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I'll tell you what else will be trouble:facing the Alberta Irukandji from now on. We got tired of losing and decided to put our AI efforts into high gear. When you compare roster to roster, we have some of the most talented guys in the entire league. Now with a more effective AI and scouting department we should be much better and turn our season around.
Well it's about time !! I thought you were losing just to make me out to be a lire. Just don't do any game planning for our game Okay.
Originally posted by teamriots
lol no matter what Bort does everyone complains, it's funny. i don't see any reason to complain about this. unless you don't like the fact that OC's will never complete a 3rd and long pass again hahaha. OC's will have to scout the defense pretty much every game to know what they're going to be running.

there should be sortable stats available so that you can check what formations the other team is using, etc, etc, this way you wouldn't have to review game replays everytime which always ends up taking 30-60 minutes once you get into it.

there may be a script for this already available that i know about?

I wish there was a script like that available. I have seen screenshots of scripts that can do it but they are either Bort's private script or other personally constructed ones. If anyone here knows how to program something like that I'd appreciate a copy
Link SO QUIET today. Where is everyone? Watching the Eagles lose?
Originally posted by quzur
I'll tell you what else will be trouble:facing the Alberta Irukandji from now on. We got tired of losing and decided to put our AI efforts into high gear. When you compare roster to roster, we have some of the most talented guys in the entire league. Now with a more effective AI and scouting department we should be much better and turn our season around.

glad we already played you.
Originally posted by Chriztian SO QUIET today. Where is everyone? Watching the Eagles lose?

I am watching the Ravens lose right now.
I was watching football all day. good games. I cant believe the cardinals are in the super bowl. After my team looses, (dolphins) I usually pick the underdog team and root for them. That doesnt work out normally but this year it did.
Scotty Boras
Originally posted by BleedsOrangeAndBlue
I don't care about it, really.

If we had the ability to assign man coverage assignments and give secondary options if assignments stay in to block (prevent the LBs spooning in the middle of the field), we wouldn't need this. Only adding those things will keep it from being overpowered, imo. Why can't we get an update that doesn't demolish any current sense of balance?

I honestly don't think it's that bad now. I know offenses have had the advantage, but I think a lot of people prefer higher scoring games. It's not OCs vs DCs, both teams beneft from one side being better than the other.

I know most want this to be a true football sim, but I prefer treating it like a game. I spend too much time on here with 2 teams as it is. Now i'm going to have to create my own playbook?

I could use the ai I have now, I know, but the glaring weakness with that is coverage assignments and secondary options. That's all I want, really.

In all honesty, this is why we see more and more teams going CPU.
This is getting to be more like a job than it is a game.
You're going to limit the number of people that have the time to do this stuff.
It would be different if there were cash prizes or something, but it's too expensive to stay competitive as it is, let alone finding enough people to keep up with everything.

In addition to a OC and DC, and their scouts, now the scouts will need scouts and they scout's scouts will need assistants.

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