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RT-I think I just bitched slapped your logic there, now I understand why it takes all the piglets to come out of the barnyard to back each other up...Because management (gm's) talk stupid when they are by themselves...So RT you post you have all these offers from teams...You say they must meet your 3 requirments...So which team didn't and if they didn't they must either not want to win, do not have an active forum, or are bad leaders.
Originally posted by Hokiemon
In Jakarta's defense (not that he needs it for sure), he posted a thread in the PLfT forum about quite a few players that were looking for teams to play on. He was never set on coming to the Legionnaires. As a matter of fact, I recruited him, chugga, soapbox, and the rest of our FA signings, for 2+ weeks, with 100 pms or so (?) being exchanged. They all had concerns about joining the Legs. I gave them all forum access, well b4 the playoffs started, and all the way thru the playoffs. I'm glad they chose to play on our team, as they have not only brought great players to the roster, but they've been great on the forums as well. So to think RT or any of them PMd me and said "hey, can we join your team" is really naive. I worked my ass off recruiting them.

All that work and all you had to do is call Big Bertha in the Barn and say "Bertha, I reckon we need some level 35 plus over here in Africa Pro....Now you bring them over after eating those grits"
Matty Piglet should be joining in soon, and then BaconMaker will give us his all mighty wisdom.
Or maybe soapyHam will come here with his squeel about how the ABD sucks, and I can't recruit...blah blah blah
Originally posted by SheVegas
RT-I think I just bitched slapped your logic there, now I understand why it takes all the piglets to come out of the barnyard to back each other up...Because management (gm's) talk stupid when they are by themselves...So RT you post you have all these offers from teams...You say they must meet your 3 requirments...So which team didn't and if they didn't they must either not want to win, do not have an active forum, or are bad leaders.

Your reading comprehension is that of a 9 yr old. He never said the teams interested in him and his players had to meet any of those requirements. He said those were what he was looking for when joining a team. He found those 3 things in the Legionnaires. No where did he say mgmt of another team had anything to do with his decision (other than the fact he felt you and one of your GMs were forum trolls and that turned him off).
Originally posted by SheVegas
So all the other teams that asked for your great players couldn't offer you this:
a) Like to win a title.
b) Like to join an active team.
c) Like to join a team with great leadership and management.

Hahaha. Not neccessarily. I debated on joining Cape Town (before PK disbanded, obv). Had another PM from another great Elephant club that caught my attention, but I wasn't as familiar with the management.
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Originally posted by SheVegas

RT-I think I just bitched slapped your logic there, now I understand why it takes all the piglets to come out of the barnyard to back each other up...Because management (gm's) talk stupid when they are by themselves...So RT you post you have all these offers from teams...You say they must meet your 3 requirments...So which team didn't and if they didn't they must either not want to win, do not have an active forum, or are bad leaders.

Your reading comprehension is that of a 9 yr old. He never said the teams interested in him and his players had to meet any of those requirements. He said those were what he was looking for when joining a team. He found those 3 things in the Legionnaires. No where did he say mgmt of another team had anything to do with his decision (other than the fact he felt you and one of your GMs were forum trolls and that turned him off).

Well my reading comprehension matches your IQ...So thats a wash...Anyways skirt around what was posted....and have fun in the barnyard.
And you want be able to get anymore Legs in here shevegas, no matter how hard you fish for them. Try at your forum troll habits all you want. The only reason I responded is to show you how ignorant you are, which is plainly evident to anyone that actually reads your posts. The fact it costs you great recruits cracks me up. I do have an actual doctor on our roster, if you need your medication script refilled, just say the word
Skirt around what? You were mistaken, I pointed that out. What else do you have legitimate concerns about? You're already looking like a fool (yet again), maybe time to log out?

As far as having fun in the barnyard, we'll see who has fun in a couple of games. And as badly as you want it to be a rivalry, we just can't seem to get excited about playing you guys. Maybe if you can keep it within 3 touchdowns this season we'll change our mind? Nah, probably not...
What Legs am I or was I fishing for? Yep really cost me recruits Einstein...Did you look at my roster?
Also you have a DR great....I have Vince Neal...DR. Feelgood
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Skirt around what? You were mistaken, I pointed that out. What else do you have legitimate concerns about? You're already looking like a fool (yet again), maybe time to log out?

As far as having fun in the barnyard, we'll see who has fun in a couple of games. And as badly as you want it to be a rivalry, we just can't seem to get excited about playing you guys. Maybe if you can keep it within 3 touchdowns this season we'll change our mind? Nah, probably not...

Hey who did you lose to in APL's first season...Again Einstein you are making the Piglets look bad.
Originally posted by SheVegas
What Legs am I or was I fishing for? Yep really cost me recruits Einstein...Did you look at my roster?

Originally posted by SheVegas
Or maybe soapyHam will come here with his squeel about how the ABD sucks, and I can't recruit...blah blah blah

Originally posted by SheVegas
Matty Piglet should be joining in soon, and then BaconMaker will give us his all mighty wisdom.

That would be called fishing, troll
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by Hokiemon

Skirt around what? You were mistaken, I pointed that out. What else do you have legitimate concerns about? You're already looking like a fool (yet again), maybe time to log out?

As far as having fun in the barnyard, we'll see who has fun in a couple of games. And as badly as you want it to be a rivalry, we just can't seem to get excited about playing you guys. Maybe if you can keep it within 3 touchdowns this season we'll change our mind? Nah, probably not...

Hey who did you lose to in APL's first season...Again Einstein you are making the Piglets look bad.

We lost 4 games the first season, mainly because we were the only team unboosted the whole season (until playoffs), idiot. So you were one of 4, congrats. How did last season go for ya? Need a reminder? If so, einstein here would be happy to help ya out.
...and I'm Dr. Kevorkian. I think I need to schedule an appointment for ol' Jason here.
Keep it coming shevegas, you don't get a free ride to spew that shit that normally comes from you like you had previously. I'll gladly make you look like the fool you are. 2 solid seasons of listening to what an idiot you are is enough. Sorry to those that don't find this as amusing as I do, but shevegas is great for a laugh. Wind him up, watch him bump into the walls and run in circles...great stuff.

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