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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #11 > Alpha Playoff Predictions, 1st games.
Originally posted by burchardta
Dublin vs. Stockholm Scorpions - Dublin skates past Stockholm 48-10

Amsterdam 49ers vs. Philadelphia Blackbirds - Philly 36-14

Dresden Warlords vs. Belfast Terror - Belfast grinds out a 28-21 victory

Malta Knights vs. London Ligers - Malta dominates London in every way 30-7

Not quite the 36-14 prediction you made, but a very close game.
GG, unfortunate that the AI is stupid (not ours, but Bort's timeout calling AI), it called three timeouts in your last drive and gave you the chance for the FG. Not saying it cost us the game because you may have won in OT, but it would've been a lot nicer if we had at least gotten the chance =/
Oh dear god, that game was a lot closer than I liked
Originally posted by CarpeDeezNuts
GG, unfortunate that the AI is stupid (not ours, but Bort's timeout calling AI), it called three timeouts in your last drive and gave you the chance for the FG. Not saying it cost us the game because you may have won in OT, but it would've been a lot nicer if we had at least gotten the chance =/

Even with the two timeouts you called we were on the 28 with well over a minute left. So we had plenty of time and were in FG range already.

It was calling timeouts so you would have some time left after we either scored or kicked the FG. We were going to run the clock out if not.
Last edited Dec 14, 2008 06:52:45
You had time for 2 plays, you got more than that. Who knows, maybe if you took the FG from the 28 instead of the 20 you would've missed it? Again I'm not saying that this cost us the game but it cost us the CHANCE.
Two plays in 1:35? We would of got more then two plays off. And yes you never know about kicking from farther. Good game though. You guys have improved so that should be a positive for you.
Im not really sure I understand your problem CarpeDeezNuts.

You called your first timeout, with 1:30 left, and us at your 28 yard line.
28 yard line is a pretty good chance at a field goal, so the AI was trying to make sure you had time after we score.

What is bugged, is that we took a field goal, with 30 seconds left, at your 5 yard line.

Your timeouts however, where taken very intelligently in the situation.

As Lowby writes, very good game, very close!
Last edited Dec 14, 2008 06:59:30
Originally posted by Jarl
Im not really sure I understand your problem CarpeDeezNuts.

You called your first timeout, with 1:30 left, and us at your 28 yard line.
28 yard line is a pretty good chance at a field goal, so the AI was trying to make sure you had time after we score.

What is bugged, is that we took a field goal, with 30 seconds left, at your 5 yard line.

Your timeouts however, was taken very intelligently in the situation.

I agree. We should be complaining about the AI. 1st and goal from the 3 with 32 seconds left and we kick a FG?? Averaging 6.6 yards a rush that is a TD in the making. But I will never complain about the AI. Both teams have to deal with the same thing.
Damn, that was a heartbreaker. The whole season ended that way. I think of it this way: At least we almost won and atleast it was VERY close. Good luck in the rest of the playoffs.
Tie game with 1:35 left with the opposing team on your own 28 yard line. They are in FG range and it's first down. What do you think they are going to do? 1st down, run, 2nd down, run, 3rd down, kick a FG, with time running out.

You had no choice but to call time outs. The AI was hoping you would get the stops. Is it the AI's fault you didn't stop them 3 times to make them kick a longer FG AND have more time to try to get into FG range yourself?

No, the AI can't be blamed, only the defense can.

Now, Dublin has to try to deal with the 49ers running game Any chance, lowby, you can do what Stockholm did and try to pass against us instead of running?
Yeah we are going to open the passing game up! We have been saving it until now!

Also you guys have a great team and it will be fun facing you win or lose.
Last edited Dec 14, 2008 08:08:22
But, it will be more fun if we win!

At least thats my humble opinion

I really hope we wont start passing too much, unless of course its to Makeroth!
That boy has a pair of nice hands on his arms!
And I doubt you have any LBīs fast enough to cover him
Last edited Dec 14, 2008 08:33:58
2:52 1st & 10 OWN 30.5 Hot Babe rush to the left (8.5 yd gain) [tackle: Clarence Beeks] Replay
2:16 2nd & 1.5 OWN 39.5 Makeroth Demonheart rush to the left (2 yd loss) [tackle: Jeremy Allred] Replay

Those were the last 2 plays before the timeouts started getting called. 36 seconds between plays. We'll say 30 sec per play just to make it simpler. With 1:35 left, you had time for 2 plays (unless there was an incomplete or you went out of bounds of course), which would bring you to :35, then you would've kicked the FG. It just seems to me that it would be better to save the timeouts for when we got the ball after you kicked the FG.
Originally posted by CarpeDeezNuts
2:52 1st & 10 OWN 30.5 Hot Babe rush to the left (8.5 yd gain) [tackle: Clarence Beeks] Replay
2:16 2nd & 1.5 OWN 39.5 Makeroth Demonheart rush to the left (2 yd loss) [tackle: Jeremy Allred] Replay

Those were the last 2 plays before the timeouts started getting called. 36 seconds between plays. We'll say 30 sec per play just to make it simpler. With 1:35 left, you had time for 2 plays (unless there was an incomplete or you went out of bounds of course), which would bring you to :35, then you would've kicked the FG. It just seems to me that it would be better to save the timeouts for when we got the ball after you kicked the FG.

Your still missing the obvious I am afraid. Maybe you are the only one to see it though. We would of run the clock out!
At 30 seconds per play, they run 3 times and kick a FG with 5 seconds left and you lose.

At 35 seconds per play, they run 2 times and kick a FG with 25 seconds left. They kicked the FG in the actual game with 32 seconds left. That's a 7 second difference. Your first actual play was a 19 seconds left. Not using timeouts, and considering the 7 second difference, you'd have the ball back with 12 seconds left and 3 time outs. Doesn't make sense to me.

At 40 seconds per play, they run 2 times and kick a FG with 15 seconds left. Take it from there.

And, if you really want to push it to try to make your point, we can say 25 seconds per play... which is ridiculous, but to make a point: They run 3 times and kick a FG with 20 seconds left. 3 seconds for the FG, 10 seconds for the kickoff, you have 7 seconds and 3 timeouts...

No matter how you look at it, CarpeDeezNuts, you end up in a bad situation and those timeouts mean nothing. The FACT is, the timeout usage was perfect, as you MUST assume you KNOW they will run and your defense can stop 3 running plays. The problem was that the defense DID NOT stop the running plays, and so they got more plays. As the defense did not hold, the timeout usage was meaningless.

So, the timeout usage did not matter. It would ONLY have made a difference if your defense held... and in that case the TOs needed to be used exactly when they were. It was the best possible use of the timeouts.
Last edited Dec 14, 2008 10:49:22

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