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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Update from your friends in AA2.
Originally posted by just1idiot
Holy crap, you are serious.

Listen, we appreciate the concern, but we're doing fine up there. We've managed to piss off about 90% of the league, but that's never really been much of a concern for us.

And forgive tansien for not recognizing you. Iirc the only peeps we heard out of you (or maybe it was one of your teammates) last season was mumbling something about the Warriors being underrated on their way to a 4-12 season.

Sunnyville beat the Black Bears in their last game. That's more than you've done in the season and a half since you got demoted. You might be feeling all high and mighty right now, but you realize you're about to go on a three game losing streak, right?

We still know a ton of teams in the league, and having rooting interests in most every game. So if we want to check in here after catching up on every post on our league board, you're just going to have to come to terms with that.

Why do I picture you looking just like your avatar?

Anyway, I wasn't serious until that douche decided to reply before I could explain that it wasn't that big of a deal. I kinda lost it after that.

As for my team....not a bad rebuilding job considering we were completely gutted two seasons ago. We were demoted after a 0-16 season. Came here and went 5-11 in a league we were seriously out-leveled.

As for your guys are solid. I have no problems with your team, but if you think you are high and mighty, I can arrange a scrimmage with one of my two Pro teams and teach you a lesson in humility.

As for the next 3 games on my schedule....I'm sure you will have your eye on the scores after this exchange. I agree it will be tough, but I think we'll be fine.
Originally posted by cwcapper
Originally posted by just1idiot

Holy crap, you are serious.

Listen, we appreciate the concern, but we're doing fine up there. We've managed to piss off about 90% of the league, but that's never really been much of a concern for us.

And forgive tansien for not recognizing you. Iirc the only peeps we heard out of you (or maybe it was one of your teammates) last season was mumbling something about the Warriors being underrated on their way to a 4-12 season.

Sunnyville beat the Black Bears in their last game. That's more than you've done in the season and a half since you got demoted. You might be feeling all high and mighty right now, but you realize you're about to go on a three game losing streak, right?

We still know a ton of teams in the league, and having rooting interests in most every game. So if we want to check in here after catching up on every post on our league board, you're just going to have to come to terms with that.

Why do I picture you looking just like your avatar?

Because it's the only visual association that you have of me? Kind of off topic.

Originally posted by
Anyway, I wasn't serious until that douche decided to reply before I could explain that it wasn't that big of a deal. I kinda lost it after that.

A'ight, I mean, it's a message board and all, Tans likes to start shit, that's why the Maulers are down. No real need to lose it though, he didn't launch any personal attacks or anything like that.

Originally posted by
As for my team....not a bad rebuilding job considering we were completely gutted two seasons ago. We were demoted after a 0-16 season. Came here and went 5-11 in a league we were seriously out-leveled.

Nothing against the Warriors at all, you guys played tough last year, a win over the (admittedly pre-re-recruited) Wildcats was impressive, and you've shown that you're not going to let any newcomers push you around this year.

What I was trying to figure out is how that suddenly made you the gate keeper for this board, and showing my peeps to the door.

Originally posted by
As for your guys are solid. I have no problems with your team, but if you think you are high and mighty, I can arrange a scrimmage with one of my two Pro teams and teach you a lesson in humility.

If we felt we were high and mighty, we wouldn't be dropping in on the A forums. And we didn't even feel that high and mighty last year either, and always were receptive and happy to see the Badgers and the Vikings when they dropped by.

As for the humility, I'm not in charge of these things, but I'm sure Scrylla would be interested. We probably wouldn't win, but it looks like we might be able to hang, the Maulers are not a team to back down from a challenge.

Originally posted by
As for the next 3 games on my schedule....I'm sure you will have your eye on the scores after this exchange. I agree it will be tough, but I think we'll be fine.

If you win any of them, then my hat's off to you. I'm not really wishing you ill will, just making sure you realize that you really don't have any sort of business trying to run us off this board.

Originally posted by cwcapper
Originally posted by just1idiot

Holy crap, you are serious.

Listen, we appreciate the concern, but we're doing fine up there. We've managed to piss off about 90% of the league, but that's never really been much of a concern for us.

And forgive tansien for not recognizing you. Iirc the only peeps we heard out of you (or maybe it was one of your teammates) last season was mumbling something about the Warriors being underrated on their way to a 4-12 season.

Sunnyville beat the Black Bears in their last game. That's more than you've done in the season and a half since you got demoted. You might be feeling all high and mighty right now, but you realize you're about to go on a three game losing streak, right?

