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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 8 power rankings 1/18
Originally posted by jaymitch84
Originally posted by BIG C

Nuva = Yawn

So I take it you just got really bored while playing them, and they lulled you into a loss?

Pretty much. My starting RB was on the bench and returning kicks. I guarantee if we played them again it would be a different story. You might try checking out the game instead of checking the box score before you post.
We didn't even game plan for them and like Cap said Cappello was on the bench and certain CB's were in the starting rotation that normally aren't.. If we played Nuva tomorrow we win by 3 TD's.
Originally posted by BIG C
We didn't even game plan for them and like Cap said Cappello was on the bench and certain CB's were in the starting rotation that normally aren't.. If we played Nuva tomorrow we win by 3 TD's.

First off if I was a Warrior player and read this I would leave the team at the end of the season. If you are not game planning for every game you are wasting my time and my players time. Every time a team loses the losing team is says "We didn't game plan". I hate this excuse. Same excuse happens in the preseason. That is why so many teams are behind the 8 ball because they don't prepare for the next opponent. Why can't you just be a man and admit that the Knights were the better team?

I know the Knights would not be the popular choice because of the 2 losses, but bottom line is the GMs are some of the best in the conference now along with the Northern Lights. The Knights lost 2 early, made adjustments and are on a roll. You guys have won some big games since and like said this is just my opinion. Talking to Billsman it seems he is happy about the loss and is taking it like I took it last season. Last season my team had won 11 of our first 12 games and was on cruise control thinking we couldn't lose again, but the Northern Lights took us out followed by the Redbirds in the next game. It opened our eyes and we made the adjustments needed to make a deep playoff run.

Either that are CW looking into find GMs that will do their job or lose to the Knights again.
My GM's are just fine. We got caught with our pants down and it taught us a lesson. To say that they are better than us is an overstatement, but they did beat us when they got the chance. They also exposed a few plays we were using on D. I have to give them credit that they took advantage of us.

We didn't gameplan for that game, but that isn't the excuse I'm using. We messed with the depth chart for the game before to get our lower level guys some playing time and try out new players that we had just acquired. We just forgot to switch it back and got burned. Chris Cappello only got 5 touches that game and it killed us. Think of San Diego without a healthy LT. They are just descent without him at full strength, but deadly with him healthy in the line-up.

That being said, if they are as good as everybody thinks, we should get another shot at them in the playoffs. They can either shut us up, or we can take it to them like I know we can.
That's fine CW and I think it is close between you guys, the Demons, and the Knights like I had it at the beginning of the season. I just don't like it when a GM comes on and dismisses a team because he says he didn't game for them. Man up and say that they were the better team that day it was my fault and we will get them come playoff time.

No hatred are disrespect to your team.
I know. Big C is a great guy and a great GM. We all get a little crazy when these polls come out. Keep up the good work. Out of all the teams that I'm involved with, this is the first forum I check for the polls. I really appreciate the time and effort and no love lost on this side either.
no problem. I have no problem debating the rankings backed up with facts. In fact I really enjoy it, but Nuva=yawn. Isn't exactly a debate.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
First off if I was a Warrior player and read this I would leave the team at the end of the season.

If If If, If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.. There isn't a team or GM on here that hasn't gotten a little complacent. We did and it won't happen again.. Honestly, i think you are still pissed because we beat you by 50, Oh sorry my bad make that 55.

Originally posted by BIG C
Originally posted by crowbar832001

First off if I was a Warrior player and read this I would leave the team at the end of the season.

If If If, If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.. There isn't a team or GM on here that hasn't gotten a little complacent. We did and it won't happen again.. Honestly, i think you are still pissed because we beat you by 50, Oh sorry my bad make that 55.

I had you guys as the higher team. I expected that we would lose since you guys had us out leveled by a lot. Of course of kept it close in the first half and out played you guys in the first half until depth took over.

Why an I arguing with you what are you like 12? I got rid of a GM earlier in the season for the betterment of the team. I would advise CW to do the same with your TO like complex.
Crowbar. I'm dying for the new power rankings. Stop spending time messing with BIG C. I think I've checked the forum like 30 times today looking for it.
Originally posted by jaymitch84
Originally posted by BIG C

Nuva = Yawn

So I take it you just got really bored while playing them, and they lulled you into a loss?

lol the funny thing is we played them before i had someone fix my faulty AI

Im not one who is big on trash talking and thats why i dont post here too much.
So what you didn't game plan and u lost. Deal with it. I took pitbulls lightly and they beat us. If we meet again you may beat us.
But until then just quit complaining because you didnt game plan. Im mean seriously crowbar doesn't have to do these power rankings for us.
Why dont u just go do your own with your own team as the #1 and let your team's play do the talking.
Last edited Jan 20, 2009 15:43:35
Originally posted by cwcapper
My GM's are just fine. We got caught with our pants down and it taught us a lesson. To say that they are better than us is an overstatement, but they did beat us when they got the chance. They also exposed a few plays we were using on D. I have to give them credit that they took advantage of us.

We didn't gameplan for that game, but that isn't the excuse I'm using. We messed with the depth chart for the game before to get our lower level guys some playing time and try out new players that we had just acquired. We just forgot to switch it back and got burned. Chris Cappello only got 5 touches that game and it killed us. Think of San Diego without a healthy LT. They are just descent without him at full strength, but deadly with him healthy in the line-up.

That being said, if they are as good as everybody thinks, we should get another shot at them in the playoffs. They can either shut us up, or we can take it to them like I know we can.

Please read this
Originally posted by Unforgivable395
Originally posted by jaymitch84

Originally posted by BIG C

Nuva = Yawn

So I take it you just got really bored while playing them, and they lulled you into a loss?

lol the funny thing is we played them before i had someone fix my faulty AI

Im not one who is big on trash talking and thats why i dont post here too much.
So what you didn't game plan and u lost. Deal with it. I took pitbulls lightly and they beat us. If we meet again you may beat us.
But until then just quit complaining because you didnt game plan. Im mean seriously crowbar doesn't have to do these power rankings for us.
Why dont u just go do your own with your own team as the #1 and let your team's play do the talking.

If you paid attention i never complained about the loss. The thing i did complain about is the fact he has you guys #1 in the power rankings..

Honestly if he didn't do the power rankings i wouldn't lose a wink of sleep, hell i wouldn't even roll over..
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by BIG C

Originally posted by crowbar832001

First off if I was a Warrior player and read this I would leave the team at the end of the season.

If If If, If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.. There isn't a team or GM on here that hasn't gotten a little complacent. We did and it won't happen again.. Honestly, i think you are still pissed because we beat you by 50, Oh sorry my bad make that 55.

I had you guys as the higher team. I expected that we would lose since you guys had us out leveled by a lot. Of course of kept it close in the first half and out played you guys in the first half until depth took over.

Why an I arguing with you what are you like 12? I got rid of a GM earlier in the season for the betterment of the team. I would advise CW to do the same with your TO like complex.

You outplayed us in the first half?? I'm no math major , but the score was 21-17 at half and we were winning. Also last time i checked there is 4 quarters in football so i don't care if you were winning at half we stomped you 51-0 in the second half..

Not sure you want to get into a smack war , because i will own you like a sex slave.. Seriously don't open up that can it won't be pretty..

P.S. I think CW and our team is doing just fine without your dumbass recommendations.
I guess we aren't getting rankings. Thanks C

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