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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Too much agility bad for an OT?
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
Originally posted by nightmaresabin

It happened again a couple times in tonight's game. I think I'm gonna raise vision to 50+ asap. See if that helps it. :/
it's not happening to a lot, which is why i think Stonewall Paul is right and it's vision.

His speed is super low though, so even if he was quick, his low speed should limit how far he can move back.
That's a very good point; maybe OL are not supposed to softcap speed, but have it just enough to hit the right balance of getting back in step with the defensive ends?
Preety sure this is a tactical setting problem.
Check the bortstalker thread. Bort states in there all players should have at least 45-50 SPD including Oline and pocket qbs. It is not VIS either. 43 vision is plenty enough to see someone right in front of his face. ACtually 20 VIS is probably enough to block the guy lined up on you. It can't possibly be VIS. It is definately not too much SPD either. THat makes no sense. I can say having 48 SPD and 86 AGL is way too out of balance. Like having a car that goes 0-60 in 2 seconds, but only a top speed of 60. What good is that? If your going to have 86 AGL you need 55 or 60 SPD. BUt honestly 86 is overkill imo. For some reason people think you counter AGL with AGL (check the bortstalker on that one too). But that only goes so far. The DE needs the AGL to try to get around you. OTs don't need the same amount of AGL or even close to it. You do need the STR to engage the DE. You are back pedaling, while he is coming at you full speed. I think the problem is not enough STR, too much AGL. THat DE probably has more STR than you. Most DEs 2nd cap STR. You have to be stronger. DEs are around 260 lbs. Ever seen a 260 lb OT in the NFL? Usually the LOT outweighs the RDE by 50 to 70 lbs, and is not nearly as fast, quick or agile.

It definately appears as if he's taking you outside, then dipping inside and using a swim or another STR based move to push you out of the way. I bet you if the truth be known he has more STR than you, which should never be the case. Any Olineman should have at least 70 STR, and probably more like 75 or 80. I mean there are TE's and FBs who have more than 61 STR. I would 3rd cap STR and shift one piece of EQ to STR as well. Also blocking focus should be pass for a LOT. If you haven't invested in the Protector SA enough, that could be a problem as well. ONe last thought...if your CON is way 25 or below...that could be a problem too. If your CON is that low, once you get beat like that a couple times, you could be in for a whole game of it. But really i don't he's running by you. It just looks that way. I think he is knocking you backward and slipping past you. If you watch closely, frame by frame, right before he moves inside, your guy moves backward quite a bit, as if he just knocked you back a yard or so and then runs right by you.
I pumped his agility up high in the wake of the "Super DEs", to combat it. As it turns out now, though, the agility DEs aren't doing crap now with the sim changes. :/

Maybe it is a strength issue, but it didn't really look like the DE was even touching him in some of the replays. Even going frame by frame their dots don't touch. I know the replays aren't exact representations, but I would think his dot would at least graze mine if he was indeed pushing my OT back.
consider the case of the diving tackle. dots can be 3-4 mm apart.
Originally posted by nightmaresabin
I pumped his agility up high in the wake of the "Super DEs", to combat it. As it turns out now, though, the agility DEs aren't doing crap now with the sim changes. :/

Maybe it is a strength issue, but it didn't really look like the DE was even touching him in some of the replays. Even going frame by frame their dots don't touch. I know the replays aren't exact representations, but I would think his dot would at least graze mine if he was indeed pushing my OT back.

this might be a good one to post in the bugs or suggestions forum. Maybe a different forum, might be better. But anyway somewhere where a mod or someone (maybe bort if your lucky) could shed some light on what's happening. If it's not him pushing you back, my next guess would be a sim glitch or something. Because there is no way you can't be seeing him (VIS) and there is no way you are too slow or not quick enough.
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
Originally posted by nightmaresabin

It happened again a couple times in tonight's game. I think I'm gonna raise vision to 50+ asap. See if that helps it. :/
it's not happening to a lot, which is why i think Stonewall Paul is right and it's vision.

Your talking about a guy half his level in a A league. Not very conclusive evidence there.

I think foundation would help out a lot. to the OP.
Last edited Jan 23, 2009 02:34:14
Anyone who says high agility is bad for an O-Lineman is on crack.

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