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Waa waaa waaa you guys need to lighten up a little bit good lord. Never forget where you came from.....never forget your roots
Originally posted by stahu miguel
Originally posted by matta

He is also horrible with analogies.

You would know.

Are you 12 years old? I'm surprised you didn't respond with "yo mama".
Originally posted by BGrosietitan
Originally posted by jkdog855

Originally posted by stahu miguel

Originally posted by matta

Originally posted by stahu miguel

Actually, 8 of 8 in the second round are A8.

It's like being a professional football player and saying your name and that you're from Whitman Pre school. Stupid.

Actually, a more accurate analogy would be that it's like mentioning how many former Florida Gators are in the NFL Pro Bowl or on a specific team. Or how many players from a certain high school are in Div I-A football. All of those things are routinely mentioned.

Just because your team came from the "Sun Belt Conference" of GLB doesn't mean you have to get all defensive about it.

Actually if we're going to get all pissy, it's like mentioning you are a member of the pop warner jr. league Mustangs, when you're 25 years old. Since the entire team moves up and all.

And I'm not getting defensive; I think it's stupid to bring up something that has absolutely no bearing on the league as it is right now.

Hey look at me, I'm a white guy! Whoooo hooooooo!

Hey look at me, I had raisin bran! Wooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo!


You can tell your not from the USA BBB #15 you have no original conference pride. Its just another thing you can root for when playing the game.

I'm sorry but the guy who said 8of8 are A8 is 100% correct. BBB15 was your moved up a level. Congrats you know of other teams that also moved up a level (most I think due to last years restructure which means your teams should have never been in BBB). Now get over it because you MOVED UP A LEVEL. You are A8 now and the fact that you moved up is all that matters. Personnally I care about where my team is going not where my team has been. Great to know you have pride but welcome to A8 get used to it and move on w/ you lives because when you move up to AA are you still going be bragging about BBB really...If the answer is yes then I think you are crazy. Acknowledge you know the other teams from your past and move on with your present and future.

Not saying it is sinful to have pride in your past. But the present and future is what really matters....Maybe I should start doing speeches for High School and College Graduations.

It's like the class that graduated before me in high school bragged that they went undefeated in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade when they were Seniors...Same team...played much of the same players when they were young on opposing teams...but it was really lame because you are Seniors bragging about 5th grade...Same thing here you are like 6'3" Senior bragging about when 5'5" was huge

Originally posted by BGrosietitan
Great to know you have pride but welcome to A8 get used to it and move on w/ you lives because when you move up to AA are you still going be bragging about BBB really...If the answer is yes then I think you are crazy.

When we move up after this year trophy in hand, beating DVDTalk and you guys get moved up from being good I will still be talking about how much BBB #15 rocked with the new addition of how much the A8 rocked. You will be apart of it next season so get used to it.
Last edited Dec 15, 2008 12:47:15
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

I'm sorry but the guy who said 8of8 are A8 is 100% correct. BBB15 was your moved up a level.

Why do you care? All your arguments do is show that you're insecure about not being including in some meaningless little group. Can't you see that people are mocking you in here?

The adolescent mind never ceases to amaze me. Just when you think you can't underestimate it any more...
Originally posted by jkdog855
...beating DVDTalk...

Apparently someone hasn't met the Josh's Chastity Belt (i.e. Curtain).
Originally posted by matta
Originally posted by jkdog855

...beating DVDTalk...

Apparently someone hasn't met the Josh's Chastity Belt (i.e. Curtain).

Hey be honored I choose you guys to be the team that we beat for that gold trophy. I need that trophy to feel good about myself, because without it I will actually feel like the failure that I am in real life.
Originally posted by BGrosietitan
I'm sorry but the guy who said 8of8 are A8 is 100% correct. BBB15 was your moved up a level. Congrats you know of other teams that also moved up a level (most I think due to last years restructure which means your teams should have never been in BBB). Now get over it because you MOVED UP A LEVEL. You are A8 now and the fact that you moved up is all that matters. Personnally I care about where my team is going not where my team has been. Great to know you have pride but welcome to A8 get used to it and move on w/ you lives because when you move up to AA are you still going be bragging about BBB really...If the answer is yes then I think you are crazy. Acknowledge you know the other teams from your past and move on with your present and future.

