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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > WTF USA A#8.....
sorry my bad wont talk about cheating anymore and the cowboys do suck
I hope that dog bites you in the ass AND takes your football!
So who's going to be the team to beat us?
Of course, the New Jersey Nighthawks. We're looking forward to beating the living crap out of you.
let me just sort out your logic here. You think our team u plan on cheating to teach us a lesson?? First of all good luck, cuz i doubt anyone is gonna put up very many points against my D. Second the cheating you would be doing is far worse than anything we have been accused of. Discussing strategy between teams to beat one team out of spite or jealousy is on par with what the patriots did. You are not trying to help yourselves, just do anything to beat us. And what exactly have we been accused of? Participating in trades that are viewed as unfair? Who exactly did the Lakers give up to get Pau Gasol?? not one good player. They practically stole him, no one is complaining there. You all need to stop complaining, cuz at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whats left on the scoreboard.
Originally posted by phat_lyk_dat
let me just sort out your logic here. You think our team u plan on cheating to teach us a lesson?? First of all good luck, cuz i doubt anyone is gonna put up very many points against my D. Second the cheating you would be doing is far worse than anything we have been accused of. Discussing strategy between teams to beat one team out of spite or jealousy is on par with what the patriots did. You are not trying to help yourselves, just do anything to beat us. And what exactly have we been accused of? Participating in trades that are viewed as unfair? Who exactly did the Lakers give up to get Pau Gasol?? not one good player. They practically stole him, no one is complaining there. You all need to stop complaining, cuz at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whats left on the scoreboard.

Maybe its just me, but all i can read there is blahblahblahblahblahblah

Anyone else having that problem?

Originally posted by phat_lyk_dat
lWho exactly did the Lakers give up to get Pau Gasol?? not one good player. They practically stole him, no one is complaining there.

phat_lyk_dat is so full of crap his eyes are brown...
Originally posted by phat_lyk_dat
let me just sort out your logic here. You think our team u plan on cheating to teach us a lesson?? First of all good luck, cuz i doubt anyone is gonna put up very many points against my D. Second the cheating you would be doing is far worse than anything we have been accused of. Discussing strategy between teams to beat one team out of spite or jealousy is on par with what the patriots did. You are not trying to help yourselves, just do anything to beat us. And what exactly have we been accused of? Participating in trades that are viewed as unfair? Who exactly did the Lakers give up to get Pau Gasol?? not one good player. They practically stole him, no one is complaining there. You all need to stop complaining, cuz at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whats left on the scoreboard.

its not cheating, doesn't say that in any of the rules, although what you guys did does.
Im one player on this so called cheating team, and i can assure you that i was a free agent with offers from other teams and I chose this team. I wasnt unfairly traded to them, but picked them over other offers. I think alot of the players on this team are the same way. have fun trying to compete with us.
I'll be able to join in more after the end of this week... I still have one more final, plus I need to finish a paper that my prof is giving me an incomplete on so I can catch up.
Originally posted by sipsey37
Im one player on this so called cheating team, and i can assure you that i was a free agent with offers from other teams and I chose this team. I wasnt unfairly traded to them, but picked them over other offers. I think alot of the players on this team are the same way. have fun trying to compete with us.

Chesapeake 6-0*
i too have a player on the team you are accusing of cheating. I was traded there from another unrelated team. this is the second team i have been on that has been accused in these ridiculous forums of cheating. best as i can figure, this is a game with rules and an admin. to enforce them. if the admin. says there is no cheating, then there is no cheating, end of story. all of you whiny prepubescent girls do not have a leg to stand on. play the game and shut up about non-existent cheating or leave, i don't care either way. this is just a game, quit treating it as if it is something that really matters in the grand scheme. and enough with the whining already.
Originally posted by phat_lyk_dat
let me just sort out your logic here. You think our team u plan on cheating to teach us a lesson?? First of all good luck, cuz i doubt anyone is gonna put up very many points against my D. Second the cheating you would be doing is far worse than anything we have been accused of. Discussing strategy between teams to beat one team out of spite or jealousy is on par with what the patriots did. You are not trying to help yourselves, just do anything to beat us. And what exactly have we been accused of? Participating in trades that are viewed as unfair? Who exactly did the Lakers give up to get Pau Gasol?? not one good player. They practically stole him, no one is complaining there. You all need to stop complaining, cuz at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whats left on the scoreboard.

you are so fuckin stupid. You have people on your team who were convicted of cheating by bort and DD.

You gutted a team
Originally posted by phat_lyk_dat
let me just sort out your logic here. You think our team u plan on cheating to teach us a lesson?? First of all good luck, cuz i doubt anyone is gonna put up very many points against my D. Second the cheating you would be doing is far worse than anything we have been accused of. Discussing strategy between teams to beat one team out of spite or jealousy is on par with what the patriots did. You are not trying to help yourselves, just do anything to beat us. And what exactly have we been accused of? Participating in trades that are viewed as unfair? Who exactly did the Lakers give up to get Pau Gasol?? not one good player. They practically stole him, no one is complaining there. You all need to stop complaining, cuz at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whats left on the scoreboard.

And why are you comparing real life to a computer simulated game? Your reaching - comparing apples and oranges. You're also pretty cocky with the statement that no one going to put up very many points against your Defense.

I guess it's easy to talk shit when you have only played one team with a winning record so far and two teams that haven't even won a game. Your opponent overall record is 12-22-1. Yeah that's something to be real proud of.


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