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Yay, just what I needed, for EWM to get better
Originally posted by bluur27
I'm gonna say at this current time, The Fevers biggest Rival has been Bortsville and American Freedom, we lost to both last season(to the freedom twice) but I get a kick out of the pregame hype we bring to the table. No real historic rivalries, but those are the 2 I would choose

I would have to agree that Tri-Cities is a good rivalry game for the Freedom since they almost caught us napping last season and put up a decent fight in the playoffs. Hand down, I look forward to Tri-Cities.

Outside of Bluur's team, I would have to say the following teams since they beat Freedom while we were still building and now we're ready to face them full strength.

00 - 01 Vs. Bristol Bullets
01 - 02 Vs. Louisville Nighthawks
00 - 01 Vs. New York Warriors

There are a couple of others, but they're in AA ball, so it'll be a season or two before we catch them.
Yep, looking forward to the challenge Norse. Your guys look to be the equal of any team here.
Surge are looking to make a few rivals this season
Kiwi Davidz
Let's see:

New York Warriors - Always seem to have great close games against them (aside from the playoffs in season 4), plus their QB decided to smack talk us for no apparent reason one day. Still, they are a great bunch (who we must kill...repeatedly)

Eleven Wise - If someone doesn't have these guys as a rival, they need a head check

Nighthawks - Been on the losing side to them a lot, finally won a couple of shock victories (they were shocks to us anyway)

And after last season, i think Metropolis came into our sights as well, damn dirty playoff place pinchers they are.
Originally posted by Kiwi Davidz
Let's see:

New York Warriors - Always seem to have great close games against them (aside from the playoffs in season 4), plus their QB decided to smack talk us for no apparent reason one day. Still, they are a great bunch (who we must kill...repeatedly)

Eleven Wise - If someone doesn't have these guys as a rival, they need a head check

Nighthawks - Been on the losing side to them a lot, finally won a couple of shock victories (they were shocks to us anyway)

And after last season, i think Metropolis came into our sights as well, damn dirty playoff place pinchers they are.

Compton almost beat you last season. Do we count as a rival?
Originally posted by Llecarud
Originally posted by Kiwi Davidz

Let's see:

New York Warriors - Always seem to have great close games against them (aside from the playoffs in season 4), plus their QB decided to smack talk us for no apparent reason one day. Still, they are a great bunch (who we must kill...repeatedly)

Eleven Wise - If someone doesn't have these guys as a rival, they need a head check

Nighthawks - Been on the losing side to them a lot, finally won a couple of shock victories (they were shocks to us anyway)

And after last season, i think Metropolis came into our sights as well, damn dirty playoff place pinchers they are.

Compton almost beat you last season. Do we count as a rival?

Llecarud is my arch-rival. I must beat him in all things that I do
Originally posted by Kiwi Davidz
Let's see:

New York Warriors - Always seem to have great close games against them (aside from the playoffs in season 4), plus their QB decided to smack talk us for no apparent reason one day. Still, they are a great bunch (who we must kill...repeatedly)

LOL, seeing how we have only been lucky enough to beat you once,I think you have the kill us repeatedly all wrapped up!

Edit- somehow I got my post inside his quote.

Last edited Jan 4, 2009 08:24:10
Originally posted by jearly
Originally posted by Llecarud

Originally posted by Kiwi Davidz

Let's see:

New York Warriors - Always seem to have great close games against them (aside from the playoffs in season 4), plus their QB decided to smack talk us for no apparent reason one day. Still, they are a great bunch (who we must kill...repeatedly)

Eleven Wise - If someone doesn't have these guys as a rival, they need a head check

Nighthawks - Been on the losing side to them a lot, finally won a couple of shock victories (they were shocks to us anyway)

And after last season, i think Metropolis came into our sights as well, damn dirty playoff place pinchers they are.

Compton almost beat you last season. Do we count as a rival?

Llecarud is my arch-rival. I must beat him in all things that I do

Ah, my old nemesis has returned. Now I must plot the destruction of what is good and wholesome.
Kiwi Davidz
Originally posted by Llecarud
Originally posted by Kiwi Davidz

Let's see:

New York Warriors - Always seem to have great close games against them (aside from the playoffs in season 4), plus their QB decided to smack talk us for no apparent reason one day. Still, they are a great bunch (who we must kill...repeatedly)

Eleven Wise - If someone doesn't have these guys as a rival, they need a head check

Nighthawks - Been on the losing side to them a lot, finally won a couple of shock victories (they were shocks to us anyway)

And after last season, i think Metropolis came into our sights as well, damn dirty playoff place pinchers they are.

Compton almost beat you last season. Do we count as a rival?

One game though? I'd hardly count that as a deep rivalry yet, you're not the same as those damn tiggers *shakes fist* Especially as we've drawn them to play in the last game of the season, could be interesting if it ends up like last year
It was probably Cincy for us but then they went cpu.
I'm looking forward to Pontiac and all the old BBB#2 West foes. Especially those damned Tornado Humpers.
That's By Gawd Damned Tornado Humpers!
Jacktown and Reno developed a bit of a rivalry last season, even though the Reno guys are pretty quiet. They do most of their talking on the field.
yup....disappointing, really.

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