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Speaking of TE's, when the Redcliff Razamanaz face off against the Mighty Chiefs they are going to get a chance to see what a real TE is all about....That's pretty much all i can brag about so i hope your scared now...
Originally posted by KCcook58
Speaking of TE's, when the Redcliff Razamanaz face off against the Mighty Chiefs they are going to get a chance to see what a real TE is all about....That's pretty much all i can brag about so i hope your scared now...

How did he get the nickname of "Touchdown" if he has only 1 TD?
If he had more than One TD then i would have had to change his name to Tony "Touchdowns" Gonzalez. So for now, i am correct.

Honestly, i cant complain about only having one TD in this league. I'll take what i can get at this point. But i can say that i have a better TE right now in stats than ol' Thundercat over there. eh eh ....Just ribbin' ya some Thundercat.
My TE has 2 catches this season versus 51 last season, and I wouldn't bash my owner for it. Even better, he pretty much gives me all control over the offense as OC sooooooooooo............

.............I'll complain to myself


You are an a-hole OC! Where are my touches? sniff, sniff. Also, that garbage QB you are an agent for just sucks. Rex f'ing Grossman! Are you f'ing kidding me? His QB rating has dropped 20 points this season! HELLO!!!!!!!! Seriously jerkwad, start throwing the ball my way. Oh, and I see you brought in another TE to start ahead of me. Well go f yourself Mr. Ron Turner wannabee suckfest. I am a star, sniff sniff! I have a contract coming up in the next year, and my fame better be top notch. Bort said if I can get zillions, my fame will blow through the mushroom tip of my dong. You better be working on that too, you little shart stain of an agent. You know what, f this! I want to start at QB too, and I want two contracts for doing it, ho. I will just throw the ball in the air, and with my 106 jumping, that I trained on super duper intense, I will just jump up, catch that shit, and make michael jackson look like a poor mans ickey woods . Have fun cleaning out the dump I just dropped in your maserati quattroporte Mr. "agent".


Winky Mcstinky
#80 on the field. #1 in your pants.
Last edited Oct 10, 2008 14:11:11
Originally posted by KCcook58
If he had more than One TD then i would have had to change his name to Tony "Touchdowns" Gonzalez. So for now, i am correct.

Best rebuttal ever!!!!!

oh and george did offer to trade me to my own team but for $600000 and i would even pay that for a level 21 CB or WR!!!
Also Eric i plan on keeping my build open, oh well im a team player!!!!!!!!
And i do know that adjusting the % will make them the primary, not ensure that they actually get the ball! But it is a start! I wish my team was a little better cause I wpuld love to challenege your team in fact i fing will!
Last edited Oct 10, 2008 16:18:49
Now that i challenged you, you can explain to everyone that if you back out of it that you have no faith in your team. Second of all not if but when my team beats yours, you will officially become the laughing stock of Oceania AA#4, and then you can explain how a lower tier team kicked your a$$! And third when my team does beat yours, you will release my TE, sound like a fair challenge! Let me know if your too scared to accept!
Last edited Oct 10, 2008 17:15:45
How about this for the challenge:

If Glass City beats or ties Redcliffe, Redcliffe has to cut the player.
For every point that Redcliffe beats Glass City by, Glass City has to pony up $20k more to get the player in a trade.

So if Redcliffe wins by 10, Glass City can get the player for $200k. The price is bounded on the bottom by min cash and on the top by max cash. The two owners can negotiate PPP, the Price Per Point for the second condition ($20k in my example).
he and the rest of the owners in this Oceania AA#4 are so confident that Redcliffe is so much better he should be able to take the bet straight up, im not even offerinf a point spread in my behalf just straight up, I win I get my own player back by way of release. He wins I shut my mouth for the rest of the season! And then declare that his team is much better than mine, and apologize for running my mouth in a profane manner!
Douchecat_12. Lets scrim and when I beat your team into submission you shut your mouth and close your build. There's no if you win since you wont.
I didnt want to be the one to say this Thundercat....but, you would have gotten your TE back a lot quicker had you taken the 600000 deal....Oh, the game hasnt even started yet. Well Goodluck to the both of ya's.
Lead Mod
Sounds like this Thundercat guy is a real prick. Glad y'all were able to trade him away.
Last edited Oct 10, 2008 18:59:24
Originally posted by Thundercat_12
Now that i challenged you, you can explain to everyone that if you back out of it that you have no faith in your team. Second of all not if but when my team beats yours, you will officially become the laughing stock of Oceania AA#4, and then you can explain how a lower tier team kicked your a$$! And third when my team does beat yours, you will release my TE, sound like a fair challenge! Let me know if your too scared to accept!

Kick their ass? bahahahahahahahahaha If you don't lose by 100, I will be surprised.
Originally posted by Thundercat_12
he and the rest of the owners in this Oceania AA#4 are so confident that Redcliffe is so much better he should be able to take the bet straight up, im not even offerinf a point spread in my behalf just straight up, I win I get my own player back by way of release. He wins I shut my mouth for the rest of the season! And then declare that his team is much better than mine, and apologize for running my mouth in a profane manner!

Scrimmaging you would be a waste of a free scrimmage, or a waste of flex. Although it WOULD be amusing to watch Chris George run for 500 yards on you.

BTW, your TE has been traded and is now the 3rd string TE on a team where the starter is 13 levels higher than you. But I'm sure your superior build will get you the ball. *rolls eyes*
Thanks for trading me! But i find it ironic that i make a deal with you and you trade my guy away (as stated in the deal above)! Im just wondering that if you and george are so confident that your team is gonna steamroll mine then why would you trade my guy away! The deal was when I WIN my TE gets released free and clear, but i see that you guys must be terrified of losing to my team so you traded him away because you didnt want to be the laughing stock of your league, losing to a lower tier team. It takes a lot of stones to admit your team is horrible, and you demonstrated that by trading away my guy before our deal was settled! Best of luck to you Redcliff your gonna need it when we scrimmage!

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