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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Nickname the Marauders
Child Support
We did a rebuilding during the off season. Somehow managed to lose 2 of the first 3 games by 2 and 5 points. After than (once our chemistry started to get better) we only had 1 close game.

Chemisty is the only reason we lost 2 games during the season.
Originally posted by Kutzy
We did a rebuilding during the off season. Somehow managed to lose 2 of the first 3 games by 2 and 5 points. After than (once our chemistry started to get better) we only had 1 close game.

Chemisty is the only reason we lost 2 games during the season.

thats unbelievably debatable. i dont have the willpower or time to debate it though.
Child Support
Originally posted by Wario
Originally posted by Kutzy

We did a rebuilding during the off season. Somehow managed to lose 2 of the first 3 games by 2 and 5 points. After than (once our chemistry started to get better) we only had 1 close game.

Chemisty is the only reason we lost 2 games during the season.

thats unbelievably debatable. i dont have the willpower or time to debate it though.

So I show you a team who has around 60 chemistry going into the season. They drop 2 out of the first 3 and then dont even have a close game after that. (once their chemistry is around 75) And yet you still think its entirely impossible for chemistry to matter?
Originally posted by Kutzy
Originally posted by Wario

Originally posted by Kutzy

We did a rebuilding during the off season. Somehow managed to lose 2 of the first 3 games by 2 and 5 points. After than (once our chemistry started to get better) we only had 1 close game.

Chemisty is the only reason we lost 2 games during the season.

thats unbelievably debatable. i dont have the willpower or time to debate it though.

So I show you a team who has around 60 chemistry going into the season. They drop 2 out of the first 3 and then dont even have a close game after that. (once their chemistry is around 75) And yet you still think its entirely impossible for chemistry to matter?

never did i say that chemistry doesn't matter. what i said was that it does not play a changing role in games. as i said, i really don't have the time or willpower to debate this with you.
Child Support
"i can confidently say that chemistry is really not that big a deal. it does not play a changing role in games. at all."

Your exact quote. Your inability to even consider it does have a role shows that you dont want to be proven wrong, just want to hold the blind notion. Forget the fact that Bort has come out and publicly stated Chemistry DOES have an effect and just look at the example I have shown you.

I would like to think thats all the proof you need. Obviously it is not enough, and your right its probably pointless to even show somoene the truth when they are not willing to accept it.
Child Support
As well the fact that you have been here since season 1 and are a GM of an USA AAA team has little to no bearing. Not sure why you use that as an excuse to your expertise.
Last edited Nov 10, 2008 17:29:30
Originally posted by Roctronic

I am predicting 16-0 by a landslide for the Marauders.

Your W/L record will never change the fact that you are were and are a waste of a human sperm. Daddy #1 should have rubbed that one out in the shower, instead the best part of you trickled out of daddy #2 and made a yellow spot on that motel mattress.
remember willow creek guys second season are our league chem did kill them remember they even stated it did
Loco Moco
Originally posted by Roctronic

With all the shitty teams in this Conference, I am predicting 16-0 by a landslide for the Marauders.

So to each and everyone one of you, Go Fuck yourself sideways, you obviously have the time.

Originally posted by Roctronic

Oh and might I add that I don't have the time for your idiotic games anymore.

You and your moronic ways can continue, this is the last response you will ever get from me.

With that said, go fuck yourself.

Wait! Don't go!

I wanted to ask you if you're having fun playing GLB.

Isn't it a fun game where you get to interact with other REAL people?

Maybe Madden Football is more up your alley.
Last edited Nov 10, 2008 19:06:13
Loco Moco
Oh yeah, and I'll place my vote for Bacon's Bitches.

Although as a Bull, I may change my mind after they meet in the regular season.
Team chem is vastly important take my team for instance we had a rough recruiting batch and lost a good chunk of our roster last season and we didnt make the playoffs and didnt really start kicking into gear about mid season.. But had we kept a decent amount of those people and not had to regroup odds are we would have won possibly 2 more games, its a rough stat.. Tex made a good point to where willow creek was a very dominant team especially are first season here in Canada A4 when we lost to them in the confrence championship game then they started losing there chem and there dyniamic offense failed to execute.. I think its very comparable to like preseason games in the Nfl were you get time to gel as a team and then you can perform up to your leval thats what the stat is based on i think its just overall execution by the AI system..
Bacon's Bitches

That has a nice ring to it
Originally posted by Wario

never did i say that chemistry doesn't matter. what i said was that it does not play a changing role in games. as i said, i really don't have the time or willpower to debate this with you.

The power of self-persecution is a wonderful thing. It works well on parents and kids in their later years.

you said, in one complete (well nearly) sentence:
Originally posted by Wario
chemistry is practically useless imo.

Practically useless is like saying it doesn't matter, but they were your words. I guess it's more of that Triple BBB double talk and back pedaling.

Come said it.

From your closet called CanBBB, you had your buddies lined up to sign up when you got your team assigned and because you banked on matchup to win your games you had to do little or no GP, not that you can't, I wouldn't know, but when your average win is by 25-30 points what would team chemistry mean to didn't have to have it to bust the chops of a team that was GP'ing in hopes to play a half with your team.

Face it, the weighting of team chemistry was worthless to you last year. Bort's already served notice to teams like yours...if you're banking on the matchup score of your starters, it's going to be a long season.
And besides since we get to play you first, your postulation will get it's first test.

Montreal Oblivious.
Last edited Nov 10, 2008 23:41:25
Originally posted by Loco Moco
Oh yeah, and I'll place my vote for Bacon's Bitches.

Although as a Bull, I may change my mind after they meet in the regular season.

We've had some decent turnover over the course of existence on the Yaks (Most of it being at the beginning, because of the royal screwjob that was being released midseason)...Some for flat out improvement...Some for players moving on...Some for buddies coming in...But that turnover has always been mainly handled in offseason and in small bunches at we've done very very well in the chemistry department....and it has definitely mattered from my perspective.

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