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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Nice Games Stoners!
No kidding! I hate recruiting. They release 700 teams every offseason, flooding the markets! All the 30+ players want to start and play pro leagues. Fuckin ridiculous!
it's getting harder every seson to recruit.

people get bored and leave.

it cost me almost $100.00 a season to boost all my players. that adds up fast..

I should just retire 1/2 my guys. but they are all doing there thing on teams i like (most of them) so every season i swear I am cutting back and I end up NOT cutting back..

My team and The stoners are just fun teams to play on. both damm active. all the players have been together forever. The stoners promoted last season and had a good season this seasin. My team is playing in the big game this season...

how do you walk away on that? I keep telling myself that this game is eating up way too much time.. but bet your ass I'll be back next season...

Not everyone has that sense of family with there team. thus they retire... and they are quiting faster then they are joining it seems... good players anyway...

Teams that stick together and grow together will rise to the top. if they know how to build as a team anyway. my team is losing 3 players this season. the stoners is losing maybe 4-5 and we have most of them already filled.. The last few are proving to be a pain in the arse!

Yeah, we may lose 4-5 per season, but that's pretty high. I bought the team season 1, and we have built up that family-type atmosphere. $100/season? Damn, I thought I was paying a lot at about $40/season or so.
Yeah, it does get expensive! It would be nice to get a break on price if you have 20+ or 30+ players.
i make 1 player a season cause I'm poor
Originally posted by redwing
Yeah, it does get expensive! It would be nice to get a break on price if you have 20+ or 30+ players.

Fuck that noise! I have 6 players, and that is plenty! I was going to retire a couple of them, but figured I would just hang onto 'em. Can't believe how expensive this wedding is getting! Any advice Shake?
My advice would be to not overstress about it

I was stressed out for months but it worked out just fine

Wedding present cash will help a shitload I learned

I still am behind on my bills and I've been back a month but it was worth it

oh yea, buy flex points BEFORE you go
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 20:49:46
LOL! Yeah, I just bought like 5000. That should last me about a week! LOL
Do just a wine and champagne reception HSKR, some of your guests will inevitably feel like you cheaped out but it saves a ton of dough.
Originally posted by obijuan74
Do just a wine and champagne reception HSKR, some of your guests will inevitably feel like you cheaped out but it saves a ton of dough.

Yeah, originally I was going to buy a keg, which would have to be purchased through the hall, but they want $230 for it. I think we're just going to buy the wedding party a few drinks, and everybody else can pay. We'll probably buy the champagne for a toast, but that's about it. Catering is fuckin ridiculous too! Luckily, we were able to find a hall that allowed us to do our own, but most places wanted to charge 15-20 per person. I have at least 150 people alone on my side. Ridiculous I tell ya! Thanks obijuan!
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by redwing

Yeah, it does get expensive! It would be nice to get a break on price if you have 20+ or 30+ players.

Fuck that noise! I have 6 players, and that is plenty! I was going to retire a couple of them, but figured I would just hang onto 'em. Can't believe how expensive this wedding is getting! Any advice Shake?

dude tell your old lady to run like hell!
Why would I do that? LOL
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by obijuan74

Do just a wine and champagne reception HSKR, some of your guests will inevitably feel like you cheaped out but it saves a ton of dough.

Yeah, originally I was going to buy a keg, which would have to be purchased through the hall, but they want $230 for it. I think we're just going to buy the wedding party a few drinks, and everybody else can pay. We'll probably buy the champagne for a toast, but that's about it. Catering is fuckin ridiculous too! Luckily, we were able to find a hall that allowed us to do our own, but most places wanted to charge 15-20 per person. I have at least 150 people alone on my side. Ridiculous I tell ya! Thanks obijuan!

Oops, I meant to say cake and champagne. All you have is the cake and the champagne for the toast, other than that folks have to pay for booze.

$230 for a keg??? That better be some damn fine beer. I don't know if I've ever seen or heard of any kind of beer being $230 for a keg, that's friggin insane.
I went 500 miles away from home and got married on the beach where only a few could come. Worked like a charm

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