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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Thunder Bay v Saskatoon – Game of the season
I predict 3 Sacks 2 Hurries for Flash
1 Sack 4 Hurries for Rickert
3 Sacks 2 Hurries for Tater
1 Sack 2 Hurries for Stay Puff

Just my honest prediction for that side of things. Not even gonna try guessing the score.
Last edited Oct 18, 2008 10:04:38
dang, ya'll have three great players. I wish we had a couple more in the top 10... Oh wait, WE DO!
Rumble Bee
I predict Felix will have 2 int's both will be taken to the house.

And Rixen if they even let you play your gonna need that lube, better yet leave the lube at home I will do you dry pretty boy. I would bust your Hymen but I'm told that has already been done. Time to pay the Pieper boy!!!
Originally posted by apackin
Regardless of the Stats the Thunder Bay passing game is going to dominate you. The O-line will handle your weak DE's and give me all day to throw to my big play guys!

I don't get why think your passing game will be the only factor in this game... we dominate your overall running game stats... and as it's been stated many times in this thread, stats in this league don't really matter this season. I honestly can't pick a strong winner out of this one, but I do know it will be a good game either way.
Originally posted by AZCowboysfan
I predict Felix will have 2 int's both will be taken to the house.

And Rixen if they even let you play your gonna need that lube, better yet leave the lube at home I will do you dry pretty boy. I would bust your Hymen but I'm told that has already been done. Time to pay the Pieper boy!!!

I dont know why people say stats are skewed? We've all played the same teams and non were gutted in the middle of the season? If one was please forgive me.

Also who cares about how many people each team has in the top 10 sacks? We are both tied for the lead. We spread ours out amongst 3 (could say 4) where as you guys have 1 dominant guy (who is the most dominant player in the league) and another guy with 22.

As for you guys passing all over us, maybe? You guys have the best pass game in the league but we also have the best pass defense in the league. As for your o-line handling our "weak" DE's... please see what I typed about sacks up 1 paragraph.

Felix's prediction/post is just laughable.

I think I've covered all topics... sorry it took so long I was at work
Rumble Bee
It is only laughable to you swoosh because your (CB) LockDown Phreak has never had a single int. Maybe he is to busy keeping the bench warm for the real players. Hey I understand.
Originally posted by AZCowboysfan
It is only laughable to you swoosh because your (CB) LockDown Phreak has never had a single int. Maybe he is to busy keeping the bench warm for the real players. Hey I understand.

Just too prove that Swoosh's CB > AZCowboys .....

Felix Pieper: 43 tackles - 8 Missed

Lockdown Phreak: 24 tackles - 0 Missed

Felix is 7 LEVELS ahead of Lockdown.

Case in point, maybe Felix can get 6 INT's this season, but at least I know Lockdown wont miss tackles and cause his team yards and points -- And the man is 7 levels behind.

Work on that tackling and strength Pieper -- or continue to think that INT's are the only thing useful to a CB.

His stats are lower because he is a BETTER corner... Means the receiver he is covering isn't targeted... Maybe you should understand coverage theory before you go and insult someone who is playing better than you. There is a reason we are the #1 pass D and it's not because we get INT's.
Originally posted by AZCowboysfan
It is only laughable to you swoosh because your (CB) LockDown Phreak has never had a single int. Maybe he is to busy keeping the bench warm for the real players. Hey I understand.

Yes he is lvl 24, so of course he is going to be a backup. Whats your point? Check out both of my CBs and they are not INT whores. Reason being both of their catching is about 20. I will promise you this though, their builds are a lot better builds than your CBs is at lvl 24.

I wish all of TB would act like Bevo, he actually is mature.
Rumble Bee
Now your making me cry...

And we will see about that # one pass D today. Better bring it!!

Is this a Rivalry game or a kiss Bevo's ass game. I wonder
Originally posted by AZCowboysfan
Now your making me cry...

And we will see about that # one pass D today. Better bring it!!

Is this a Rivalry game or a kiss Bevo's ass game. I wonder

As much as I love to talk shit, and clown around with people... you just make it so immature it takes the fun out of it.

I can take smart, well thought out trash talk. But when you start comparing your CB to my CB, it just makes no sense to me. Also saying you guarantee 2 INTs for a TD? Get fucking real.

Oh and yes I am kissing Bevo's ass... maybe I just have respect for someone who actually has a good player and doesn't feel the need to make retarded predictions.

Go play Madden, I bet you have a CB there that you made with 99 in everything just so you feel good about yourself.
Rumble Bee
Stop crying little girl. And I didnt guarantee anything so learn to read I said I predict 2 int's for Felix. You say you can talk smart and well thought out but in truth comparing you CB to mine, Get real! And if you think the prediction is so retarded go ahead throw the ball my way.

Respect is fine but when your nose is turning brown and you begin to smell funny, you need to back up off Bevo a bit.

"Go play Madden, I bet you have a CB there that you made with 99 in everything just so you feel good about yourself." I bet you thought long and hard about how to insult me. You're right this was well thought out and now you have gone and hurt my feelings.
Originally posted by AZCowboysfan
Stop crying little girl. And I didnt guarantee anything so learn to read I said I predict 2 int's for Felix. You say you can talk smart and well thought out but in truth comparing you CB to mine, Get real! And if you think the prediction is so retarded go ahead throw the ball my way.

Respect is fine but when your nose is turning brown and you begin to smell funny, you need to back up off Bevo a bit.

"Go play Madden, I bet you have a CB there that you made with 99 in everything just so you feel good about yourself." I bet you thought long and hard about how to insult me. You're right this was well thought out and now you have gone and hurt my feelings.

Learn to read... I said I can TAKE smart and well thought out trash talk.

And you are correct you said you did predict it, my bad. Guess I should take the same reading class as you. Pretty idiotic prediction though.

Also about Bevo.. what I said in my last post about me kissing his ass... I was being sarcastic. So I said he was mature, how is that brown nosing/ass kissing? And what do I need to brown nose about? You really don't make any sense in any of your posts.

I can't wait until this is over so you can shut the fuck up.

Oh and I'm glad your punter got a warmup before this game, he is going to be on the field a lot tonight.
Last edited Oct 19, 2008 10:16:09
Rumble Bee
So you can take well and thought out trash talk. But you cant give well thought out trash talk. OK Einstein

Respect is given where it is earned. Go earn it today(choke)and you might get it.

You win I shut the fuck up, we win and you shut the fuck up! Prick

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