We still know a ton of teams in the league, and having rooting interests in most every game. So if we want to check in here after catching up on every post on our league board, you're just going to have to come to terms with that.

As for your guys are solid. I have no problems with your team, but if you think you are high and mighty, I can arrange a scrimmage with one of my two Pro teams and teach you a lesson in humility.

Seriously? This is your response? FUCK OFF. You seem pretty good with analogies, so let's see if I can't help you out here.

This is just like the skinny kid in high school that talks a lot of shit, and then when it looks like he's going to get his ass kicked he calls on his older bro's / cousins who have no business even being anywhere near the fight.

So thanks, but no thanks. YOU wouldn't be teaching us anything, because it's not YOUR team. That being said, if any of my players ever need lessons in coping with having a vagina, we'll be sure to give you a call.

Originally posted by Scrylla
Originally posted by cwcapper

Originally posted by just1idiot

Holy crap, you are serious.

Listen, we appreciate the concern, but we're doing fine up there. We've managed to piss off about 90% of the league, but that's never really been much of a concern for us.

And forgive tansien for not recognizing you. Iirc the only peeps we heard out of you (or maybe it was one of your teammates) last season was mumbling something about the Warriors being underrated on their way to a 4-12 season.

Sunnyville beat the Black Bears in their last game. That's more than you've done in the season and a half since you got demoted. You might be feeling all high and mighty right now, but you realize you're about to go on a three game losing streak, right?

We still know a ton of teams in the league, and having rooting interests in most every game. So if we want to check in here after catching up on every post on our league board, you're just going to have to come to terms with that.

As for your guys are solid. I have no problems with your team, but if you think you are high and mighty, I can arrange a scrimmage with one of my two Pro teams and teach you a lesson in humility.

Seriously? This is your response? FUCK OFF. You seem pretty good with analogies, so let's see if I can't help you out here.

This is just like the skinny kid in high school that talks a lot of shit, and then when it looks like he's going to get his ass kicked he calls on his older bro's / cousins who have no business even being anywhere near the fight.

So thanks, but no thanks. YOU wouldn't be teaching us anything, because it's not YOUR team. That being said, if any of my players ever need lessons in coping with having a vagina, we'll be sure to give you a call.


Why not bring the entire team down here? I'm not backing down at all. I know that my team isn't at the level of yours considering we didn't exist 3 seasons ago. By the way...I've been with both my Pro teams from the very beginning. The OKC Thunderstorm started in USA A#2 and worked its way up. Vaadwaur Phoenix just made the jump this season to EE Pro. If I want to scrimmage a game, I can get it done. I don't need to go get anybody to talk shit for me. As for calling me a Pussy....I put out a challenge and you didn't accept. Who is the pussy now? Its ok. Maybe you can go get your other GM's to come talk shit as well. Does it make you feel better talking shit to an owner of a lower leveled team?
Wow, where to get started.

Originally posted by cwcapper

Why not bring the entire team down here? I'm not backing down at all. I know that my team isn't at the level of yours considering we didn't exist 3 seasons ago.

Contradiction 1) I know that my team isn't at the level of the Oklahoma City Thunderstorm because we haven't been around since SEASON 1. We came here in season 3.5, a full 2.5 seasons later. Conveniently, the Vaadwaur Phoenix have ALSO been around since season 1. So "your" pro teams are qualified to play us because they have been around for 2.5 seasons more then us, but we're not qualified to play the Whistlers, because we've been around for 1.5 seasons more then them. Gotcha.

Originally posted by cwcapper

If I want to scrimmage a game, I can get it done. I don't need to go get anybody to talk shit for me.

Contradiction 2) Look around, I visit this forum just as much as the rest of my fellow former A3'ers. Meanwhile, instead of needing other people to "talk shit" for you, you need OTHER TEAMS to play scrimmages for you.

Originally posted by cwcapper

As for calling me a Pussy....I put out a challenge and you didn't accept. Who is the pussy now?

Contradiction 3) You put out a challenge for a team you GM. Obviously you were too much of a pussy to put your own team on the line. Maybe the Estrogen is getting in the way of basic brain functions?

Originally posted by cwcapper

Does it make you feel better talking shit to an owner of a lower leveled team?

Contradiction 4: You're the one that wanted a scrimmage for a team that is TWO LEVELS LOWER. So who wants to make themselves feel better now?
Originally posted by Scrylla
Wow, where to get started.

Originally posted by cwcapper

Why not bring the entire team down here? I'm not backing down at all. I know that my team isn't at the level of yours considering we didn't exist 3 seasons ago.

