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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Press Release - Alberta Irukandji
Originally posted by yendorii
Why is it that if people can't win they must quit. I just dont get it.

I feel like I have to defend my team. Lehi has owned Alberta since season 3. We have been in A 5 from the very beginning. We had 1 win our first season then 6 then 10 then 12 and now we have this season where we only have 4 wins. It isn't that Lehi quit. After owning the team for several seasons you don't expect to come off a season like we had and perform like we are now. He felt it was in the best interest of the team to start over. At some point you have to see how you can correct problems. He'll be a better owner for doing this.
And he's not quitting, the team isn't going CPU. He's just starting over again
I'm just sorry to see yet another uncompetitive team. 2 is already too many imo. I think that although Alberta's season has certainly been disappointing that doesnt mean that its time to pack it in and stop trying.

Of course it isnt my team, thats just how I see it.
Originally posted by quzur
Originally posted by yendorii

Why is it that if people can't win they must quit. I just dont get it.

I feel like I have to defend my team. Lehi has owned Alberta since season 3. We have been in A 5 from the very beginning. We had 1 win our first season then 6 then 10 then 12 and now we have this season where we only have 4 wins. It isn't that Lehi quit. After owning the team for several seasons you don't expect to come off a season like we had and perform like we are now. He felt it was in the best interest of the team to start over. At some point you have to see how you can correct problems. He'll be a better owner for doing this.

Sometimes the best way to get a job done is to wipe the slate clean and start over. I hope that Alberta finds a better path has the absolute best of luck. You have to understand Yen that starting over with level 1's replaces many agents and forms a cohesive bond within the team which will equal better results down the line.
Stay Classy Alberta.

Originally posted by SenorChicken
Originally posted by quzur

Originally posted by yendorii

Why is it that if people can't win they must quit. I just dont get it.

I feel like I have to defend my team. Lehi has owned Alberta since season 3. We have been in A 5 from the very beginning. We had 1 win our first season then 6 then 10 then 12 and now we have this season where we only have 4 wins. It isn't that Lehi quit. After owning the team for several seasons you don't expect to come off a season like we had and perform like we are now. He felt it was in the best interest of the team to start over. At some point you have to see how you can correct problems. He'll be a better owner for doing this.

Sometimes the best way to get a job done is to wipe the slate clean and start over. I hope that Alberta finds a better path has the absolute best of luck. You have to understand Yen that starting over with level 1's replaces many agents and forms a cohesive bond within the team which will equal better results down the line.
Stay Classy Alberta.


I agree with this and have thought about doing it myself. Instead I chose to replace guys who arent active and dont participate, 1 at a time. If say, in 2-3 seasons we are still strugling I will also rebuild. I couldnt bring myself to do it now because Ive gotten attached to a few of the agents I have, and also Im not very patient, and Id have to wait 2-3 seasons to be competitive again......Good luck alberta you guys were a class act.
I hate to see this. I blame Bort for trying to bring realism into this game. Extraordinary teams that don't quite fit into his mold have been forced to struggle this season while good and bland dominates. .Alberta didn't fit the mold and you can see where Bort's changes took effect by looking at Alberta's wins and losses.
Scotty Boras
Originally posted by oldbaldone
I hate to see this. I blame Bort for trying to bring realism into this game. Extraordinary teams that don't quite fit into his mold have been forced to struggle this season while good and bland dominates. .Alberta didn't fit the mold and you can see where Bort's changes took effect by looking at Alberta's wins and losses.

That's been my problem.
It takes a while to build a team that fits Bort's system.
Then, once you've built the player perfectly, or created the perfect tactics, BAM it all changes, and you're sitting there trying to figure out to re-invent it again.

We've been successful thus far in Black River, so I shouldn't complain, but it's really tough to grow a team without major changes every season.

Good luck to you guys.
Hopefully we'll run into you again within a few seasons.

For what it's worth, you should do what we're doing though.
Keep the regular team together, and bring the low levels along on the same roster.
If you look at Black River's roster, you'll see that we have about 40 Level 2-3 players. They'll be the Season 9 version of the Rats.
Scotty Boras
Welcome aboard Shifty Sam!
Thanks cant wait to help you win some games.

Bloody Shadow/LB is still availible if anyone wants him as a renter till the end of the year. Min cash is fine.
Originally posted by Lehi
Thanks cant wait to help you win some games.

Bloody Shadow/LB is still availible if anyone wants him as a renter till the end of the year. Min cash is fine.

