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Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by PhnxFyr

Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by soapbox

tr. & intr.v. re·u·nit·ed, re·u·nit·ing, re·u·nites
To bring or come together again.

1 a: exceeding what is necessary or normal : superfluous b: characterized by or containing an excess ;

"Reunited again"

That is redundant.

well technically if the have previously been reunited then it is fine to say reunited again. however if they have never been separated and brought back together previously then it is wrong

Afaik their first stint together was in Conakry, making this their second, thus uniting them for the second time, or REuniting them for the first. That's why I said it.

yes well i wasnt here until a few days ago so i wouldnt have know that...
Originally posted by SheVegas
You are forgetting about their relationship before GLB...So reunited agin is correct.

"Reunited agin" is never correct.

But afaik, they never played together before Conakry. Before he got all of us to agree on joining Conakry, he talked to us about how he knew Laggo and he said the two met through GLB radio or something.

But yo, didn't you have the biggest problem with Conakry? Why not a Conakry-joke avatar? I'm not being mean here, I'm just wondering, since you always say that it's not about wins/losses (when I said you only attacked the top teams in Elephant), why did your focus change to USAORG? JW


Originally posted by PhnxFyr
yes well i wasnt here until a few days ago so i wouldnt have know that...

Didn't stop you from chiming in

I was just letting you know what was up, that's all.
Last edited Sep 25, 2008 15:25:16
Soap- I bought a team because I thought I could do a job better then my previous owner....I checked the box stating I only wanted to play in the Africa league...Reason being, I thought I could out recruit people, and all teams would start out with a clean slate. So when I got the pro team, and found out Laggo "gutted" or whatever you want to call it with RT, all I know is they did something wrong because they were fined 250K, and the Org, who had players given to them through the ORG draft pissed me off, because it wasn't a clean slate...They both had a definate advantage....So that is why I didn't have the respect towards those 2 teams...Now Laggo (as I predicted) sold her/his team...So my hate turns to pitty for the Coyotes...Leaving me with my war on Org....Now I am not as evil, or mentally ill as all the Oinks think...Just put yourself in my shows the way this whole thing went down...Going to a brand new league where evrything should be even, and it wasn't....So that is what happened and how I feel.
lololololol @ 250k fine

That was for recruiting kickers and didnt actually have anything to do with coyotes l0l0l0l

Coyotes just got fined because the team it happened on (seahawks) was sold.

250k is nothing and it wasn't even because we did something illegal, it was just because we wasted like 5 minutes of bort-time.
Aww congrats Laggo and RT...
Originally posted by SheVegas
the Org, who had players given to them through the ORG draft pissed me off, because it wasn't a clean slate...They both had a definate advantage....


You don't understand what you're talking about. Keep making shit up though because you need to have excuses for your team.

Matty Piglet-The Org did not have a draft?
Originally posted by SheVegas
Soap- I bought a team because I thought I could do a job better then my previous owner....I checked the box stating I only wanted to play in the Africa league...Reason being, I thought I could out recruit people, and all teams would start out with a clean slate. So when I got the pro team, and found out Laggo "gutted" or whatever you want to call it with RT, all I know is they did something wrong because they were fined 250K, and the Org, who had players given to them through the ORG draft pissed me off, because it wasn't a clean slate...They both had a definate advantage....So that is why I didn't have the respect towards those 2 teams...Now Laggo (as I predicted) sold her/his team...So my hate turns to pitty for the Coyotes...Leaving me with my war on Org....Now I am not as evil, or mentally ill as all the Oinks think...Just put yourself in my shows the way this whole thing went down...Going to a brand new league where evrything should be even, and it wasn't....So that is what happened and how I feel.

I can see it upset you a lot. But the main complaint you've had has always irked me. You say you think this should be a clean slate, but nowhere did anyone state that this would happen. You yourself in this post even stated you wanted to out-recruit people, but USAORG and Conakry definitely did that the best.

I've said what I've had to say about the exodus to Conakry. If you think I'm BSing, check my post history and the such before joining Conakry. You'll see that I never posted. I didn't even know what was going on with this whole GLB thing... I think I only signed up originally to give referral points to RTJ. We've also stated that the fine wasn't for "gutting" but since you won't accept that then that's okay; I won't beat a dead horse.

I really think that these expectations are a bit out of whack man, you have to admit. I'm not here to make excuses for Laggo's behavior. He was a different person in the private forum so I stuck with him for an extra year (but it did contribute to everyone wanting out, I won't lie. I have MSN conversations to back it up if you want). I really think a lot of this is just a difference of opinion. I dunno, I just think this will only escalate and people will just hate because it's tradition.
Hmmm you make some good points Soapbox. I also appreciate it that you took the time to view it through my eyes.
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by SheVegas

Soap- I bought a team because I thought I could do a job better then my previous owner....I checked the box stating I only wanted to play in the Africa league...Reason being, I thought I could out recruit people, and all teams would start out with a clean slate. So when I got the pro team, and found out Laggo "gutted" or whatever you want to call it with RT, all I know is they did something wrong because they were fined 250K, and the Org, who had players given to them through the ORG draft pissed me off, because it wasn't a clean slate...They both had a definate advantage....So that is why I didn't have the respect towards those 2 teams...Now Laggo (as I predicted) sold her/his team...So my hate turns to pitty for the Coyotes...Leaving me with my war on Org....Now I am not as evil, or mentally ill as all the Oinks think...Just put yourself in my shows the way this whole thing went down...Going to a brand new league where evrything should be even, and it wasn't....So that is what happened and how I feel.

