Originally posted by rekcuf
You're a charmer.
I said agility was in the 50's not, 50.
I never said confidence wasn't important, but when you say soft capped confidence is going to be better in shifting and reengaging a block than soft capped speed, again, I am skeptical. You give me the scatastic end of an argument I didn't make by positing extremes. I thought we were talking about relative priorities. Disingenuity is a word I just made up.
I could be wrong, especially since most of us realize we’re all guessing on much of this, but it seems to me that if my morale is plummeting out to sub 40, I would walk away with more bruises than the negative one morale hit I would have gotten for losing the game, regardless.
And no, I didn’t touch SA’s. I have spent all season upping my speed, because everything else was where it should be. It was the only thing I could think of.
You’re assuming that what makes sense in the real world is how the game mechanics work. Then you adopt such certainty in your assumption. What if speed is not merely a top end rate of movement? What if, instead, your initial burst of quickness is both a function of agility and of speed? What if, in order to shift and re-engage the speed monster across from you, you need to have something for the agility to ignite, a burst of speed? I’m just guessing, but it’s based on my experience when I had good agility and poor speed.
Your all caps persuasion doesn’t change the fact that you’re simply guessing that it’s not, and that you haven’t squared off against guys like the two I mentioned. I would recommend shouting some more, though, because I’m very dim. I might get it on the fourth or so iteration.
Or if you have a quote from Bort stating either that what I put forward on the relationship between speed and agility is false or that speed is not an important priority for offensive tackles, that might work too.
I wasn't shouting I was just inserting and making it caps so you can see where i wrote it. and again you're wrong. IM not guessing. I know for a fact confidence makes you a better linemen than speed does. I don't have to dig up a quote from bort to know this. I spend countless hours watching replays. I am convinced by no one but myself that confidence is key to having a good offensive linemen. confidence is in the equation along with str blocking and agility, stamina to see if the d.e. can even get past your linemen. I don't know if speed is in there anywhere. It very well could be, but I know its significantly smaller than str blocking agility and confidence. Linemen with higher confidence fill out their blocking bars quicker, and fill out the overall team bar in blocking faster. that's all I have to say.