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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Dadx4
I forever tried to set up a 4-4 Defense but the olb's range was already just a couple of feet, I don't like this one bit. It's hard enough to stop pitch plays as it is this will only make it harder. I guess I will be running a Dime defense now 100% of the time.

Hate to agree with you but I do. I tried a trick here that worked (mostly)... I used special "dime" plays where I replaced the (inside) CB's with LB's and it worked pretty well against outside runs... even if there is a 'position switch penality'.

Would someone please explain why 6 defenders rushing a 5 man line and succeeding in a blitz is somehow an exploit?
Originally posted by Bonkaz
Would someone please explain why 6 defenders rushing a 5 man line and succeeding in a blitz is somehow an exploit?

The QB's are not smart enough to throw the ball fast and WR's don't have the option to adjust routes if the blitz is on. So YES, its an exploit. Want anymore explanation?
Originally posted by Bonkaz
Would someone please explain why 6 defenders rushing a 5 man line and succeeding in a blitz is somehow an exploit?

Because when done the exploity way you force the OLINE to go crazy and cause a RG to try and block the guy all the way at the end of the left side on the line, or the LG decides to double team with the C and ignore 2 other ppl running by him....and more of that junk.

Plus QBs are to blind and stupid to a blitz
Edited by EagleOtto on Oct 22, 2010 23:49:30
Got a team in copper peewee league and played a team a few games ago I noticed blitzed their LB's a fair amount. I'm just messing around and using AI to offense, so adjusted my settings to pass 70% of the time and mostly to TE/HB/FB. Won the game and neither QB got sacked. So not sure about the issue but guess it sounds serious enough if they were considering removing the DPC.

I'd be against removing the DPC though because you'd see nothing but sweeps, pitches and QB rushing with no way to stop it. The game would be seriously broken. I said a long time ago I think QB rushing plays need to have a penalty that defenders know the QB is rushing before he crosses the LoS (maybe a minor vision check involved), in it's current state the DPC is really only used to stop such plays. The focus needs to be on fixing issues such as this, and the LB blitz issue (?), before any major or drastic changes are made to the game. The fundamentals need to be sound before expanding.
Originally posted by bodhisfattva
even with this i have to restate my original complaint. the goal should be to add to the game never to take away. with that in mind again

This is by far the worst idea I have ever seen from this game and is a very lazy way to proceed. ESPECIALLY when you consider how much money we pay to play this game.

the real answer is:

to fix blocking code so blitzers have to slow down when they are passing near players or shooting gaps as they pass by blocking circles of offensive linemen.

to fix blocking code so the off side G instead of pulling to block a safety or cb off the edge just shifts to block who the center would normally block. the center blocks who the G would normally block. the G blocks who the OT would normally block. This way 350lb linemen wont have to pull 5 yards to block a 180lb blitzer with his ears pinned back.

to fix blocking code so the linemen can hold a pocket better and not have them give so much ground up the middle and have the qb step into the pocket like they actually do in real life. a blitzer would have to run a much more radical path to hook around the line to reach the qb. this would force him to run farther and lose much of his speed as he is turning the corner. This will give the qb time to get off a quick pass

to fix qb awareness of the outside blitz or any overload blitz and put hot routes into the game and allow the qb to call preset audibles(notice the 1v1 coverage and call a go route or quick slant). if a hot route is called give the D a large vision penalty making it very difficult for them to defend the short hot route as they are very hard in real life to cover. You could also put in logic for the qb to notice 1v1 coverage and have him be able to throw down field high against the single coverage and make it much harder for the defender to make a pass defense and not really be able to intercept the ball unless it is a "bad throw". Either of these will make sure there is actual risk in blitzing 6 or 7 guys.

to fix qb awareness of the blitz and allow him to adjust his throwing tactics so he can throw a deep lob pass (instead of always throwing lofty or bullet passes) with actual touch on the ball so you can have a safe pass that is hard to intercept for a deep completion

change the path to the qb for the blitzers so their path isnt as direct or as fast to the qb.

there you now have 6 alternatives that could be used in part or whole to fix the situation so there is actual risk in using overload blitzes.

this took me all of 10 mins to think about better ways to fix this situation. HIRE MORE PROGRAMMERS with all the money 10s of thousands of us pay every month for this game to correct the issue instead of dumbing down the game and removing what has become one of the most integral parts of the game.

Originally posted by dviss1
I am an OC and I say this:

Removing the DPC would be a travesty. I guess this for SURE means there will NEVER be an OPC....

Way to take a step back guys... Wouldn't it be better to add an OPC??? Wouldn't that balance out the issues you seem to be having...?

These 2 posts save me having to write it, well put guys, my sentiments as well.

I had to read that announcement 3 times to actually take it in, literally I couldn't believe what I was reading.

