heyyy i see some ole faces from the bbb#11 league.. watch out for bakersfield we have been improving each year, ahhhh i see omaha is in the same league again for some of u who dont know... us and omaha seem to have started a lil rivalry
Looks like they brought 4 of us up from BBB. We are excited for the new challenges. I will say the 4 teams that were brought up are very classy organizations with very respectful and dedicated owners and GMs.
Good luck to all in this league, looks like there are zero gimmies!
Welcome to the new teams. Looks like the one I consider our true rival has arrived. We aren't planning to share any more games with you. We'll take both the regular season and the playoffs
Howdy Howdy. Looks like we got to ride up on the Thunders coat tails. Looking forward to some great games, taking some lumps, and maybe even dishing out one or two.
Originally posted by AirMcMVP Well, I'm pretty much resigned to another season in A6 (not a bad thing, but I was hoping to move up, one way or another). That said, welcome to the following: BBB#11 Eastern Conference Winner, Omaha Lightning ( http://goallineblitz.com/game/team.pl?team_id=1602 )
Thanks for the Welcome, looks like we brought the active forum posters and spirited rivalries...should be some fun seasons on the horizon!!