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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > You will all be owned!
Originally posted by CaliGaucho
Seem to remember my CB doing alright matched up on little Polly. 4 pass deflections and 2 catches (both on screens) when matched up with Allen.

that was the only game he has been shut down...very imprssive...that is like shutting down the Reggie Bush of Oceania AA, that is, if Reggie Bush was good, and if he was a WR...
Poley owns again....6TD 300+ yards....

had to wait for this one...
Yup you sure own when you cant run that crappy WR screen

Dont know why anyone would be on here talking trash when their team is 7-7 and obviously needs to relook at their offense, rather than trying to throw it to one overrated WR.
Originally posted by maitey
Yup you sure own when you cant run that crappy WR screen

Dont know why anyone would be on here talking trash when their team is 7-7 and obviously needs to relook at their offense, rather than trying to throw it to one overrated WR.

You obviously don't have a clue how the QB check down works and if you did you'd know that Poley is hardly over rated. Nice job on your teams season though. 10+ level difference on most teams will do that.

If you can't have a little friendly shit talking without getting butt hurt maybe you shouldn't be playing dot football online.

Our starters are all upper level 20 with a handful of lower 30's and we're out rated in just about every game we play. Your team on the other hand is a ton of 35+ and quite a few level 40's. Enjoy your over hyped shitty built players when you advance next season.
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 16:18:33
Originally posted by benkei
Originally posted by maitey

Yup you sure own when you cant run that crappy WR screen

Dont know why anyone would be on here talking trash when their team is 7-7 and obviously needs to relook at their offense, rather than trying to throw it to one overrated WR.

You obviously don't have a clue how the QB check down works and if you did you'd know that Poley is hardly over rated. Nice job on your teams season though. 10+ level difference on most teams will do that.

If you can't have a little friendly shit talking without getting butt hurt maybe you shouldn't be playing dot football online.

Our starters are all upper level 20 with a handful of lower 30's and we're out rated in just about every game we play. Your team on the other hand is a ton of 35+ and quite a few level 40's. Enjoy your over hyped shitty built players when you advance next season.

Want some cheese with that whine??? LOL your team sucks and you dont belong up here in the big leagues. Spend some time recruiting instead of wacking it to made up stats, again the receiver is over rated, exploiting the WR screen doesnt make him superior!! lol
Originally posted by benkei
Originally posted by maitey

Yup you sure own when you cant run that crappy WR screen

Dont know why anyone would be on here talking trash when their team is 7-7 and obviously needs to relook at their offense, rather than trying to throw it to one overrated WR.

You obviously don't have a clue how the QB check down works and if you did you'd know that Poley is hardly over rated. Nice job on your teams season though. 10+ level difference on most teams will do that.

If you can't have a little friendly shit talking without getting butt hurt maybe you shouldn't be playing dot football online.

Our starters are all upper level 20 with a handful of lower 30's and we're out rated in just about every game we play. Your team on the other hand is a ton of 35+ and quite a few level 40's. Enjoy your over hyped shitty built players when you advance next season.

How is it that we are the ones who are butt hurt? Poley talked shit, we shut him down and you lost 73-0. I don't see how that makes us butt hurt. It definitely sounds like you are butt hurt though. You guys would probably have pretty good team down in A. And as far as our team having quite a few level 40's? We have one and he is our MLB. Most of our players are level 32 or 33 with "GREAT" builds. Our shitty built players have lost 3 games in 3 seasons including playoffs. And if or when we do move up to the next level, we will re-sign most of our players. Recruit a few more and start winning at the next level. One thing you will never see from us is whining and complaining that we are outleveled. We will congratulate that team (Maurauders) and try and do better next time.
Come on, guys! take it easy on the poor he talked some shit...big deal!

it's not like he said he owned the league or's not like his teammates are coming to his aid and changing the subject and are trying to talk about levels...

...damn...okay, i got this....wait, no i don' guys are totally on top of this...but seriously....Reggie Bush of OAA...LMAO

Confuscious say, "Beware man who play with stuffed animals..."
I'm sorry who changed the subject? This was all fun and games till the Avatar Generals showed up and started talking down to entire teams. This is the post that set it off.

Originally posted by maitey
Yup you sure own when you cant run that crappy WR screen

Dont know why anyone would be on here talking trash when their team is 7-7 and obviously needs to relook at their offense, rather than trying to throw it to one overrated WR.

Then one Guam GM wants to talk about learning how to recruit while the other talks about sticking it out with loyal players. So which is it? Should the Islanders dump all their current players and upgrade? Or stay loyal to players staying loyal to them?

Originally posted by Skullkrusher
Most of our players are level 32 or 33 with "GREAT" builds.

Actually the average level of your starting players is 38.

Frankly this is all rather laughable. No one took any of Sullys talk seriously and joked back with him. In fact, members of Gold Coast exchanged pleasant smack talk in this very thread with out getting all bent out of shape and screaming "WE WON GO BACK TO THE B LEAGUES".

