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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > If you do not want to move Regions (IE USA, SA, OCEANA) look here
Originally posted by cdcollins
Originally posted by Just Osmo

YOu people are freaking out over nothing. restructuring would be a temporary fix. Thats what its meant to be while bort finds a solution. Atleast as a bandaid it would make every league more competitive for a season ro 2 untill he fixxes it,

I don't mind it as much, as long as we're kept in Oceania.

That limits the usefulness of the whole project. TO be effective and make perfectly even leagues you need to do it with every team. Who cares what region it says its not liek we all arent american/english/canadian.
Originally posted by Just Osmo
YOu people are freaking out over nothing. restructuring would be a temporary fix. Thats what its meant to be while bort finds a solution. Atleast as a bandaid it would make every league more competitive for a season ro 2 untill he fixxes it,

Again i'm saying we should not be forced to leave this region. I've only been here a short time but this is where my team started, i want the right to STAY in this region. Obviously i'll drop down into different leagues within the region but I want to be IN THIS REGION! Restructure all you want as far as i'm concerned, as long as it doesn't involve forcing ppl out of their regions.
Originally posted by Just Osmo
Originally posted by cdcollins

Originally posted by Just Osmo

YOu people are freaking out over nothing. restructuring would be a temporary fix. Thats what its meant to be while bort finds a solution. Atleast as a bandaid it would make every league more competitive for a season ro 2 untill he fixxes it,

I don't mind it as much, as long as we're kept in Oceania.

That limits the usefulness of the whole project. TO be effective and make perfectly even leagues you need to do it with every team. Who cares what region it says its not liek we all arent american/english/canadian.

It's not about being american, european, etc. It's about the fact we pay for this game and I think we should have the right to make that choice to some extent. I like the people in this region. I'm not saying I won't like the people in another region but i like this one, and this is where I want my team to be.
Originally posted by rbedgood
Originally posted by jackriley

Not only that, as far as switching people to different regoins, you're going to force teams to be in a new region every other year if this is the route your'e going to take.

Imo, what i think they should do. cap EVERY lvl of the leagues.

BBB, AAA, AA, A, Pro, etc. Seriously, set a different cap. So that teams cannot get better lvl wise than such and such lvl . This doesn't completely erase the problem by any means. But it doesn't allow the spread in lvl to get worse and it at least creates a barrier for ppl to look to, to obtain, to be competitive. You're ALWAYS going to have your good and your bad teams, then your great teams. It's called parody.

LOL. Was the slip of the tongue intentional?

par·o·dy –noun
1. a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
2. the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.
3. a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.
4. any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc.
5. the use in the 16th century of borrowed material in a musical setting of the Mass (parody Mass).
6. a poor or feeble imitation or semblance; travesty: His acting is a parody of his past greatness.
–verb (used with object) 7. to imitate (a composition, author, etc.) for purposes of ridicule or satire.
8. to imitate poorly or feebly; travesty.

It appears you meant "parity"

HAHA, yea that was inadvertent, wasn't 100% sure which spelling was which, but it still fits

Originally posted by jackriley
Originally posted by Just Osmo

Originally posted by cdcollins

Originally posted by Just Osmo

YOu people are freaking out over nothing. restructuring would be a temporary fix. Thats what its meant to be while bort finds a solution. Atleast as a bandaid it would make every league more competitive for a season ro 2 untill he fixxes it,

I don't mind it as much, as long as we're kept in Oceania.

That limits the usefulness of the whole project. TO be effective and make perfectly even leagues you need to do it with every team. Who cares what region it says its not liek we all arent american/english/canadian.

It's not about being american, european, etc. It's about the fact we pay for this game and I think we should have the right to make that choice to some extent. I like the people in this region. I'm not saying I won't like the people in another region but i like this one, and this is where I want my team to be.

As do I. Well said.
Yukon Don
...another factor that a number of people aren't considering is teams that are affiliated (farm teams). There are a high number of them throughout the game...obviously they're not easy to track as a player can only own one team, however a brother, cousin, friend or co-worker can buy a second team and use that to develop depth, and even give players a spot to get max XP when they can't play full-time on the parent club.

This is an issue now, but think how big of an issue it becomes if the parent club and farm team get moved to the same region/league. It won't be frequent, but the collusion that would occur in these instances would be pretty bad. I say moving teams up and down within the regions is the most satisfactory solution.
I think they only way to fix it is to allow gutted teams access to computer players that are at an appropriate level for the league... and put in code to the simulator that prevents running up the score. Once a team is up by X (maybe 50 - 70) number of points, the leading team will insert its lowest level players and only run the ball, plus the trailing team gets a boost to its players' ratings.

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