Contradiction 1) I know that my team isn't at the level of the Oklahoma City Thunderstorm because we haven't been around since SEASON 1. We came here in season 3.5, a full 2.5 seasons later. Conveniently, the Vaadwaur Phoenix have ALSO been around since season 1. So "your" pro teams are qualified to play us because they have been around for 2.5 seasons more then us, but we're not qualified to play the Whistlers, because we've been around for 1.5 seasons more then them. Gotcha.

Originally posted by cwcapper

If I want to scrimmage a game, I can get it done. I don't need to go get anybody to talk shit for me.

Contradiction 2) Look around, I visit this forum just as much as the rest of my fellow former A3'ers. Meanwhile, instead of needing other people to "talk shit" for you, you need OTHER TEAMS to play scrimmages for you.

Originally posted by cwcapper

As for calling me a Pussy....I put out a challenge and you didn't accept. Who is the pussy now?

Contradiction 3) You put out a challenge for a team you GM. Obviously you were too much of a pussy to put your own team on the line. Maybe the Estrogen is getting in the way of basic brain functions?

Originally posted by cwcapper

Does it make you feel better talking shit to an owner of a lower leveled team?

Contradiction 4: You're the one that wanted a scrimmage for a team that is TWO LEVELS LOWER. So who wants to make themselves feel better now?

WOW. You must be some type of politician. Your entire post is way off base and you took everything out of context and twisted it to make it look as though it contradicted itself. Very nice work, but you still are the piece of shit for coming into our forum. P.S. When you have one player that has played above an AA league...then come talk to me. Until then, go back to your AA forums.
Oh hey, I'm here for the gangbang.
Originally posted by cwcapper
Very nice work, but you still are the piece of shit for coming into our forum.

That's all fine and good, but seriously, why are you so angry about this? I mean, as far as things to get worked up about, can't you admit this is pretty silly?
dan rules
Originally posted by cwcapper
Originally posted by Scrylla

Wow, where to get started.

Originally posted by cwcapper

Why not bring the entire team down here? I'm not backing down at all. I know that my team isn't at the level of yours considering we didn't exist 3 seasons ago.

Contradiction 1) I know that my team isn't at the level of the Oklahoma City Thunderstorm because we haven't been around since SEASON 1. We came here in season 3.5, a full 2.5 seasons later. Conveniently, the Vaadwaur Phoenix have ALSO been around since season 1. So "your" pro teams are qualified to play us because they have been around for 2.5 seasons more then us, but we're not qualified to play the Whistlers, because we've been around for 1.5 seasons more then them. Gotcha.

Originally posted by cwcapper

If I want to scrimmage a game, I can get it done. I don't need to go get anybody to talk shit for me.

Contradiction 2) Look around, I visit this forum just as much as the rest of my fellow former A3'ers. Meanwhile, instead of needing other people to "talk shit" for you, you need OTHER TEAMS to play scrimmages for you.

Originally posted by cwcapper

As for calling me a Pussy....I put out a challenge and you didn't accept. Who is the pussy now?

Contradiction 3) You put out a challenge for a team you GM. Obviously you were too much of a pussy to put your own team on the line. Maybe the Estrogen is getting in the way of basic brain functions?

Originally posted by cwcapper

Does it make you feel better talking shit to an owner of a lower leveled team?

Contradiction 4: You're the one that wanted a scrimmage for a team that is TWO LEVELS LOWER. So who wants to make themselves feel better now?

WOW. You must be some type of politician. Your entire post is way off base and you took everything out of context and twisted it to make it look as though it contradicted itself. Very nice work, but you still are the piece of shit for coming into our forum. P.S. When you have one player that has played above an AA league...then come talk to me. Until then, go back to your AA forums.

He is the politician? You are the one saying he is wrong, yet not addressing the issues at all. And then you change the subject by talking about your players playing in leagues above AA. Conveniently enough, your players that are in such high leagues are higher levels than any of his guys.

Originally posted by Scrylla
Wow, where to get started.

Originally posted by cwcapper

If I want to scrimmage a game, I can get it done. I don't need to go get anybody to talk shit for me.

Contradiction 2) Look around, I visit this forum just as much as the rest of my fellow former A3'ers. Meanwhile, instead of needing other people to "talk shit" for you, you need OTHER TEAMS to play scrimmages for you.

Originally posted by cwcapper

As for calling me a Pussy....I put out a challenge and you didn't accept. Who is the pussy now?

Contradiction 3) You put out a challenge for a team you GM. Obviously you were too much of a pussy to put your own team on the line. Maybe the Estrogen is getting in the way of basic brain functions?

