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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Best new Team in West
Originally posted by randomguymike
Originally posted by jwman92

Originally posted by randomguymike

Originally posted by jwman92

Originally posted by joecabezuela

They look more like a Pop Warner team to me..........bunch of pansies!!!

THIS is what you call a SOLID TEAM........our back ups could beat that team!!!

you guys have level 11 players???? This league is all about the 4th quarter and back to the!!!

We'll see how solid you are when we play you!

Better start getting your planning your pass defense now. Greatest show on turf over there.

Us or them?

You need to prepare for Columbus. They have a frightening good passing attack.

MIKE MARTZ kinda stuff!!!!!!
Originally posted by joecabezuela
Originally posted by Shortstuffaaron2

I was talking about the new teams that people just got over the offseason with all CPU players not the ones that have been here forever.

ok my bad....if this is a newly acquired team props for their recruiting.......getting that many guys in the small amount of time given....good management in my opinion.....

Space Coast did a spiffy job getting a team together quick also. You might want to check them out. They were a team last season that was a single complete owner that went inactive. They brought in a ton of guys fast. Looking at them now you would have never known they have been a team for only about 2/3 of a season.

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