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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > The Ultimate College Football Thread
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
I think Bama has a year to go before they make it to the NC game. They nearly lost to Ole Miss, if memory is correct, and at best, they are a middle of the road team.

UF DID lose to Ole Miss.
Originally posted by Parab00n
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I think Bama has a year to go before they make it to the NC game. They nearly lost to Ole Miss, if memory is correct, and at best, they are a middle of the road team.

UF DID lose to Ole Miss.

True. Good point. I just think that UF is firing on all cylinders right now! Either way, the SEC will lose the championship game, but either would represent the SEC the best.
Originally posted by Parab00n
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I think Bama has a year to go before they make it to the NC game. They nearly lost to Ole Miss, if memory is correct, and at best, they are a middle of the road team.

UF DID lose to Ole Miss.

True, but looking at the games from before that game to the games they're playing is a totally different team. Offensive is 10x more explosive and the Defense is more fired up than they were in the '06 season.

And Husker you're full of shit if you think the SEC is gonna lose the NC game.
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
I think UF wil handle Bama fairly easily. Bama's not as strong as everybody thinks they are.

Bama is really strong, that's gonna be a tougher game for UF than a Big XII team.
Originally posted by Chriztian
Originally posted by Parab00n

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I think Bama has a year to go before they make it to the NC game. They nearly lost to Ole Miss, if memory is correct, and at best, they are a middle of the road team.

UF DID lose to Ole Miss.

True, but looking at the games from before that game to the games they're playing is a totally different team. Offensive is 10x more explosive and the Defense is more fired up than they were in the '06 season.

And Husker you're full of shit if you think the SEC is gonna lose the NC game.

Not quite. Like I said before in another thread, UF has yet to play a team with an offense. We'll see how well Tech does against OU, as they do have the best d in the Big 12. If they beat OU, then I will say that Tech will win the NC.
I don't know about that. I'm just still not completely sold on Tech, so I guess we'll see how they do against OU first.
Fair enough. Like I said, if they can get through OU who has the best D in the Big12, then I think they can beat anybody. Well see though
Originally posted by Parab00n
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I think UF wil handle Bama fairly easily. Bama's not as strong as everybody thinks they are.

Neither is UF, teams have been wetting the bed the past few games while playing them. UGA basically handed UF 21 points, Bama will not do that. USCe and UGA are not disciplined teams, those misdirections killed them. Go watch any game this year and see if 'Bama has been beat at all by a misdirection play.

Yeah but Bama only barely beat LSU who UF massacred.
Originally posted by Chriztian
Originally posted by Parab00n

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I think UF wil handle Bama fairly easily. Bama's not as strong as everybody thinks they are.

Neither is UF, teams have been wetting the bed the past few games while playing them. UGA basically handed UF 21 points, Bama will not do that. USCe and UGA are not disciplined teams, those misdirections killed them. Go watch any game this year and see if 'Bama has been beat at all by a misdirection play.

Yeah but Bama only barely beat LSU who UF massacred.

Ok Chris. I know you know college football enought to not do that. You can't really compare who has done what against comparable teams to argue who is better. If you can, then NU can say that they're better than everybody else that Tech has played, b/c we were closest to beating them. Make sense? Didn't think so. I, personally, think UF will take Bama to the woodshed.
Oh I know, its a different team that comes out to play each Saturday, but how else can we talk shit the championship game?
All Big 12 Championship game. Look at this, TT wins out, Texas wins out, Florida State beats Florida, then Florida beats Alabama in the SEC Title game. Texas could move up to #2. Then you would have TT and Texas playing in the Championship game. Again i don't think this will happen, but possible. I see a Big 12 Vs SEC Championship game, who is anybody guess right now.
Florida State beating Florida? I would be mortified.
dag ur on crack if you think that is possible. Gators would never lose to Bowden (uhhh I hate him with a passion)
They won't put in 2 teams from the same conference, remember last year and UGA with them not winning the SEC and thats the reason LSU jumped them all the way from like 7th.
Anything is possible in football, my scenario has a lot of "IF's" in it and i don't see it happening, but would be funny. I like to see the BCS in Chaos, I am a fan of a playoff's, just take the top 8 to 16 teams and let them play it out. All others can enjoy the other bowls, there are 34 i think.

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