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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Differences between Fight Club and LOL(USA BORG)
Lefty Wall
Originally posted by SheVegas
From an owner who has been with the Elephan Confernce from day 1 in the APL, I would like to express my opinon on the these 2 teams...I have been noticing a lot of hate coming towards FC.

Looking closer at it, and knowing the history: I would like to shed some light.
Big Cali- answers questions...Hokieman does not. Fact- Big Cali was asked why he swapped to the APL...His reply was do to finances...When Hokie was asked about the teams name change and more importantly why he left the USA BORG- Hokie refused to answer the question.

Big Cali- runs to different leagues when the going gets tough...Hokieman never had a tough time in APL....Hokies team is the only Pro team ever in the history of the APL to win the championship every season. We have no idea what kind of leader hokie is because he has never faced adversity.

Someone brought up the point that Hokie was here from day 1 and through tough recruiting and hard work he built up his team....Um if you count passing players from one USA ORG team to another hard work, and also picking players from a USA ORG draft hard work...Well you get my point....With this great USA ORG team he was given day 1...he was able to get fan support to 100-100-100, make boat loads of money, and now is way ahead of the other owners in APL....Now the last couple of seasons he has recruited more then he originally had to do....Now since his team, has the finances, and the repuatation, he washes his hands of the association with USA Org, an all new APL teams look at him like some type of great owner....When in my mind...he was given a team, and hasn't proved squat...
So this is the facts....Decide what you will with them....I will say my goal as team owner is to reamian one of the oringnal named 6 teams left of the first 16 in APL Elephant, and someday hope to win the APL, doing it the right way...recruiting, hard work, game planning, and not using a draft, or trading players with an Org.

Honestly I would love to understand what the hell your smoking, Hokie recruited all the players on this team it isn't like people were forced to join LoL... Hokie also understands that networking is the secret to anything in life if you would of been part of the ORG you would understand that every team was owned and managed individually, what the ORG was suppose to be was a bunch of owners sharing tips, what the org ended up beings is a bunch of people talking about builds and strategy.

When the Galaxy Aces folded I had my pick of anywhere I wanted to go and that includes many great teams like the Santiago Benitos (6 time champions) or any USA Pro team and many others, the reason I moved the majority to the LoL wasn't cause they keep winning it was because hokie treats his players with respect, all I had for the first 3 season was 1 Guard and he still PMed me and talked to me regularly.

I've been on these forums quite a bit lately and have to say your taking your whole drama too far, I know its only a game but show people a bit of respect, its fine to not agree with everyone but at least be civil about it.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by jrry32

SheVegas I have known Hokie for awhile on this game and he has always seemed like a good guy to me...Cali I thought was a good guy but he entirely changed basically you are talking about a 2 faced person vs. a guy who was smart enough to network and make a great team...seriously I don't know what you have against Hokie but he's a much better guy than Cali.

Coming from a guy who is joining the BORG...I mean LOL...See what I mean guys.

You mean people join teams that they like? Or people don't like Cali? Or people who play for Hokie don't hate him? Not sure where you are going with this. It just seems that you are a tad bit upset because LOL is the 3 time champs and you want to win...I get's jealousy.

PS- Clinton is another former USAORG member who learned nobody respects anything the ORG ever won...So he too joined the new Borg of LOL, Detroit, and Evil Monkees....So easy to see....If I'm lying Clinton ever been part of a USAORG team????
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by SheVegas

Originally posted by jrry32

SheVegas I have known Hokie for awhile on this game and he has always seemed like a good guy to me...Cali I thought was a good guy but he entirely changed basically you are talking about a 2 faced person vs. a guy who was smart enough to network and make a great team...seriously I don't know what you have against Hokie but he's a much better guy than Cali.

Coming from a guy who is joining the BORG...I mean LOL...See what I mean guys.

You mean people join teams that they like? Or people don't like Cali? Or people who play for Hokie don't hate him? Not sure where you are going with this. It just seems that you are a tad bit upset because LOL is the 3 time champs and you want to win...I get's jealousy.