Damn, had I known that I would have put him in the package with the trade for your FS. Ah well...
It may be me but I think GLB is at a very important stage in it's development. I'm a marketing guy and there is a critical point with all products where, if they begin to lose traction prior to the game being fully implemented, it makes it doubley if not 3x as difficult to bring new clients in. This is because a product like GLB will have 1/3 of it's lifelong players join up immediately and if the product is stable they will stay. Generally a product is kept in beta and the game is built to a point where the only changes taking places are upgrades. Mechanics issues such as relegation should have been discussed long before it went open beta. That's just my 2c, I may be way off base. Some games, like everquest, experienced massive bugs but were able to overcome it. Although, come to think of it, they had a VERY small beta so those that signed up upon release were hooked just by the fact it was the first of it's kind (outside of UO).

At any rate, most of the people I play with are giving it one more season, if the wholesale changes and nerfing of builds continue, we plan to quit buying into it (flex) and will more than likely leave entirely.

Originally posted by Oscarr
It may be me but I think GLB is at a very important stage in it's development. I'm a marketing guy and there is a critical point with all products where, if they begin to lose traction prior to the game being fully implemented, it makes it doubley if not 3x as difficult to bring new clients in. This is because a product like GLB will have 1/3 of it's lifelong players join up immediately and if the product is stable they will stay. Generally a product is kept in beta and the game is built to a point where the only changes taking places are upgrades. Mechanics issues such as relegation should have been discussed long before it went open beta. That's just my 2c, I may be way off base. Some games, like everquest, experienced massive bugs but were able to overcome it. Although, come to think of it, they had a VERY small beta so those that signed up upon release were hooked just by the fact it was the first of it's kind (outside of UO).

At any rate, most of the people I play with are giving it one more season, if the wholesale changes and nerfing of builds continue, we plan to quit buying into it (flex) and will more than likely leave entirely.

I am right there behind you, and I think a lot of the high paying customers are too. Bort continues to ignore EVERY suggestion or bug thread, or basically any thread that says the way he is going about building GLB is going to kill it.

He keeps it in BETA but gives no re-roll abilities...makes it so once you are level 30+ you HAVE to buy FPs just to stay competitive but yet you have to deal with all these changes(again without re-roll abilities). Basically forcing you to pay him promising he needs it for the servers and upgrades yet continues to give into the bigger group of whiners changing a good chuck of the game over night, until the other side starts yelling louder and then reverses it. However instead of just nerfing it a tad he goes way overboard and the cycle starts all over again.

Yeah I'm getting to the point too where I might just stop paying for it and just let me dudes naturally level as well...

This is my 5th season here, and come on, how long does a beta last really? lol

Getting a little tired of him messing stuff up everytime there's an we adjust the gameplanning, only for it to get fucked over again..(much like someone above said) I think for me, the biggest thing is the build first this game was designed to where you had to have stamina and the people with the most stamina got the most EXP because they got the most plays...then he did something to that to even it out a bit and I basically wasted too many points on my first player's build in stamina which could have gone to a main I'm having to "pay" to fix it because he's almost level 40 now and isn't getting enough XP to level naturally...

Plus even though it gives me something to do when I'm at work and bored, and I have met a lot of nice people...I'd almost prefer not to have to deal with the headaches anymore...and just play real games when I'm home and not working or taking care of the family.

Last edited Jan 23, 2009 13:41:15
Originally posted by DravenBlade
Yeah I'm getting to the point too where I might just stop paying for it and just let me dudes naturally level as well...

This is my 5th season here, and come on, how long does a beta last really? lol

Getting a little tired of him messing stuff up everytime there's an we adjust the gameplanning, only for it to get fucked over again..(much like someone above said) I think for me, the biggest thing is the build first this game was designed to where you had to have stamina and the people with the most stamina got the most EXP because they got the most plays...then he did something to that to even it out a bit and I basically wasted too many points on my first player's build in stamina which could have gone to a main I'm having to "pay" to fix it because he's almost level 40 now and isn't getting enough XP to level naturally...

Plus even though it gives me something to do when I'm at work and bored, and I have met a lot of nice people...I'd almost prefer not to have to deal with the headaches anymore...and just play real games when I'm home and not working or taking care of the family.

Yay for WoW or L4D or DoD with Zadith instead of game planning! lol
Originally posted by Zadith

Yay for WoW or L4D or DoD:S with Zadith instead of game planning! lol


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