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Originally posted by Reich
Originally posted by JayBucks413

Originally posted by Reich

Originally posted by JBennett23

They are the best team in the league in my opinion and I'm simply honored that we get our rematch. Good luck and may the best team win!


Didn't Blackburn only manage to put up 6 points against them? At least we kept it close.

Scrimm where we didnt have a AI, but if we both make it to the Championship game, i feel the out come will be different. But your right we lost.

I think we can take out Barcelona this time around. If for some reason we don't however, I think it'd be fun to play you guys in a scrimmage.
Im open for scrimms, just didnt want to scrimm any of you guys in regular season.
I had a feeling it was goin to come down between your two teams.
Guess I'm 2/2.
It'd be nice to be a little more accurate with the scores though.
the bright side to our loss is we can establish our stadium upgrades and not be strapped for cash next season had we been promoted I look forward to seeing some familiar teams again next season and I believe that these teams that do get promoted will definitely represent well!I will have to make darn sure that I get some folks that will boost like they said they would to play for me....I am sure other owners have had to deal with that problem too its just the way things go...I think what they need to look at doing is implementing the boosts into a contract and let the owner and player agree on a boost date and write it into the contract so it will take place automatically!something that will reassure the owner that he is getting a booster and not someone whos blowing smoke.
Who didnt?

(if you dont mind my asking)
Originally posted by atomicrooster
Who didnt?

(if you dont mind my asking)

I dont want to give list of names in this forum I just think its an issue that can be fixed by having it included in the contract.every team has to deal with people like this so our team isnt the only one in this boat...and I do not want to start pointing people it stands now it is part of the way GLB is and if you get folks that do not boost you have to gameplan can still win if you implement the right gameplan...I just didnt do my homework as well on the Red Lights and the better team won,its that simple....hats off to them for it they deserved it!
yeah i didnt think youd give a list in here, that wa a dumb question. Im just nosy like that.

I dunno, I was dumb to use mine early this season, so Im gonna wait til late next time.

GG Red Lights, I talked my fair share of mess, and now im enjoying my crow.
Originally posted by atomicrooster
yeah i didnt think youd give a list in here, that wa a dumb question. Im just nosy like that.

I dunno, I was dumb to use mine early this season, so Im gonna wait til late next time.

GG Red Lights, I talked my fair share of mess, and now im enjoying my crow.

its not a problem you used your boosts the way you wanted to...I havent an issue with least you boosted like you said you would...its the ones on teams who dont boost at all that claim they would that are a problem...and btw its no problem with eating crow,I like mine with a touch of chili powder and a good amount black pepper!
Hey dude it's a rough time of the year, people are a little strapped for cash. And fortunatly for some of them this game isn't the most important thing in their life.
Originally posted by Quas
Hey dude it's a rough time of the year, people are a little strapped for cash. And fortunatly for some of them this game isn't the most important thing in their life.

I agree completely that it is a rough time of the year...and for sure this game isnt the most important thing in life thats a fact...I would like to point out that this is targeted more for those people who have the flex points and tell you they plan to use them when they sign for your team and then dont.if a person doesnt have the flex points to begin with,then they shouldnt tell someone they will be boosting!I too have players who have played for other teams and I would never commit to boosting if I didnt already have the flex points available to do so!
Last edited Dec 17, 2008 12:02:02
Originally posted by rodsmith13
I just didnt do my homework as well on the Red Lights and the better team won,its that simple....hats off to them for it they deserved it!

Thanks, you guys are a very good team. Alpha will still be very tough next year even though one of us (Red Lights/Assassins) will be promoted. I am sure the other won't want to get promoted than, which will keep it very strong. Other teams also now have the opportunity to start recruiting earlier to even up some of the level differences in the league.

Long live Alpha
ive heard a lot of teams are probably going to be going cpu from the higher level leagues, so that as many as 6 we bbb teams from each league will get promoted. i hope not however, i kinda like the bbb7 dynamic and wouldnt want it to change that much. that being said, whoever earns the trip to a4 by winning this game really deserves it because they will have had to work their ass off to do it.

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