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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > DragoonNite and the LUEshis are a team of cowards
if the whole team wasn't pussies, they'd implore D.N. to go along with it. he agreed to it, the lue lost, it's too late...
Originally posted by RagingBoredom
Originally posted by Primate

Originally posted by RagingBoredom

Originally posted by Primate

I think you are leaving out arteryman among the dishonest. He also supports not keeping your word.

Actually, arteryman has made just 2 posts regarding this and all he has said is that someone told DN that one of you guys were planning on creating a player with his old name just to fuck with him after he renames his player. He hasn't said a thing about whether or not he thinks DN is right or wrong. But yeah, silly me forgot that he even replied since it was right at the start of this and since then, no other person on the team has commented on it. I guess with you guys, 1 person making 2 posts 3 days ago and me continually saying that this doesn't matter establishes the whole team as being dishonest. My bad for not using your extremely retarded logic. I'll try to dumb down my posts for you guys from here on out.

Man, is life ever going to kick your ass when you grow up.

So what you're really saying is that you're full of shit and have no response to what I said so you're trying to talk shit to disguise that fact? That's fine man. I already knew that's how things worked with you.

The thing is you typed a whole essay when it's really quite simple..your boy DN needs to man up and accept his bet or I and others will just keep badmouthing your team any chance I get..when you try recruiting, you best believe I'll be there telling them about this...

It's a matter of principle..being a man of your word, internet or not, the situation doesn't change.

A coward on the net is a coward in RL.

Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy

Seriously, these kids are fucking immature.

So what if this is an online thing? DN gave me his word and welched on his bet..

Yall have the nerve to say we care about this too much but you guys won't change a name for a dot for about 30 days?


Man, you are one stupid motherfucker. DN not going through with the bet equals the whole team being pussies? Nice logic there man. And yeah, you do care about this too much. It's quite sad. And hell, me replying to you has started to make it look like I care too and that's almost as sad. So I'll tell ya what, I'll take a step back and let your little temper tantrum run it's course and maybe then you won't be such a fucking idiot.

Yes it does, because you guys are his teammates and stand by and watch him get exposed on the forums instead of telling him to man up.

You DO's probably making you mad that Jericoholic allows real cowards on his team.

Go ahead and reply to this with another essay like your post THAT'S a tantrum lol

Last edited Jan 17, 2009 00:29:00
i didn't think they recruited... it's not hard to retain your players in a brainwashing circle jerk environment...
Originally posted by BBVD
i didn't think they recruited... it's not hard to retain your players in a brainwashing circle jerk environment...

They got some new guys in there
Mike Oxwolen
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy
Originally posted by BBVD

i didn't think they recruited... it's not hard to retain your players in a brainwashing circle jerk environment...

They got some new guys in there

Noticed that. who wants to bet they FLY out of there when their contracts are up?
Come on guys, its just one stupid bet.

Drunkercowboy, why do you care so much? Make your move! Change one of your players name to "Terry McGinnins is Gay" or some shit like that.

This is useless. The guy will not make the name change i think. I don't even know why tough. Terry McGinnes is a hell of a ugly name.
Originally posted by bzcburn
Come on guys, its just one stupid bet.

Drunkercowboy, why do you care so much?

It's called keeping your word, these guys are a bunch of's really not that big of a deal to change your name for a month

Make your move! Change one of your players name to "Terry McGinnins is Gay" or some shit like that.

Why? Everyone already knows that name is gay and mine are better than his..

This is useless. The guy will not make the name change i think.

Yeah he won't

When you become a man you look for two things to see if you're dealing with a punkass or another man. Does he look you in your eye when you shake hands ? Is he a man of his word ? I hear you Cowboy
Originally posted by Mike Oxwolen
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy

Originally posted by BBVD

i didn't think they recruited... it's not hard to retain your players in a brainwashing circle jerk environment...

They got some new guys in there

Noticed that. who wants to bet they FLY out of there when their contracts are up?

Sorry, we haven't had any experience with this before.

Are you going to bench your starters and start your backups again like the other season? lolol
Originally posted by Duo
Originally posted by Mike Oxwolen

Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy

Originally posted by BBVD

i didn't think they recruited... it's not hard to retain your players in a brainwashing circle jerk environment...

They got some new guys in there

Noticed that. who wants to bet they FLY out of there when their contracts are up?

Sorry, we haven't had any experience with this before.

Are you going to bench your starters and start your backups again like the other season? lolol

You still talkin bitch?

Of course you guys won't leave..birds of a feather flock together and yall are a bunch of limp wristed pole smokers
Do you guys still post on the AA forum like you did last season like you were going there?
Originally posted by BBVD
if the whole team wasn't pussies, they'd implore D.N. to go along with it. he agreed to it, the lue lost, it's too late...

Even if we cared enough to push further than our one time "hey you should do it lol", its still up to him and he doesn't take the game or you guys that seriously, so I guess you're shit out of luck and crying to basically a wall

Originally posted by Duo
Do you guys still post on the AA forum like you did last season like you were going there?

We'll be there this season, sorry we didn't beg like other teams in our league to move up..

If we had moved, we might have saved you guys this embarassment.

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