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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Game of the century: Clavenhouse vs. Walleye
4th Quarter
Out of the original 16 teams in the Western Conference, 6 have moved up.
Clan by 10
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

If this is in ANY way directed towards me, I'll add my peace now;

Why hello, first time I've seen you around this piece...If you'd get your head out of your a** you'd know I'm the LAST person to be an honest trash talker. I've "trash talked" MAYBE twice this season...but that's where I've drawn the line...So you MAY wanna re-edit that statement if it was directed towards me, b.c I NEVER said anything negative about "staying in a league w/ the same teams multiple seasons".

3 Seasons of Being in the A together and neither of you guys moved up? Not a good look...

Nothing negative about ANY team in that statement...It's open ended comment. If I meant "bad" by it I would have ended w/ a laughing, laughing at the subject. But I ended w/ ... meaning no expression in the end of what I said. SO MAYBE next time you come up w/ some snide remark you come at me correct and use that thing above your shoulders, stop and think it over. I've been pretty fair w/ every team inside these forums, aside from the ladies over in Northern, haha, but everyone else yes...I'd be the last person to "trash" another team. I've made several compliments about your team...may serve you some "knowledge" to read up on the posts before Thanx

First off, I appreciate what you've done here with the rankings and frankly it's fun to read yours and Billsman's posts. I'm sorry if you're so offended by the term "trash talk" but that's your problem, not mine. I'm not worried about "fair" or if you "trash" a certain team.

Just because this is the first time you've seen me post doesn't mean I don't read everything posted here. Some people new to this conference have said stuff about how many teams are still here, or that the teams should be higher leveled for being uncapped, or whatever. This has been traditionally a very good division and conference so it's understandable that someone new to it wouldn't understand the situation.

So no, I won't edit my comment.
haleykrl DTD
Originally posted by JSin
Originally posted by haleykrl

Well, I am a big fan of the Clan,but I would have to put my money on the Walleye in a close one

You said this same exact thing when we played the Wildcats, I'm starting to think you aren't a big fan of us.

I think Walleye's will pull this one out in a close one.


reverse sicology maybe
Your an arrogant piece of shiit! And I say that w/ a smile...SO much more I'd like to say about you. My apologize we were briefed before we entered this league and "what not to say" in the forums 'cause I hit the sour note w/ you. Bottom line scumbag... 'nuff said. I'm done w/ this forum. I don't wanna be in the same space as this guy. Sorry guys, that does mean power rankings and such are finished. I can't even be patient w/ the character, that was the final string...I don;t tolerate people like that, especially friends of mine. Understanding we all say some stuff in here, but NO ONE deserves to be spoken to like kevith blatantly did. There's ALWAYS that one straw that breaks the camels back and that my friends was the one...

I'll guide you to the report link if you'd like kevith b.c I see a ban coming.

[Edit] I've even taken the liberty of submitting this thread link, reporting my own comment "Your an arrogant piece of shiit! And I say that w/ a smile..." to a handful of moderators giving them the heads up that it's coming.
Last edited Dec 6, 2008 22:07:58
Originally posted by kevith
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

If this is in ANY way directed towards me, I'll add my peace now;

Why hello, first time I've seen you around this piece...If you'd get your head out of your a** you'd know I'm the LAST person to be an honest trash talker. I've "trash talked" MAYBE twice this season...but that's where I've drawn the line...So you MAY wanna re-edit that statement if it was directed towards me, b.c I NEVER said anything negative about "staying in a league w/ the same teams multiple seasons".

3 Seasons of Being in the A together and neither of you guys moved up? Not a good look...

Nothing negative about ANY team in that statement...It's open ended comment. If I meant "bad" by it I would have ended w/ a laughing, laughing at the subject. But I ended w/ ... meaning no expression in the end of what I said. SO MAYBE next time you come up w/ some snide remark you come at me correct and use that thing above your shoulders, stop and think it over. I've been pretty fair w/ every team inside these forums, aside from the ladies over in Northern, haha, but everyone else yes...I'd be the last person to "trash" another team. I've made several compliments about your team...may serve you some "knowledge" to read up on the posts before Thanx

First off, I appreciate what you've done here with the rankings and frankly it's fun to read yours and Billsman's posts. I'm sorry if you're so offended by the term "trash talk" but that's your problem, not mine. I'm not worried about "fair" or if you "trash" a certain team.

Just because this is the first time you've seen me post doesn't mean I don't read everything posted here. Some people new to this conference have said stuff about how many teams are still here, or that the teams should be higher leveled for being uncapped, or whatever. This has been traditionally a very good division and conference so it's understandable that someone new to it wouldn't understand the situation.

So no, I won't edit my comment.

Sorry I have to take exception to this....I haven't been on these forums a lot due to my SS being traded to a different team in the Oceania league, but he will be back next season to kick ass again...

Now, I don't completely understand why you (kevith) have to be a jerk to Bobby. he has been nothing but nice and kind to every team...imo!! Do you have a stick up your ass which makes you irritable?? Change you post, apologize via post or PM (perferably PM so he reads it) and move on!

This has always been (as far as I know) a fun league...yes we trash talk, nothing mean or demeaning, just all in fun! So quit being an ass and change your post...there is not need to be a jerk about this!!
Well this is quite a turn of events. You don't tolerate people like "what"? You start calling me names and cussing at me, and somehow I'm the bad guy. I say something that you disagree with and you have to quit the forums.

I'm having trouble seeing what I've said that's so terrible. I haven't even insulted you or cussed at you (where you insulted me in both your responses). To be honest, I don't think I'm completely sure what you're going off about here. I don't really know what to tell you....
Last edited Dec 6, 2008 22:41:43
Originally posted by 4th Quarter
Out of the original 16 teams in the Western Conference, 6 have moved up.