Would be jeoulsy if it was a level playing field- the only reason I joined APL in the first place...But now it's not jealousy just pointing out why the LOL (USABORG) is where there at.
Originally posted by Lefty Wall
Originally posted by SheVegas

From an owner who has been with the Elephan Confernce from day 1 in the APL, I would like to express my opinon on the these 2 teams...I have been noticing a lot of hate coming towards FC.

Looking closer at it, and knowing the history: I would like to shed some light.
Big Cali- answers questions...Hokieman does not. Fact- Big Cali was asked why he swapped to the APL...His reply was do to finances...When Hokie was asked about the teams name change and more importantly why he left the USA BORG- Hokie refused to answer the question.

Big Cali- runs to different leagues when the going gets tough...Hokieman never had a tough time in APL....Hokies team is the only Pro team ever in the history of the APL to win the championship every season. We have no idea what kind of leader hokie is because he has never faced adversity.

Someone brought up the point that Hokie was here from day 1 and through tough recruiting and hard work he built up his team....Um if you count passing players from one USA ORG team to another hard work, and also picking players from a USA ORG draft hard work...Well you get my point....With this great USA ORG team he was given day 1...he was able to get fan support to 100-100-100, make boat loads of money, and now is way ahead of the other owners in APL....Now the last couple of seasons he has recruited more then he originally had to do....Now since his team, has the finances, and the repuatation, he washes his hands of the association with USA Org, an all new APL teams look at him like some type of great owner....When in my mind...he was given a team, and hasn't proved squat...
So this is the facts....Decide what you will with them....I will say my goal as team owner is to reamian one of the oringnal named 6 teams left of the first 16 in APL Elephant, and someday hope to win the APL, doing it the right way...recruiting, hard work, game planning, and not using a draft, or trading players with an Org.

Honestly I would love to understand what the hell your smoking, Hokie recruited all the players on this team it isn't like people were forced to join LoL... Hokie also understands that networking is the secret to anything in life if you would of been part of the ORG you would understand that every team was owned and managed individually, what the ORG was suppose to be was a bunch of owners sharing tips, what the org ended up beings is a bunch of people talking about builds and strategy.

When the Galaxy Aces folded I had my pick of anywhere I wanted to go and that includes many great teams like the Santiago Benitos (6 time champions) or any USA Pro team and many others, the reason I moved the majority to the LoL wasn't cause they keep winning it was because hokie treats his players with respect, all I had for the first 3 season was 1 Guard and he still PMed me and talked to me regularly.

I've been on these forums quite a bit lately and have to say your taking your whole drama too far, I know its only a game but show people a bit of respect, its fine to not agree with everyone but at least be civil about it.

Originally posted by SheVegas
Also I see that Hokie changed his ways...he got somewhat smarter...Instead of trading with other USAORG teams, he was smart enough to take the USAORG name off, and made a new alliance with Detroit Cheetahs, and the Evil Monkeys....Man would be nice to just play the game...But to each their own...Send more of your oinks to tell me how you feel puppet master Hokie.

Dude, you are just becoming more and more stupid. The Cheetahs and Monkeys aren't even an alliance, many of the guys are just friends...Hokie is friends with all of us...but if you want to call us an alliance because we like each other fine. BTW Puppet Master? I'd love to hear you tell that to Caps or CV because both are egotistical and wouldn't give up any power to anyone...Caps and Hokie actually butted heads a few times...but really keep up with the retarded shit you spout. The reason I am joining Hokie's team is NOT because of a network, I know him well, I have talked to him on and off the game and he was the first to PM me when my LB decided to leave his current team.
Lefty Wall
Originally posted by SheVegas


Your right we forced people into the ORG at gunpoint and when their contracts expire we threaten their wife and kids?

What is wrong with you, no one is force to play for anyone Hokie only sends out 1 year contracts, he actually has to earn his players respect to keep them....

Please be civil and don't type in caps lock also use your common sense...
Originally posted by SheVegas
PS- Clinton is another former USAORG member who learned nobody respects anything the ORG ever won...So he too joined the new Borg of LOL, Detroit, and Evil Monkees....So easy to see....If I'm lying Clinton ever been part of a USAORG team????

