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Originally posted by stahu miguel
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Originally posted by stahu miguel

Originally posted by ellosla

Originally posted by stahu miguel

Fucking bullshit game.

Five fucking INT's in one game, three in scoring position? Bullshit. We've thrown 3 all damn season, and we throw 5 against them?

I'm pissed off now, and we're burying our collective dicks in the rest of this years opponents.

You can thank Bort for that bullshit.

Sore loser.

There's a lot more involved here than you know peckerhead. So screw you.

Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?


Just when you think this game is logical and understandable...

And who wouldn't be a sore loser? Are you kidding me? Hell yeah I'm sore we lost! That's got to be the dumbest comment ever made (by anyone).

I think you come off as an ass, not just in this thread, but in general.

Good luck "burying your dicks in your opponents" this season!
Last edited Jan 15, 2009 16:18:46
Ha ha, I just realized what team you are representing. That was a good game. I think I took one of those picks to the house.
GG Colorado
Originally posted by ellosla
Originally posted by stahu miguel

Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Originally posted by stahu miguel

Originally posted by ellosla

Originally posted by stahu miguel

Fucking bullshit game.

Five fucking INT's in one game, three in scoring position? Bullshit. We've thrown 3 all damn season, and we throw 5 against them?

I'm pissed off now, and we're burying our collective dicks in the rest of this years opponents.

You can thank Bort for that bullshit.

Sore loser.

There's a lot more involved here than you know peckerhead. So screw you.

Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?


Just when you think this game is logical and understandable...

And who wouldn't be a sore loser? Are you kidding me? Hell yeah I'm sore we lost! That's got to be the dumbest comment ever made (by anyone).

I think you come off as an ass, not just in this thread, but in general.

Good luck "burying your dicks in your opponents" this season!

Come on, not everyone can be stoic about these things.

Some sim weirdness, but whatever, it happens. You guys just played better, so GG and GL next time.

Last edited Jan 15, 2009 17:12:32
Originally posted by pitfan
Ha ha, I just realized what team you are representing. That was a good game. I think I took one of those picks to the house.

Your level 23 LB
GG Memphis, wish the rest of your team was there to see what it really would have been like...
I think you come off as an ass, not just in this thread, but in general.

Good. Then my internet persona is complete. Seriously, like I fucking care what you think.

I don't post enough for you to know anything about me, and if you're so damn insightful that you can come up with a judgement based on a half dozen posts in various topics, then good for you doc.

But I didn't pay for this chair time, so shut the hell up.

Now have a great day!
Originally posted by wrkarl
Well ,I know you're not happy Colorado. But GG, we didn't pay Bort off for nothing.

I'm not pissed at you guys; you were pretty much the start of our "official" season. I'm a little pissed that I couldn't get our AI done because of a Trojan that popped up yesterday, as well as one of our GM's being unable to get access....

Water under the bridge.

You guys played a hell of a game - don't let my rant take that from you. I'm just pissed at the wild swings that have happened this season - some posted, some just changed.

Anyway, back to the grindstone and all that.
Originally posted by stahu miguel
Originally posted by wrkarl

Well ,I know you're not happy Colorado. But GG, we didn't pay Bort off for nothing.

I'm not pissed at you guys; you were pretty much the start of our "official" season. I'm a little pissed that I couldn't get our AI done because of a Trojan that popped up yesterday, as well as one of our GM's being unable to get access....

Water under the bridge.

You guys played a hell of a game - don't let my rant take that from you. I'm just pissed at the wild swings that have happened this season - some posted, some just changed.

Anyway, back to the grindstone and all that.

No worries, believe me I know how that can be. We were lucky to come out with that win, so you won't see us boasting about it any forum. Hell had it not been for them turnovers you'd be the victor today. Sometimes thats just how the cookie crumbles though.
Originally posted by geradhunter
Originally posted by pitfan

Ha ha, I just realized what team you are representing. That was a good game. I think I took one of those picks to the house.

Your level 23 LB

I just realized that was the only snap I played on defense, which makes that my favorite Highlight of all time!
Originally posted by pitfan
Originally posted by geradhunter

Originally posted by pitfan

Ha ha, I just realized what team you are representing. That was a good game. I think I took one of those picks to the house.

Your level 23 LB

I just realized that was the only snap I played on defense, which makes that my favorite Highlight of all time!

You really want me to hate you!
Originally posted by pitfan
Originally posted by geradhunter

Originally posted by pitfan

Ha ha, I just realized what team you are representing. That was a good game. I think I took one of those picks to the house.

Your level 23 LB

I just realized that was the only snap I played on defense, which makes that my favorite Highlight of all time!

Just don't expect to get paid for the other snaps you took off. If I give you two plays on defense I expect two turnovers.
Last edited Jan 15, 2009 18:55:36
Originally posted by wrkarl
Originally posted by pitfan

Originally posted by geradhunter

Originally posted by pitfan

Ha ha, I just realized what team you are representing. That was a good game. I think I took one of those picks to the house.

Your level 23 LB

I just realized that was the only snap I played on defense, which makes that my favorite Highlight of all time!

Just don't expect to get paid for the other snaps you took off. If I give you two plays on defense I expect two turnovers.

At the rate you guys were causing them today, don't be suprised if you go broke soon then.
GG Makos. Nice to have competitve games.

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