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Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
you know lions fans i really am glad u have a great team and all, and i do best yall best of luck, but you talk to much shit man if you are so bad ass you would have your own team also people who dont know you would think its just talking but one thing your guys arent shit anyway never have been in this conference in fact i would think that might be on of the cheeseburgers down fall is your BAD BUILDS.

good game and the rest of the season Paradise


I technically do own the team.. you can ask the owner that. He just pays for the team and keeps the spirits up.. and sends out a few contracts here and there. Anybody on the team can attest too that. He's the best owner one can ask for when GM'ing a team... he just lets you GM and do your thing

Bad Builds? LOL

Funny, we've killed you for as long as I can remember.. and a GM on your own team personally PM'd me and congratulated me and we talked about the game a bit...

Don't worry.. your shitty team will get curb stomped again and again

Last edited Jan 18, 2009 22:28:06
no not PCB rsheehy Lionsfan, i have all the respect for yall, just not for him. as a team i am not saying anything towards yall because we hav done no better, this state was for lionsfan and just him not for anyone else,to me he acts as if he runs owns and has all the players on PCB and talk all he wants. sorry to all of the rest of PCB who thought i was talking to them becuase i was not.
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
no not PCB rsheehy Lionsfan, i have all the respect for yall, just not for him. as a team i am not saying anything towards yall because we hav done no better, this state was for lionsfan and just him not for anyone else,to me he acts as if he runs owns and has all the players on PCB and talk all he wants. sorry to all of the rest of PCB who thought i was talking to them becuase i was not.

Because I like havinf fun in this GAME?

LOL and I love how you make threats in a PM saying "you know our builds" ... ya? Somebody Pm'd you them?

That's cool.. I"m very glad it helped.
I bet he shit himself when he saw the man bear pig Okoye is
Originally posted by Wyndex
I bet he shit himself when he saw the man bear pig Okoye is

man bear pig is pretty scary!
Lol sorry guys will see ya in the playoffs, ive already pmd and talked to lionsfan.. Though if i may have my 5 sense The game was allot closer then the score in the end. I wld say on a personal level i was kinda on the edge of my seat until the 4th quarter then it went to shit.. A few fixes on are end and next game should be allot closer it could be a one score game but like I said to lions good game guys lol..
Originally posted by ddaughertyjr
Lol sorry guys will see ya in the playoffs, ive already pmd and talked to lionsfan.. Though if i may have my 5 sense The game was allot closer then the score in the end. I wld say on a personal level i was kinda on the edge of my seat until the 4th quarter then it went to shit.. A few fixes on are end and next game should be allot closer it could be a one score game but like I said to lions good game guys lol..

Too bad you aren't the owner in all reality... at least you are half decent

How'd you get stuck with a shit head?
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
no not PCB rsheehy Lionsfan, i have all the respect for yall, just not for him. as a team i am not saying anything towards yall because we hav done no better, this state was for lionsfan and just him not for anyone else,to me he acts as if he runs owns and has all the players on PCB and talk all he wants. sorry to all of the rest of PCB who thought i was talking to them becuase i was not.

And as I read this over again.....

1. Your respect means nothing too me. This is a game, and in any game, the primary goal is too have fun, THEN win.

2. I act as if I own the team? I'm sorry our owner doesn't visit the forums much and me and Rsheehy speak on behalf of the team
You know i dont post much and i like to run the team from behind the scenes but i figure its time.
1st - Lions is basically my co-owner so he doesnt need his own team. lions sheehy and myself have all been a part of PCB since the beginning and i have full trust in them which is a great luxury for any owner

2nd - to the Roughnecks, i am glad you got everything straightened out and glad we got to play you at full strength, great game and ddaughertyjr is right it was a lot closer than the score shows. good luck to you all the rest of the season

3rd- Texasroughneck12, dont go attacking the PCB until you beat us! IF our builds are so bad then why are we beating you all the time?????! Also u need to relax man Lions has fun with this game and you should too. Thats why the PCB is so much fun to be apart of. Dont get your panites in a bunch over a game you dont really have all the control in after all this is a computer simulated game

4th- Whats this about someone sending you our builds? Name please

5th - And last but not least to anyone else who reads this you may not like us Burgers is say bite me or become a vegetarian this game is all about fun and we have a lot of.
it was a close game in the first have but i went and did some math and we have out scored teams 353-36 in the second half this season so i dont think that this game was very different.
Yaks leave the building and all hell breaks loose it seems...
Goat Father
damn ladies pop a midol and quit your bitching now let's all roast some s'mores and sing a little coom by ya ( I know it is spelled wrong as I meant to do that )
Oh the situation is squashed old news lol
yall do talk alot of shit and dude yall do have some shity builds gm of the roughnecks
hatchman i like the coom by ya dude that was pretty funny

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