Badgers, Rams, Maulers, Polar Bears, and the late Alberta Assassins.

3 are certain and one is likely playoffs teams. Looking ahead, 3 would probably be playoff teams in AAA1 as well. There is no shame in still being here. Although we pull the same shit on the one vet team in the contender mix in AA. Of the six elite teams in AA West, 5 were in A last year. This league might be harder to get out of than the next two.

And that's without even mentioning the hijinx at the end of season 4. If that plays out naturally, with all due respect to a good Badger team, season 5 looks a lot different. I don't know what was going on with the Walleye (though they played us about as tough as anyone outside the Rams:, but the Clan could have very easily played out of this league.

Long story short. I don't think dude was trying to be insulting with that first post, but you guys gotta forgive vets of this league for being defensive. It's been a tough run.
Originally posted by just1idiot
Originally posted by 4th Quarter

Out of the original 16 teams in the Western Conference, 6 have moved up.


Badgers, Rams, Maulers, Polar Bears, and the late Alberta Assassins.

3 are certain and one is likely playoffs teams. Looking ahead, 3 would probably be playoff teams in AAA1 as well. There is no shame in still being here. Although we pull the same shit on the one vet team in the contender mix in AA. Of the six elite teams in AA West, 5 were in A last year. This league might be harder to get out of than the next two.

And that's without even mentioning the hijinx at the end of season 4. If that plays out naturally, with all due respect to a good Badger team, season 5 looks a lot different. I don't know what was going on with the Walleye (though they played us about as tough as anyone outside the Rams:, but the Clan could have very easily played out of this league.

Long story short. I don't think dude was trying to be insulting with that first post, but you guys gotta forgive vets of this league for being defensive. It's been a tough run.

Dont forget about Vancouver. Even though they dropped this season to BBB.
Last edited Dec 7, 2008 08:29:20
4th Quarter
Originally posted by MudBugs
Originally posted by just1idiot

Originally posted by 4th Quarter

Out of the original 16 teams in the Western Conference, 6 have moved up.


Badgers, Rams, Maulers, Polar Bears, and the late Alberta Assassins.

3 are certain and one is likely playoffs teams. Looking ahead, 3 would probably be playoff teams in AAA1 as well. There is no shame in still being here. Although we pull the same shit on the one vet team in the contender mix in AA. Of the six elite teams in AA West, 5 were in A last year. This league might be harder to get out of than the next two.

And that's without even mentioning the hijinx at the end of season 4. If that plays out naturally, with all due respect to a good Badger team, season 5 looks a lot different. I don't know what was going on with the Walleye (though they played us about as tough as anyone outside the Rams:, but the Clan could have very easily played out of this league.

Long story short. I don't think dude was trying to be insulting with that first post, but you guys gotta forgive vets of this league for being defensive. It's been a tough run.

Dont forget about Vancouver. Even though they dropped this season to BBB.

We were talking about the West. I believe the Vikings were in the East. Crazy to see Ex0ars gutted the whole thing and started over.
Yeah, it's a shame, they would be AAA this season otherwise.

In fact, with the Sundowners going CPU, the A3 East is grossly underrepresented given it's strength in the higher leagues, as the Hitmen, the other promoted team, were demoted the previous season.

Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
Your an arrogant piece of shiit! And I say that w/ a smile...SO much more I'd like to say about you. My apologize we were briefed before we entered this league and "what not to say" in the forums 'cause I hit the sour note w/ you. Bottom line scumbag... 'nuff said. I'm done w/ this forum. I don't wanna be in the same space as this guy. Sorry guys, that does mean power rankings and such are finished. I can't even be patient w/ the character, that was the final string...I don;t tolerate people like that, especially friends of mine. Understanding we all say some stuff in here, but NO ONE deserves to be spoken to like kevith blatantly did. There's ALWAYS that one straw that breaks the camels back and that my friends was the one...

I'll guide you to the report link if you'd like kevith b.c I see a ban coming.

[Edit] I've even taken the liberty of submitting this thread link, reporting my own comment "Your an arrogant piece of shiit! And I say that w/ a smile..." to a handful of moderators giving them the heads up that it's coming.

I didn't see enough in this post to quit your power rankings. You've got to have some tough skin around here. I'm kinda bummed you wont be doing them anymore....I really looked forward to reading them.
4th Quarter
This forum has really degraded into one of the worst forums I've been in. It's amazing how just a couple of assholes can manage to hijack every thread and turn the whole forum into one big flame fest of a pissing match. Hopefully Clavenhouse will get promoted and I wont have any reason to come back here.

I miss the Ken-SHAM and the good old days.
Originally posted by 4th Quarter
This forum has really degraded into one of the worst forums I've been in. It's amazing how just a couple of assholes can manage to hijack every thread and turn the whole forum into one big flame fest of a pissing match. Hopefully Clavenhouse will get promoted and I wont have any reason to come back here.

I miss the Ken-SHAM and the good old days.

Yeah at least me and shammy kept it somewhat civilized. These new guys are nothing more than gutter rubbish. Based upon their posting, teams play and open player builds, I would state the following about them:

1. Most, if not all, are failed high school players who didn't make the first cut. (I would have called them nerds/geeks but that would be an insult to nerds/geeks)
2. Most, if not all, fail miserably at pro-line.
3. Most, if not all, center their lives around their glb team and their favorite nfl team.
4. Most, if not all, are members of a social group which has the summation iq comparable to that of their average shoe size.
5. Most, if not all, think it is socially acceptable to double dip at a public function.

Bunch of cretons. At least they all suck.


4th Quarter
Is double dipping okay if I dip the other side of the chip that hasnt touched my mouth?

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