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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > USA A #3 | Week 5 Predictions, Western Conference
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by Dolfan03041992

Well one thing is wrong... the Omaha Panther Prediction... Here it is corrected

Panthers Syndicate (3-1) vs. Omaha BA Mofo's (3-1)
The Syndicate and Mofo's look to be part of a very solid matchup. The key matchup to watch here appears to be the Mofo's rushing attack going up against what appears to be an awesome Syndicate rush defense. In all, this looks to be the game of the week in the West.
Prediction: Omaha 0, Panthers 280

(NO but real prediction is they wont run on us so we win 28-20)

You're right. We're not going to run on you!

Yeah we ran over, through and around but not on them.

Here are the predictions compared to how things actually went down:

Fort Richardson Redskins (4-0) vs. College Station Aggies (1-3)
Prediction: 173-17 Fort Richardson
Actual: 97-0 Fort Richardson

Panthers Syndicate (3-1) vs. Omaha BA Mofo's (3-1)
Prediction: 33-28 Omaha
Actual: 55-19 Omaha

Gotham City Punishers (2-2) vs. Coruscant Death Stars (3-1)
Prediction: 38-34 Coruscant
Actual: 10-7 Gotham City

Las Vegas Aces (2-2) vs. Minnesota Lumberjacks (3-1)
Prediction: 41-31 LV Aces
Actual: 35-28 LV Aces

Sacramento SS Psychos (1-3) vs. Birmingham Beavers (4-0)
Prediction: 79-6 Birmingham
Actual: 63-3 Birmingham

Las Vegas Gamblers (0-4) vs. Portland Aftershocks (2-2)
Prediction: 240-0 Portland
Actual: 215-0 Portland

Heavenly Angels (0-4) vs. Jersey Shore Hammerheads (1-3)
Prediction: 87-0 Jersey Shore
Actual: 83-17 Jersey Shore

South Bend Red Raiders (0-4) vs. Austin Orangebloods (3-1)
Prediction: 248-0 Austin
Actual: 191-7 Austin

This week: 7-1
Overall: 7-1

Not bad considering how rusty I was. I will try and do better next week!
Not too bad Sully, lets see if you can go 8-0 next week.
Last edited Nov 19, 2008 14:34:04
Originally posted by Chriztian
Originally posted by ShakeNBake

Originally posted by Iceman16

These ratings suck on the basis of the conference that they cover.

Should he just add in that ShakeNBake loses to make you happy?


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