You wanna talk about the win, be my guest. I was honestly rather impressed you were able to stop Poley. You guys have a good team and obviously put the effort in, the least you could do is recognize that in others.
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 21:12:07
Oh it's still all fun and games...especially since I have absolutely nothing to do with this situation...I just happen to have a bad habit of taking sides of anybody from OA#5...have a nice day
Hmmm..... according to the actual numbers, Guam has an average level of 35 for starters (and that's counting the only level 40+ we have twice due to the chance of either a 4-3 or a 3-4 defense)... What sort of new math are you using to get to an average level of 38?

I do find it amusing that the only people who have had to endure smack talk from Guam are the same people who ask for it, and every time we back our shit up, the people who start it whine because we prove yet again that we are better than they are.

Respond how ever you want, cause those of us in the know realize you are full of it... Starters, levels, average level for each side of the ball, and average level for the entire team (figured at 10pm pst Dec 8th, 2008) for anyone who feels the need to question my numbers.

Happy Holidays

Starting Offense
Pos Player
QB Chase Edward Lv 38
HB Brandon "4x4" Jacobs Lv 39
WR1 OchoCinco 88 Lv 36
WR2 Joey Gluehands Lv 34
TE Muscular Muff Lv 36
C Bubba Die Lv 36
LOT Push Me Lv 33
ROT Chuck Zilla Lv 35
LG Don't Try Lv 32
RG Protec Chaneck Lv 33
Average (Offense) 35
Starting Kickers
Pos Player
K Bigfoot Goldentoe Lv 32
P Jonie BigFoot Lv 26
Average (Kickers) 29
Starting Defense
Pos Player
NT Own Your Face Lv 31
DT Luke Atmasak Lv 33
LDE Doc Mort Lv 37
RDE Rude Awake Lv 36
MLB Cory Davidson Lv 43
LOLB Trent Darkstar Lv 35
ROLB Mike Willsam Lv 33
LILB Cory Davidson Lv 43
RILB Cory O'Rourke Lv 32
CB1 another pick Lv 36
CB2 Jeremy Reed Lv 36
FS Handly Pickoffski Lv 37
SS Bubba Love Lv 36
Average Defense 36

Average Team 35
Poley only has about half his TD with WR screen, considering he was only in this league for half the games he is still better than all of your ugly asses.

My team has an average level of about 35, be happy to take you one if you care to scrimmage. Just dial 1-800-you-suck-and-think-you-are-smarter-but-arent-and-just-end-up-looking-like-a-bunch-of-smucks.

Besides, I was just setting you guys up for your inevitable playoff downfall!
You guys are the smartest game planners on GLB...In most cases I would tell the Generals to step up and challenge Sully's team...However, I challenged him once and now I have to live in his basement, scrub his toilets and wear this avatar for a season.

It's probably best to not challenge him and keep thinking how smart you are as you beat teams with starters in the mid 20s because they were promoted before they were ready.
Poley used to be on my team. He's nothing but a scrub. I think it's hilarious that he's eating all these Oceania nitwits for breakfast though. LOL at Oceania AA for getting owned and poley-ized!
Originally posted by benkei
I'm sorry who changed the subject? This was all fun and games till the Avatar Generals showed up and started talking down to entire teams. This is the post that set it off.

Originally posted by maitey

Yup you sure own when you cant run that crappy WR screen

Dont know why anyone would be on here talking trash when their team is 7-7 and obviously needs to relook at their offense, rather than trying to throw it to one overrated WR.

Then one Guam GM wants to talk about learning how to recruit while the other talks about sticking it out with loyal players. So which is it? Should the Islanders dump all their current players and upgrade? Or stay loyal to players staying loyal to them?

Originally posted by Skullkrusher

Most of our players are level 32 or 33 with "GREAT" builds.

Actually the average level of your starting players is 38.

Frankly this is all rather laughable. No one took any of Sullys talk seriously and joked back with him. In fact, members of Gold Coast exchanged pleasant smack talk in this very thread with out getting all bent out of shape and screaming "WE WON GO BACK TO THE B LEAGUES".

You wanna talk about the win, be my guest. I was honestly rather impressed you were able to stop Poley. You guys have a good team and obviously put the effort in, the least you could do is recognize that in others.

Our average level on offense is 34.9 and on defense is 35.7 so I don't know where you come up with 38. We only have 3 players in the starting lineup that are at or above 38.

As far as taking Poley seriously, maybe that was everyone else's problem. They didn't take him seriously and he rolled up 6 TD's and 300 yds. We took him seriously and shut him down.

And for the record, I never said anything bad about your team. I actually said that you guys would be pretty good down in the A division. You are outleveled by half the league. You guys have done a good job considering your levels and depth.


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