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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Mid Season Coaching Rankings ** East & West **
Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

well then look at it as an opportunity for some unsung teams to get love for a little bit

If you need attention that badly....

isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

This thread was intended to show how some teams are coaching above & below their levels.
Unfortunatly teams like the Demons haven't been tested to that point, and when they did they won 1 time & lost 1 time - thus putting them lower on the list.

While a team like the Northern lights, BBB, and Motchon (just to name a few) - who are rated 48 overall have been credited by their good coaching in games that matter.

Sorry to have offended the teams who get all the attention

You sound like a whining bitch.
Last edited Jan 20, 2009 21:26:15
Originally posted by aridhol
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

well then look at it as an opportunity for some unsung teams to get love for a little bit

If you need attention that badly....

LOL What BRG said, with the sheer number of times you post and how little is in them...if your team isnt considered a god amongst men in any post you get all upset...most people dont care if they are ranked lower than they think they should be, its not like getting slighted on these forums is cause to "proof others wrong" like you make it out to be.

What BRG posted is all factual information, sure it doesnt account for many variables...but who really freakin cares. Its not like anything is done based off of this info, the only thing that could matter is if you were worried that we all wouldnt think that you and your team were as good anymore. But like i stated, we dont care.

Yes, I like seeing how my team, BBB, has done quite well so far against higher rated teams. However, I do know that we have yet to play most of the tougher teams and may deserve to be lower. But this post wasnt about that, it was about the pure stats he put together.

No one cares what you think, go away.
I think you mean that you don't care what he thinks. Big difference.
Originally posted by jaymitch84
I think you mean that you don't care what he thinks. Big difference.

Come to protect your boyfriend?
Originally posted by Billsman
He wouldnt stop until he found ONE stat where his team was close to the top. lol

Yeah, gotta make up for being so far from the top of the standings.

Oh wait...

Last edited Jan 20, 2009 23:27:58
Victory Jones
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

You sound like a whining bitch.

Billsman = irony
Last edited Jan 20, 2009 23:36:50
Ahh the *boys are here, how nice. I can see BRG crying about it on your forums now.. Waaa..Billsman is attacking me please help me.. Too funny.

Which one will be next to make their FIRST appearance here 1/2 way through the season? Jaymitch, Victory has come to the rescue, who's next? lmao!
Last edited Jan 21, 2009 07:35:58
Originally posted by Victory Jones
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

You sound like a whining bitch.

Billsman = irony

Stay tough behind the pc screen.
Originally posted by Billsman
Ahh the *boys are here, how nice. I can see BRG crying about it on your forums now.. Waaa..Billsman is attacking me please help me.. Too funny.

Which one will be next to make their FIRST appearance here 1/2 way through the season? Jaymitch, Victory has come to the rescue, who's next? lmao!

No if you must know this is what I said:
Originally posted by BRG
Rick's on the Rag:

Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by Billsman

Ahh the *boys are here, how nice. I can see BRG crying about it on your forums now.. Waaa..Billsman is attacking me please help me.. Too funny.

Which one will be next to make their FIRST appearance here 1/2 way through the season? Jaymitch, Victory has come to the rescue, who's next? lmao!

No if you must know this is what I said:
Originally posted by BRG

Rick's on the Rag:

Why bring back up when it was between you and me? I didn't go run and ask for help, I fight my own battles.

Also remember that many of us have been here for 2 seasons or more and go back to BBB playing days so although you may not get our jokes at one another many of us do. If you want to police a forum try your own?

Good night now.
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by Billsman

Ahh the *boys are here, how nice. I can see BRG crying about it on your forums now.. Waaa..Billsman is attacking me please help me.. Too funny.

Which one will be next to make their FIRST appearance here 1/2 way through the season? Jaymitch, Victory has come to the rescue, who's next? lmao!

No if you must know this is what I said:
Originally posted by BRG

Rick's on the Rag:

Why bring back up when it was between you and me? I didn't go run and ask for help, I fight my own battles.

Also remember that many of us have been here for 2 seasons or more and go back to BBB playing days so although you may not get our jokes at one another many of us do. If you want to police a forum try your own?

Good night now.

Billsman may be a prick of a human being, not being able to see (or not caring) about the hypocisy in what he says; but he did mention at the beginning of the season something along the lines of how he had a whole new crowd to piss off this season. So to that end, he definitely delivered on his promise, congratulations on being the asshole you knew you could be! Now let me brace for the witty retort that is surely coming my way, although it probably wont be much more than a sentence or sentence fragment per the usual style.
Originally posted by Djevik
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by Billsman

Ahh the *boys are here, how nice. I can see BRG crying about it on your forums now.. Waaa..Billsman is attacking me please help me.. Too funny.

Which one will be next to make their FIRST appearance here 1/2 way through the season? Jaymitch, Victory has come to the rescue, who's next? lmao!

No if you must know this is what I said:
Originally posted by BRG

Rick's on the Rag:

Why bring back up when it was between you and me? I didn't go run and ask for help, I fight my own battles.

Also remember that many of us have been here for 2 seasons or more and go back to BBB playing days so although you may not get our jokes at one another many of us do. If you want to police a forum try your own?

Good night now.

Billsman may be a prick of a human being, not being able to see (or not caring) about the hypocisy in what he says; but he did mention at the beginning of the season something along the lines of how he had a whole new crowd to piss off this season. So to that end, he definitely delivered on his promise, congratulations on being the asshole you knew you could be! Now let me brace for the witty retort that is surely coming my way, although it probably wont be much more than a sentence or sentence fragment per the usual style.

Yawn. But you do care so you lie.
Last edited Jan 21, 2009 10:50:25
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by Victory Jones

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

You sound like a whining bitch.

Billsman = irony

Stay tough behind the pc screen.

WOW, once again, the irony. You will say so, but theres no way you would be such a blatant ass in person as you are on here. You would get your shit kicked so fast.
Originally posted by aridhol
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by Victory Jones

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

You sound like a whining bitch.

Billsman = irony

Stay tough behind the pc screen.

WOW, once again, the irony. You will say so, but theres no way you would be such a blatant ass in person as you are on here. You would get your shit kicked so fast.

Mon and Dad know you're on their PC again?
Victory Jones
Originally posted by Billsman
Ahh the *boys are here, how nice. I can see BRG crying about it on your forums now.. Waaa..Billsman is attacking me please help me.. Too funny.

Which one will be next to make their FIRST appearance here 1/2 way through the season? Jaymitch, Victory has come to the rescue, who's next? lmao!


go drink some more Jaegermiester.

Last edited Jan 21, 2009 11:59:37

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