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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > What do you have to do to get permabanned?
Originally posted by DrkSandman
Originally posted by Kono22

I have no idea what it is. This is the only one of these typres of game I play and the only other forum I post on is heavily moderated to the point that 'curse' words are filtered out to something else.

Interesting. So, maybe people should realize that GLB is actually gives A LOT of rope and freedom to its users. You don't see anyone getting suspended for cursing when not aimed at someone in a harassing manner.

But instead, Mods are labeld as biased, power hungry, etc.

coming from an outside prospective, overzealous maybe. i read this forum a lot because i find it more entertaining than most, i have zero affiliation with the capitals, but i do enjoy reading most of their threads. while some threads get pretty out of hand and warrant it, i think a lot of the times you guys do pull the trigger a bit too quick.

most of these threads would go 4 or 5 responses long and die out on their own. to get a response and a lock from a mod on a thread that no one is even paying any attention to anymore and/or is a day or two old, just because they want to brag how good they are, or how much jesus likes them, is unnecessary imo. i wish you guys would wait until they did get out of hand, and not preemptively shut threads down as much as you do just because they could piss someone off down the line.

i have much bigger problems with team owners and gms mass spamming their needs in all the league forums, and those threads dont seem to garner near the attention or quick reaction as most of the caps threads do.
Last edited Dec 19, 2008 15:05:31
Originally posted by kasu327
how many times were the not-to-be-mentioned-posters banned before this? and they were only banned once this board started spamming the support lines with complaints.

anyways, you don't need to send me a PM or anything about this, I already got a nasty curse-filled one from another mod. very professional.

Copy and paste it I would like to see it.

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
You know...... forum riot? I'm pretty sure this wasn't planned. Yes kono, you are. Everyone from BBB#3 know that I talk a lot of trash. I've annoyed every owner from BBB#3, but I've never taken it to the extent that you guys take it. This guys make the game feel sour.

Would you like a tissue?
Originally posted by hoax
Originally posted by DrkSandman

Originally posted by Kono22

I have no idea what it is. This is the only one of these typres of game I play and the only other forum I post on is heavily moderated to the point that 'curse' words are filtered out to something else.

Interesting. So, maybe people should realize that GLB is actually gives A LOT of rope and freedom to its users. You don't see anyone getting suspended for cursing when not aimed at someone in a harassing manner.

But instead, Mods are labeld as biased, power hungry, etc.

coming from an outside prospective, overzealous maybe. i read this forum a lot because i find it more entertaining than most, i have zero affiliation with the capitals, but i do enjoy reading most of their threads. while some threads get pretty out of hand and warrant it, i think a lot of the times you guys do pull the trigger a bit too quick.

most of these threads would go 4 or 5 responses long and die out on their own. to get a response and a lock from a mod on a thread that no one is even paying any attention to anymore and/or is a day or two old, just because they want to brag how good they are, or how much jesus likes them, is unnecessary imo. i wish you guys would wait until they did get out of hand, and not preemptively shut threads down as much as you do just because they could piss someone off down the line.

i have much bigger problems with team owners and gms mass spamming their needs in all the league forums, and those threads dont seem to garner near the attention or quick reaction as most of the caps threads do.

All preemptively locking a thread does is make it worse, to be honest. Look at the other day when like 12 threads got locked.
whatever, its in the past and I know how annoying complaints from posters can be. I mod a different site thats quite large and have had multiple board wars. I understand why the mods would get mad when they get inundated with messages demanding others get banned.

I think everyone went overboard (posters-wise) in sending the complaints, but that was only because (from our end) it didn't seem like anything was ever getting done. Like I've said before, and even DrkSandman said it, bannings are getting to be seen as a badge of honor rather than a bad thing. How can you control the boards if the punishment for inappropriate posting becomes a goal to acquire? Without a very realistic threat of permanent banning for repeat offenses, people like Darius and many, many others will keep posting like they do.

I've modded a large Vikings message board for a long time now, and the one thing I've noticed is that posters (just like children) will push the boundaries to see how much they can get away with. Once you set down the rules and set a boundary, and then enforce the boundary, they settle into what's appropriate on the site. We have a system set in place for repeat offenders, and it has happened multiple times on our site that a regular poster (4000+ posts) has been permanently banned from the site. Once people saw that we would follow through with the punishment, they stopped pushing the boundary, cause they now knew where it was.

and no, I'm not going to post the PM, it wasn't all that bad. I was frustrated earlier in the day and used a bit of hyperbole in that post. Though the tone was fairly aggressive and curse words were used, I don't take any offense to it.