LOL Evil Monkeys in a ORG? LMAO...obviously you can't figure out that they are the best recruiting team in GLB...players PM CV to play in Monmouth and when they go all out on people...they get them. But really keep talking shit on stuff you don't know and making up blatant lies...damn you should be a politician.
Well I have another prediction- Next team to join the new Borg alliance....Ash's balls....Hey you new teams keep an eye on this and see if I am right or wrong...I also love it how they use the "friends" comment to cover up their alliance...Again Ash's Balls will join the alliance...Unless they pull a Hokie and change their name......Hokie ever want to answer why you changed your name?
Lefty give up...LOL obviously forces people to join then took over the Evil Monkeys and Cheetahs who were both around longer than them. It makes total sense...Hokie controlls Coachviking and Caps who are not opinionated or egotistical.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Well I have another prediction- Next team to join the new Borg alliance....Ash's balls....Hey you new teams keep an eye on this and see if I am right or wrong...I also love it how they use the "friends" comment to cover up their alliance...Again Ash's Balls will join the alliance...Unless they pull a Hokie and change their name......Hokie ever want to answer why you changed your name?

Who is Ash's Balls?
I think SheVegas and BigCali have become lovers and are trying to start fights with the Evil Monkeys...because I posted is now true.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by Clinton Esquire

Originally posted by SheVegas

From an owner who has been with the Elephan Confernce from day 1 in the APL, I would like to express my opinon on the these 2 teams...I have been noticing a lot of hate coming towards FC.

Looking closer at it, and knowing the history: I would like to shed some light.
Big Cali- answers questions...Hokieman does not. Fact- Big Cali was asked why he swapped to the APL...His reply was do to finances...When Hokie was asked about the teams name change and more importantly why he left the USA BORG- Hokie refused to answer the question.

Big Cali- runs to different leagues when the going gets tough...Hokieman never had a tough time in APL....Hokies team is the only Pro team ever in the history of the APL to win the championship every season. We have no idea what kind of leader hokie is because he has never faced adversity.

Someone brought up the point that Hokie was here from day 1 and through tough recruiting and hard work he built up his team....Um if you count passing players from one USA ORG team to another hard work, and also picking players from a USA ORG draft hard work...Well you get my point....With this great USA ORG team he was given day 1...he was able to get fan support to 100-100-100, make boat loads of money, and now is way ahead of the other owners in APL....Now the last couple of seasons he has recruited more then he originally had to do....Now since his team, has the finances, and the repuatation, he washes his hands of the association with USA Org, an all new APL teams look at him like some type of great owner....When in my mind...he was given a team, and hasn't proved squat...
So this is the facts....Decide what you will with them....I will say my goal as team owner is to reamian one of the oringnal named 6 teams left of the first 16 in APL Elephant, and someday hope to win the APL, doing it the right way...recruiting, hard work, game planning, and not using a draft, or trading players with an Org.

SheVegas, you're really just a fucking idiot ass loser.

Why don't you just get over the fact that Hokieman's never going to fuck you and move on with your life. You don't need to be so bitter just because he was able to build a better social network and friendships whereas you, "Don't give a shit about people here, I have real life friends."

Well he probably has more real life friends than you too.

USAORG was a group that was founded upon a common bond. Anyone who came into the ORG was treated with the same decent and respect as they showed to the others. Some of them formed stronger bonds, and some of them really liked what Hokie did for the team.

You're nothing but a chickenshit coward who has never won anything here. And you're so far off with what you think you know about the USAORG "draft" it's not even funny.

Calling me the chickenshit???? At least I answer questions, unlike Hokie, who sends his players to talk shit...Go away peon.

Oh but look, I'm my own man - and just because Hokie has decided to deal with your ass by ignoring you like the scumbag you are - doesn't mean the rest of us aren't going to call you out for the pile of shit that you really are, you sad pathetic little man.
Over/under, SheVegas has an IQ of 80?
Originally posted by jrry32
I think SheVegas and BigCali have become lovers and are trying to start fights with the Evil Monkeys...because I posted is now true.

No you have to say it twice to make it true


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