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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > The Demons have 2 games circled now that the Mounties are gone. Walleye and Clan, be afraid!
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by ZQ

Might i mention that the Wildcats put the Demons down w/o issue.

The formentioned teams are much more formidable opponents. Better bring that A game.

That's when we only had 10 in chemistry.

right. and 67/73/71 is much better.

Really. The smack talk must end. The Demons are a no threat this season.

Maybe next season.
Originally posted by ZQ
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by ZQ

Might i mention that the Wildcats put the Demons down w/o issue.

The formentioned teams are much more formidable opponents. Better bring that A game.

That's when we only had 10 in chemistry.

right. and 67/73/71 is much better.

Really. The smack talk must end. The Demons are a no threat this season.

Maybe next season.

Funny I don't remember anyone calling for the water boy.
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by ZQ

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by ZQ

Might i mention that the Wildcats put the Demons down w/o issue.

The formentioned teams are much more formidable opponents. Better bring that A game.

That's when we only had 10 in chemistry.

right. and 67/73/71 is much better.

Really. The smack talk must end. The Demons are a no threat this season.

Maybe next season.

Funny I don't remember anyone calling for the water boy.

The waterboy?

The OC for the #3 West team, that beat the snot out of your team, the waterboy?

The Disbelief is shocking.

//edit: and my favorite part of smack talk, the proof:

Last edited Dec 2, 2008 23:46:40
Oh nutalini, haha, you guys crack me up, haha...

Only two more weeks until Alberta comes into town Widlcats haha, we've yet to book our metro tickets yet for the train/subway, haha should be a GOOD game for teh city to watch! I look forward to sh*t talk either, your a quality team Don't expect too many "coaches" at the press conference, haha...I'll be the only one in attendance, haha....
I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.
Originally posted by ZQ
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by ZQ

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by ZQ

Might i mention that the Wildcats put the Demons down w/o issue.

The formentioned teams are much more formidable opponents. Better bring that A game.

That's when we only had 10 in chemistry.

right. and 67/73/71 is much better.

Really. The smack talk must end. The Demons are a no threat this season.

Maybe next season.

Funny I don't remember anyone calling for the water boy.

The waterboy?

The OC for the #3 West team, that beat the snot out of your team, the waterboy?

The Disbelief is shocking.

//edit: and my favorite part of smack talk, the proof:


Would Gatorade guy be a better fit for you?

Oh boy, you beat a team that was in a capped league last season with it's highest player being a 20! Wow, the Demons also had a 10 chemistry. Man, you have to feel proud about that accomplishment eh waterboy? Maybe you can scrimmage a few D league teams to really boost that fragile ego of yours too. hehe

You know what they say, even a blind squirrel (You) can find a nut in the forest.
Last edited Dec 3, 2008 16:57:33
Originally posted by just1idiot
I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.

Never let them think they're better, ever. These clowns that have been up here for several seasons playing one another finally got lucky and put a team together and they're all chest thumping now? Oh please give me a break!
4th Quarter
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by just1idiot

I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.

Never let them think they're better, ever. These clowns that have been up here for several seasons playing one another finally got lucky and put a team together and they're all chest thumping now? Oh please give me a break!

Wouldnt you rather be underestimated so people dont use their +5 bonus against you or spend extra time game planning?
Originally posted by 4th Quarter
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by just1idiot

I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.

Never let them think they're better, ever. These clowns that have been up here for several seasons playing one another finally got lucky and put a team together and they're all chest thumping now? Oh please give me a break!

Wouldnt you rather be underestimated so people dont use their +5 bonus against you or spend extra time game planning?

Im scared, really. So where ya been? And is that really you in your avatar?
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by just1idiot

I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.

Never let them think they're better, ever. These clowns that have been up here for several seasons playing one another finally got lucky and put a team together and they're all chest thumping now? Oh please give me a break!

You know that this is only the third full season for cananda A3, right?
Originally posted by Mooser
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by just1idiot

I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.

Never let them think they're better, ever. These clowns that have been up here for several seasons playing one another finally got lucky and put a team together and they're all chest thumping now? Oh please give me a break!

You know that this is only the third full season for cananda A3, right?

So some of you guys have been here in uncapped for 3 seasons?
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by Mooser

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by just1idiot

I like your attitude Billsman!

But yeah, you're going to get killed.

Never let them think they're better, ever. These clowns that have been up here for several seasons playing one another finally got lucky and put a team together and they're all chest thumping now? Oh please give me a break!

You know that this is only the third full season for cananda A3, right?

So some of you guys have been here in uncapped for 3 seasons?

If I remember correctly; A3 was uncapped starting season 4. And the BBB was uncapped starting season 5.
Nope, we were capped last season. Not bad for BBB Teams ehh.... We come up one day we're fighting against teams who've been at this level w/ their teams for a while and we happen to win a couple...couple more than expected. For instance; My friend Brad over there w/ the Bulldawgs...he has a GOOD chance of fighting in the final two in the East...and well us...considering we're in the MUCH BETTER conference, I'd say the Mountie have played the field wisely, playoffs are where I play the "upset" cards. And well the Demons...Bill may talk ALOT of shit, but you must say, he turned his team around (and no one knows why and what happened) but he's proving to be quite the little storm w/ his Demons. I thought there was more of us in the same league..but I think some left. ANYWAYS! Yeah...haha...

Good chance promotions for 3-4 teams this season from our league. High percentage of inactive teams in AA...will there be a Last Season BBB team making their 2nd consecutive jump?
Last edited Dec 4, 2008 07:40:09
4th Quarter
I'm very impressed at the competetiveness of the BBB teams that joined us here. I was hoping to have a bunch of cupcakes to steamroll, but you guys are solid competition to say the least.

It should be said thought that your chemistry was very low when the season began. You guys did not bring your rosters from BBB. You built these teams mainly through free agents and you probably have less than 50% of your players from season 5. I dont mean to take away from your accomplishments, because it's an impressive thing to build a contender in such a tough free agent market.

Clavenhouse started season 6 with chemistry at 100.

(edit) ...and yes, that avatar is actually me. The "Chinless beard" was a joke and only lasted 4 days, but it was a blast while it lasted. I couldn't be happier with my avatar. How many people can boast a thread like this being started about them:
Last edited Dec 4, 2008 14:51:31

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