Originally posted by cwcapper

Does it make you feel better talking shit to an owner of a lower leveled team?

Contradiction 4: You're the one that wanted a scrimmage for a team that is TWO LEVELS LOWER. So who wants to make themselves feel better now?

I just wanted to clear a few things up since apparently you analyzed my statement with a microscope and broke it down. I want to help you understand why I put what I did, because you didn't understand the first time. They aren't just weren't able to comprehend what I put.

Originally posted by cwcapper

Why not bring the entire team down here? I'm not backing down at all. I know that my team isn't at the level of yours considering we didn't exist 3 seasons ago.

Contradiction 1) I know that my team isn't at the level of the Oklahoma City Thunderstorm because we haven't been around since SEASON 1. We came here in season 3.5, a full 2.5 seasons later. Conveniently, the Vaadwaur Phoenix have ALSO been around since season 1. So "your" pro teams are qualified to play us because they have been around for 2.5 seasons more then us, but we're not qualified to play the Whistlers, because we've been around for 1.5 seasons more then them. Gotcha.

The point wasn't that my pro teams had been around longer. The reason I mentioned both OKC and Vaadwaur was to show you that these are teams I had been on since April (Season 1). They wouldn't have to bail me out. These are my teams with my players. The owners and I are in private forums together. If I want to play a scrimmage, all I do is say the word. Get it.

If I want to scrimmage a game, I can get it done. I don't need to go get anybody to talk shit for me.

Contradiction 2) Look around, I visit this forum just as much as the rest of my fellow former A3'ers. Meanwhile, instead of needing other people to "talk shit" for you, you need OTHER TEAMS to play scrimmages for you.

Originally posted by cwcapper

Mistake 2...Had you not separated these two statments, you probably would have understood what I was saying. Dumbass.

As for calling me a Pussy....I put out a challenge and you didn't accept. Who is the pussy now?

Contradiction 3) You put out a challenge for a team you GM. Obviously you were too much of a pussy to put your own team on the line. Maybe the Estrogen is getting in the way of basic brain functions?

Originally posted by cwcapper

Mistake 3...Why are you even here? I was talking to your GM. That's how we got here in the first place. He had to run crying to you. Oh....and do we really need to play again. I already stated that my team wasn't at your level. Again....I still think you are the pussy.

Does it make you feel better talking shit to an owner of a lower leveled team?

Contradiction 4: You're the one that wanted a scrimmage for a team that is TWO LEVELS LOWER. So who wants to make themselves feel better now?

Very nice twist on words here. I told you that if you felt like your team was tough shit...I had two teams that could knock you down a peg or two. You want to punk my team. You can shove it. We have already played. Nothing new to prove. Go back to your forums.

In guys pissed off everybody in your AA forums and came back here looking for teams to kiss your ass because you were promoted. We just don't care. I'm sorry to tell you. Its great you got promoted, but you shouldn't have pissed off everybody in those forums. Time to grow up and face the music.
This is great stuff, nothing like a bitch session over nothing, great morning reading... It reminds me of the good old days with Tans and Ken-Sham
I had fun except I can't do the quote thing like they did. You can tell that they probably already had some type of template up ready to flame away. I feel like I won. They had to make up their argument.
What the fuck? Jesus christ you are one of the dumbest people i've ever seen on the forum. I can't make any sense of what you posted due to the fact that you are clinically retarded. You call it having some type of template ready to flame away, I call it having an IQ over 55.

From what little I could make out, you still didn't respond to my statements, and you're still trying to get one of the pro teams that you gm( NOT YOUR TEAM) to play us. Clearly out of our league. Also, you're the only one that we've pissed off. Pussy.
Originally posted by Scrylla
What the fuck? Jesus christ you are one of the dumbest people i've ever seen on the forum. I can't make any sense of what you posted due to the fact that you are clinically retarded. You call it having some type of template ready to flame away, I call it having an IQ over 55.

From what little I could make out, you still didn't respond to my statements, and you're still trying to get one of the pro teams that you gm( NOT YOUR TEAM) to play us. Clearly out of our league. Also, you're the only one that we've pissed off. Pussy. internet bully. I bet you are 5'5" and 120 lbs married to some whale and got picked on in elementary school. You signed up for a team earlier that I did and now you think you are the shit. What a dissapointment you must be in real life. You have made really bad arguments due to your lack of reading skills. Go back and read what I put instead of piecing together a shitty argument.

P.S. Stay out of our forum.
As official Canada A#3 flame ref I declare Scrylla the winner of this discussion for reasons of hilarity. I laughed.

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