by OchO_CinCo
Originally posted by zarro

I know, but last yaer it was a bit more and I'm hoping for teh hooligans best chance

eh, I personally would rather not get promoted and have a shot at winning it all, you didn't even make the playoffs here so you would have no chance in A

I know, what i'm trying to say is that if the top teamz in zet aget promoted, my team would probably be able to make teh playoffs in BBB2

So is it true then that likely all 4 teams that remain in will be promoted?
Originally posted by delain3
So is it true then that likely all 4 teams that remain in will be promoted?

you mean in just zeta or bbb2? if just zeta, most likely not. if both conferences, yes
There are 8 teams total in BBB #1 and #2. Will all 8 be promoted? If it is just 6, which 2 stay here? Last year they took a ton from BBB. They took teams that lost in the last round!!

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