I can see it upset you a lot. But the main complaint you've had has always irked me. You say you think this should be a clean slate, but nowhere did anyone state that this would happen. You yourself in this post even stated you wanted to out-recruit people, but USAORG and Conakry definitely did that the best.

I've said what I've had to say about the exodus to Conakry. If you think I'm BSing, check my post history and the such before joining Conakry. You'll see that I never posted. I didn't even know what was going on with this whole GLB thing... I think I only signed up originally to give referral points to RTJ. We've also stated that the fine wasn't for "gutting" but since you won't accept that then that's okay; I won't beat a dead horse.

I really think that these expectations are a bit out of whack man, you have to admit. I'm not here to make excuses for Laggo's behavior. He was a different person in the private forum so I stuck with him for an extra year (but it did contribute to everyone wanting out, I won't lie. I have MSN conversations to back it up if you want). I really think a lot of this is just a difference of opinion. I dunno, I just think this will only escalate and people will just hate because it's tradition.

wat i have 0 lifetime referrals
Hmm, I'm 90% sure I was someone's referral from JSP.

If not, word.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Matty Piglet-The Org did not have a draft?

Yes the ORG did have a draft.

When the draft was assembling, hundreds of players put themselves up for it. Why? because they thought that the owners & GMs inside USAORG were going to create quality teams with fun atmospheres.

I was on Lefty Wall's South American team which joined the ORG right before the draft (now known as USAORG Cartel). I basically owe all of my "success" in GLB to Lefty. He found me and helped to correct my moronic builds. Lefty is a GLB genius as far as player builds go. He is a good guy and was a great owner.

When I started learning more about USAORG, I had a center that was going to be available so I thought I would put him into the draft. I did this because Lefty was a quality owner compared to the other owners I had experienced, and if he was vouching for the new ORG teams I would take his word. Also I thought it would eliminate a lot of the headache of openly putting my player on the free agent market. Luckily I was drafted by Hokie, who really assembled a quality roster, and IMO had the best foresight, planning, and yes, luck with the agents he drafted for his team.

You have insinuated that all of these players were "waiting" and teams were already assembled and just moved to APL or something. I guess you could say that but that's not really what happened IMO.

Now, did the draft give the USAORG teams an unfair advantage? I guess you have made your mind up on this already. Here's what happened though: the USAORG teams were able to get quality players line up to join because of the reputations of the people involved with USAORG. I see this as part of the game... people like me are going to gravitate towards success. I don't know how you can stop this from happening SheVegas. Look at the new Africa A leagues .. the best teams there are assembled by guys with known reputations (MonkeyMan, Drew Ryan, etc.).

When you start as an new owner with no reputation, I'll concede you have to work a little harder to convince guys to join your team. THIS IS PART OF THE GAME. Accept it, work hard to build your rep, make your team better, and move on. I don't know what you want us to do. You complain and want us to leave APL... I say make your team better. Lowering the level of competition to win? Not something I would want to do, but it's your team.

IMO Legionnaires have conducted ourselves pretty fairly on the forums considering how hated it appears we are. We could have went the Cobra Kai (or Laggo lol) route but we have never started any trash talk to my knowledge, we have only responded. The fact that you somehow negatively portray our public support of our teammates is laughable ... that's exactly the type of team that I want to be on personally.

And as for Coyotes and "gutting", I said from the start (you can look back in the forums) that I would take their side. Yes "gutting" is unfortunate for competition, but you have to allow friends to stay together in an internet networking type game. If you don't then this game loses a lot IMO. I never will fault anyone for wanting to stick together with their friends. Laggo is a goof and never really bothered me either, especially since he pushed so many people's buttons effectively. I usually find that stuff harmless and funny but that's my opinion and I can see why he upset some people. We were fortunate to land a lot of the Coyotes but it took a lot of work on Hokie's behalf to do so. This is why I love playing on his team, he is a tireless worker. Anyway I digress...

So there's my manifesto about a lot of USAORG/APL stuff. I know it won't make a lot of people change their minds but I hope it helps to explain where we are coming from. Hopefully it wasn't a complete waste of time.
Originally posted by MattyP
Well the signing low-level guys to leave rot on the team after you abandoned it was pretty much a dick-move, but other than that I don't really think you did anything wrong. (BTW I never accused anyone of anything other than making shit up about USAORG).

Thanks Matty P- I understand your points.
I see your points Matty, but you have to understand that teams that start out stacked in the beginning are going to be hated. Remember after you lost in the reg season your first yr, and you guys got some players from other teams? I agree there is no way to stop it, BUT you can re-align leagues. That really is the only way to help even out the playing field.

Now I like to think the Africa team I am on is competitive, and I would put my LB's build up against any LB out there-that is of equal level and was started @ the same time, but when he faces competition that is 7 levels higher, well we know what the end result should be.

If I were a part of the BORG, I would embrace re-alignment, this will test your recruiting even more, and you could really see how good you are, I could kick some ass at basketball when I was 13, if I played a 6 yr old.

Now what is the league average for players, and what is your team average? I do like how Bort is trying to even out leagues, I think its good, I would like to hear from the BORG on this.

PARITY makes a great league-look at the NFL.


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