Like I've said before, trash talk = good. Keep it about the game though. My loldots are better than your loldots, etc... once you start getting personal it becomes quite tiring. and spamming the boards with the trash talk is annoying as well.

for what its worth - it wasn't just the Caps agents doing all this, both sides in this instance were wrong and going overboard with the posting. However, Darius went WAY over the line with his stuff and should be gone permanently. But both sides need (needed) to take a couple steps back and cool their jets.

Originally posted by Ivy76
Originally posted by kasu327

how many times were the not-to-be-mentioned-posters banned before this? and they were only banned once this board started spamming the support lines with complaints.

anyways, you don't need to send me a PM or anything about this, I already got a nasty curse-filled one from another mod. very professional.

Copy and paste it I would like to see it.

Why? So he can get a suspension? It's against GLB's forum rules to post a PM without the authors consent.
Originally posted by kasu327
whatever, its in the past and I know how annoying complaints from posters can be. I mod a different site thats quite large and have had multiple board wars. I understand why the mods would get mad when they get inundated with messages demanding others get banned.

I think everyone went overboard (posters-wise) in sending the complaints, but that was only because (from our end) it didn't seem like anything was ever getting done. Like I've said before, and even DrkSandman said it, bannings are getting to be seen as a badge of honor rather than a bad thing. How can you control the boards if the punishment for inappropriate posting becomes a goal to acquire? Without a very realistic threat of permanent banning for repeat offenses, people like Darius and many, many others will keep posting like they do.

I've modded a large Vikings message board for a long time now, and the one thing I've noticed is that posters (just like children) will push the boundaries to see how much they can get away with. Once you set down the rules and set a boundary, and then enforce the boundary, they settle into what's appropriate on the site. We have a system set in place for repeat offenders, and it has happened multiple times on our site that a regular poster (4000+ posts) has been permanently banned from the site. Once people saw that we would follow through with the punishment, they stopped pushing the boundary, cause they now knew where it was.

and no, I'm not going to post the PM, it wasn't all that bad. I was frustrated earlier in the day and used a bit of hyperbole in that post. Though the tone was fairly aggressive and curse words were used, I don't take any offense to it.

Like I've said before, trash talk = good. Keep it about the game though. My loldots are better than your loldots, etc... once you start getting personal it becomes quite tiring. and spamming the boards with the trash talk is annoying as well.

for what its worth - it wasn't just the Caps agents doing all this, both sides in this instance were wrong and going overboard with the posting. However, Darius went WAY over the line with his stuff and should be gone permanently. But both sides need (needed) to take a couple steps back and cool their jets.


Who cares.

Stop crying because Darius smoked you.
Originally posted by hoax

coming from an outside prospective, overzealous maybe. i read this forum a lot because i find it more entertaining than most, i have zero affiliation with the capitals, but i do enjoy reading most of their threads. while some threads get pretty out of hand and warrant it, i think a lot of the times you guys do pull the trigger a bit too quick.

most of these threads would go 4 or 5 responses long and die out on their own. to get a response and a lock from a mod on a thread that no one is even paying any attention to anymore and/or is a day or two old, just because they want to brag how good they are, or how much jesus likes them, is unnecessary imo. i wish you guys would wait until they did get out of hand, and not preemptively shut threads down as much as you do just because they could piss someone off down the line.

i have much bigger problems with team owners and gms mass spamming their needs in all the league forums, and those threads dont seem to garner near the attention or quick reaction as most of the caps threads do.

Yeah, I get what you're saying, and on the surface it makes sense to the average poster. But when we (Mods) get 2..3..5..8.. PMs from people saying they are offended by something, then it is indeed harassment, and action has to be taken.

Originally posted by alfies
All preemptively locking a thread does is make it worse, to be honest. Look at the other day when like 12 threads got locked.

Or people could just stop making posts that are meant to harass people and the thread wouldn't have to get locked. Problem solved, imo.
Or you could stop getting up in arms over the most mundane shit and nazi locking everything because a Cap started it.

Why didn't Maxnsam's repost thread get locked?

Because he's not a Cap.
Last edited Dec 19, 2008 17:00:51
I'm fairly confident I have the evidence to prove it isn't mundane. If you feel norsemnavike or I have locked or suspended anyone without cause, feel free to utlilize the resources we've already discussed.

This conversation is getting nowhere, so it's over. Do not make a third thread about this subject. Feel free to PM me if you have questions.

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