Not saying it is sinful to have pride in your past. But the present and future is what really matters....Maybe I should start doing speeches for High School and College Graduations.

It's like the class that graduated before me in high school bragged that they went undefeated in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade when they were Seniors...Same team...played much of the same players when they were young on opposing teams...but it was really lame because you are Seniors bragging about 5th grade...Same thing here you are like 6'3" Senior bragging about when 5'5" was huge

Dude, if you don't like it, then don't get involved in the discussion. You don't have to read this topic. You can glance at the title or first post and go "Oh, its just those damn BBB#15 fools stroking themselves again.", just like we know you do. Cause guess what? Just like Mercury Morris and the '72 Dolphins, we're not gonna shut up. It may be in the past, but its a past we're proud of.

We were in the bottom of the barrel league. The only one lower in the USA was BBB#16. Do you know what that does to recruiting? It makes it almost impossible because no one in their right mind wants to go to the lowest league in the USA. But ya know what, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Despite all that, we still had some really tough competition. And we had the most fun, active league I've ever been in to this day.

So to answer your question, yes, those of us that promote to AA#4 are still going to bring it up. Cause guess what? One of the #15's first championship teams is there, the Shriners. And they're just as loud as we are.

Originally posted by Morphius
Originally posted by BGrosietitan

I'm sorry but the guy who said 8of8 are A8 is 100% correct. BBB15 was your moved up a level. Congrats you know of other teams that also moved up a level (most I think due to last years restructure which means your teams should have never been in BBB). Now get over it because you MOVED UP A LEVEL. You are A8 now and the fact that you moved up is all that matters. Personnally I care about where my team is going not where my team has been. Great to know you have pride but welcome to A8 get used to it and move on w/ you lives because when you move up to AA are you still going be bragging about BBB really...If the answer is yes then I think you are crazy. Acknowledge you know the other teams from your past and move on with your present and future.

Not saying it is sinful to have pride in your past. But the present and future is what really matters....Maybe I should start doing speeches for High School and College Graduations.

It's like the class that graduated before me in high school bragged that they went undefeated in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade when they were Seniors...Same team...played much of the same players when they were young on opposing teams...but it was really lame because you are Seniors bragging about 5th grade...Same thing here you are like 6'3" Senior bragging about when 5'5" was huge

Dude, if you don't like it, then don't get involved in the discussion. You don't have to read this topic. You can glance at the title or first post and go "Oh, its just those damn BBB#15 fools stroking themselves again.", just like we know you do. Cause guess what? Just like Mercury Morris and the '72 Dolphins, we're not gonna shut up. It may be in the past, but its a past we're proud of.

We were in the bottom of the barrel league. The only one lower in the USA was BBB#16. Do you know what that does to recruiting? It makes it almost impossible because no one in their right mind wants to go to the lowest league in the USA. But ya know what, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Despite all that, we still had some really tough competition. And we had the most fun, active league I've ever been in to this day.

So to answer your question, yes, those of us that promote to AA#4 are still going to bring it up. Cause guess what? One of the #15's first championship teams is there, the Shriners. And they're just as loud as we are.

Oh shut up honkey.

those damn Shriners are a bunch of drunks!
Originally posted by jblaze
those damn Shriners are a bunch of drunks!

We are too..... Take that back.
Originally posted by BGrosietitan

so when I moved out of Maryland from the moment I stepped foot in NJ I had no right to say I'm from MD? huh.
Last edited Dec 15, 2008 16:33:16
Originally posted by matta
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

I'm sorry but the guy who said 8of8 are A8 is 100% correct. BBB15 was your moved up a level.

Why do you care? All your arguments do is show that you're insecure about not being including in some meaningless little group. Can't you see that people are mocking you in here?

The adolescent mind never ceases to amaze me. Just when you think you can't underestimate it any more...

So...once there was a man who could read I didn't post that, lol.

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