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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Western Conference MVP's
Originally posted by iMan
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

Must you always complain?

im not complaing, im suggesting
if you guys dont want to take in regards opposition, then do that.

without regarding opposition, some would say Mastur Debator is a better DE than Big stanley. stanley has been the more consistent and solid DE

Stanley has also played both DE spots as well as starter and back up and he still does well. We rotate all 4 of our DE's depending on the opposition.
Originally posted by crowbar832001

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).

We were at 40 chem... But, all right; no excuses...

Originally posted by crowbar832001
I am not trying to be a dick but if anybody wants to battle this from the east I am willing to schedule scrims to back up my words.

Friendly offer sent...
Whats the opening line? I may want to get on some of this action.
Same here.
Originally posted by Garry
Originally posted by crowbar832001

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).

We were at 40 chem... But, all right; no excuses...

Originally posted by crowbar832001

I am not trying to be a dick but if anybody wants to battle this from the east I am willing to schedule scrims to back up my words.

Friendly offer sent...

accepted. It should be a good game. Our Chem was around 60 for that first game.
Taking nothing away from Chris Cappello's numbers but Caloran Sassa put up better numbers than Chris and Caloran is our #2 HB. He put those numbers up while getting under 14 carries per game. That is crazy.
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by iMan

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

Must you always complain?

im not complaing, im suggesting
if you guys dont want to take in regards opposition, then do that.

without regarding opposition, some would say Mastur Debator is a better DE than Big stanley. stanley has been the more consistent and solid DE

Stanley has also played both DE spots as well as starter and back up and he still does well. We rotate all 4 of our DE's depending on the opposition.

Master Debatur is my DE and idk who is better between him and stanly. I know who played better over the course of the season and that is Stanley. It took me a while to get our defense right and our d-line stats suffered.

Stanley has been a consistent performer and i think there is something to be said about that.
Originally posted by Unforgivable395
Taking nothing away from Chris Cappello's numbers but Caloran Sassa put up better numbers than Chris and Caloran is our #2 HB. He put those numbers up while getting under 14 carries per game. That is crazy.

TOTAL touches Receiving and rushing Yards and TD's

Cappello-- 325 Touches 3,776 Yards 79 TD's

Sassa ----- 324 Touches 3,842 Yards 70 Td's

Better Numbers??? What's your definition of better numbers?? Sassa has 66 more Yards and 9 less TD's

In 20 minutes Cappello will lead in every category after we play Alberta.. Sassa = Good RB but not better numbers..

P.S.Against Nuva he barely played..

Last edited Feb 2, 2009 18:43:24
Updated #'s

Cappello---- 354 Touches 4,454 Yards 97 TD's

Sassa-------- 354 Touches 4,383 Yards 80 TD's

As you can see Equal touches and Cappello has better stats PERIOD!!


i'll agree that cappello has put out slightly better stats, but just keep in mind that sassa is 7 levels below him and is the backup to lil' wyte
Originally posted by liric
i'll agree that cappello has put out slightly better stats, but just keep in mind that sassa is 7 levels below him and is the backup to lil' wyte

They had the EXACT same amount of touches does it matter if he is 2nd string??

Nuva is made to run and probably has a better OL. Cappello finishes .that's what really matters.

All I'm going to say is that Chris Cappello put up those stats on an offense that mainly passes.

Do you have a WR that did this....

Catches 118
Yards 2,375
TD's 39

Or a QB who did this.....

Completions 487
Attempts 683
Yards 7,130.5
Touchdowns 86
Ints 7

Now both teams have very potent offenses and players that did very well this year. To try to peg the best player is tough. I actually pulled back Chris Cappello's touches in our last two games to spread the ball around, and he was actually 2nd string with limited carries for a few games this season to get some other guys some touches. Not making any excuses, but his numbers could have been even better.
hey Sassa is backup. No way around it. If he was the only back his numbers would be WAAAAYYY more than Chris's. But i guess that is the same non tangible argument u keep making with the whole "chirs didnt play against the knights: thing. the fact is he didnt and when he did he didnt do shit. I can tell u right now lil wyte is our goal line back so the fact that he got 80 TDs as our #2 back is fucking incredible. No ifs ands or buts about it Sassa is the MVP.

Also i would like to point out that Chris literally got over 1/3 of his rushing yards and about 25% of his TDs against the 2 worst/ gutted teams in the WC. Something like 1200 yards 19 TDs in those 2 games. No doubt about it the real MVP is Sassa
point #2

against the warriors

Sassa had 19 carries 135.5 yards 7.1 avg 2TD 1

while his opponent had 20 yards. Back up or not his AI was clearly set to not include a running game. They are the ones who decided to pass, pass, pass because they got out to the early lead and they still passed like crazy. Chris got 90% of the touches where Sassa got maybe 45%. Sassa is the reason the knights had the record they did while the Warriors could easily do with out a run game against shitty teams. MYP is most valuable not "best numbers against worst 2 opponents last 2 games of the season,:

Hell the Warriors had a WR who was pretty fucking good how about they advertise him for mvp.....
Originally posted by Unforgivable395
Hell the Warriors had a WR who was pretty fucking good how about they advertise him for mvp.....

I agree with this statement. Waterboy was by far head and shoulders the best player I seen this season. Cap could not hold Waterboys jock. Waterboy was the team MVP and IMHO the league MVP. I would rather face Cap every game all season than have to face Waterboy once more.

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