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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Zeta Report.........Week 11
Originally posted by Maldinor

Game of the Week #1.....Battle at the Top
Osaka vs. Wake Island
3 weeks ago, I would not have given the Destroyers a chance to keep this game close...but then 2 things happened. The Destroyers beat the Volcano handily, and the Devil Dogs beat the Buckeyes handily in the much ballyhooed "friendly" match. Now....I have to give the Destroyers a chance...not a good one, but a reasonable one. They have earned it. That being said, I don't think the Destroyers will be able to "out dot" the Buckeyes, they will have to have a great game plan and have the sim implement it perfectly for them to win. I don't see that happening. Wake has shown they can play with any team in the conference so far. I am interested to see how they do against the Buckeyes. Will they be able to shut down the Buckey offense? If so, their chance to win goes up dramatically. Will they be able to put enough points up to take advantage of a good Destroyer defensive performance? I think the answer to both of these questions is no. In a game that I will finally pick correct with the Destroyers involved in a big game, the Buckeyes win this one in a game that will be closer than the final score. Osaka by 3 TD's.

The final score was closer than the game. Wake hung 31 on us under the cruise penalty in the 2nd half. I guess we will just have to live with a 7 TD victory
Cruise bites.....
Originally posted by Huddle
Don't worry, our Minotaur friends. Just keep yourselves away from #1 seed, and you won't see us soon on the field.

But, then.. who knows. This GLB game is real fun, and it would be really fun (for us?) to meet you once again in play-offs

You guys have no chance at the playoffs this year.
There's always a chance, my friend. For everything.

Even for you to smile at this Forum
Originally posted by Huddle
There's always a chance, my friend. For everything.

Even for you to smile at this Forum

I smile everyday on this forum

The forums are just as much a part of this game as the sims...
GG 5STAR and Good job buckeyes. once again you guys beat us bad and took our little winning Streak going.

Now we go back to work and start winning again "hopefully"


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