So its apparent that this game is headed for the pubescent market , as it seems the :clears throat: more mature of us that can gameplan etc etc are getting shoved aside.
UCLA Jeremy
Originally posted by gustoon
Originally posted by bodhisfattva

even with this i have to restate my original complaint. the goal should be to add to the game never to take away. with that in mind again

This is by far the worst idea I have ever seen from this game and is a very lazy way to proceed. ESPECIALLY when you consider how much money we pay to play this game.

the real answer is:

to fix blocking code so blitzers have to slow down when they are passing near players or shooting gaps as they pass by blocking circles of offensive linemen.

to fix blocking code so the off side G instead of pulling to block a safety or cb off the edge just shifts to block who the center would normally block. the center blocks who the G would normally block. the G blocks who the OT would normally block. This way 350lb linemen wont have to pull 5 yards to block a 180lb blitzer with his ears pinned back.

to fix blocking code so the linemen can hold a pocket better and not have them give so much ground up the middle and have the qb step into the pocket like they actually do in real life. a blitzer would have to run a much more radical path to hook around the line to reach the qb. this would force him to run farther and lose much of his speed as he is turning the corner. This will give the qb time to get off a quick pass

to fix qb awareness of the outside blitz or any overload blitz and put hot routes into the game and allow the qb to call preset audibles(notice the 1v1 coverage and call a go route or quick slant). if a hot route is called give the D a large vision penalty making it very difficult for them to defend the short hot route as they are very hard in real life to cover. You could also put in logic for the qb to notice 1v1 coverage and have him be able to throw down field high against the single coverage and make it much harder for the defender to make a pass defense and not really be able to intercept the ball unless it is a "bad throw". Either of these will make sure there is actual risk in blitzing 6 or 7 guys.

to fix qb awareness of the blitz and allow him to adjust his throwing tactics so he can throw a deep lob pass (instead of always throwing lofty or bullet passes) with actual touch on the ball so you can have a safe pass that is hard to intercept for a deep completion

change the path to the qb for the blitzers so their path isnt as direct or as fast to the qb.

there you now have 6 alternatives that could be used in part or whole to fix the situation so there is actual risk in using overload blitzes.

this took me all of 10 mins to think about better ways to fix this situation. HIRE MORE PROGRAMMERS with all the money 10s of thousands of us pay every month for this game to correct the issue instead of dumbing down the game and removing what has become one of the most integral parts of the game.

Originally posted by dviss1

I am an OC and I say this:

Removing the DPC would be a travesty. I guess this for SURE means there will NEVER be an OPC....

Way to take a step back guys... Wouldn't it be better to add an OPC??? Wouldn't that balance out the issues you seem to be having...?

These 2 posts save me having to write it, well put guys, my sentiments as well.

I had to read that announcement 3 times to actually take it in, literally I couldn't believe what I was reading.

So its apparent that this game is headed for the pubescent market , as it seems the :clears throat: more mature of us that can gameplan etc etc are getting shoved aside.

Originally posted by ImTheScientist
The QB's are not smart enough to throw the ball fast and WR's don't have the option to adjust routes if the blitz is on. So YES, its an exploit. Want anymore explanation?

so then the problem wouldnt be blocking logic, it would be QB logic, therefore not pertaining at all to removing the DPC and not being an exploit blitz, its shitty QB coding.
Edited by Ahrens858 on Oct 23, 2010 01:55:43
Originally posted by Bort
TBH we could add some more formations like 4-4 by adding more limitations to the d line, since it would be far easier to test against.

The main things that I find dumb are the completely unrealistic D line setups some people make with a DE way outside on one side and the DT shifted way the other way, etc. Does not resemble a real formation in any way.

you see the QB sneak the Packers did last week?
Originally posted by Ahrens858
so then the problem wouldnt be blocking logic, it would be QB logic, therefore not pertaining at all to removing the DPC and not being an exploit blitz, its shitty QB coding.

it is a big part of it. You can have an uncovered HB running totally free and the QB wont throw to him unless he reached a certain spot. Never seen a pass thrown to a HB behind the line beside screens.

If you would change up some HB routes to not run paralel to the LOS so long and allow QB to throw to uncovered HB behind the line, than you would have a weapon to counter blitzes.
Originally posted by Disastermaster
Originally posted by Ahrens858

so then the problem wouldnt be blocking logic, it would be QB logic, therefore not pertaining at all to removing the DPC and not being an exploit blitz, its shitty QB coding.

it is a big part of it. You can have an uncovered HB running totally free and the QB wont throw to him unless he reached a certain spot. Never seen a pass thrown to a HB behind the line beside screens.

If you would change up some HB routes to not run paralel to the LOS so long and allow QB to throw to uncovered HB behind the line, than you would have a weapon to counter blitzes.

Happens in real football all the time tbh. There should be a vision check before the play where the QB can change to a hot read not necessarily in his progression similar to how they can hold in extra blockers. Then the HB/WR would also get a vision check to "know" what the QB was going to do. If the QB fails his read because of low vision/RNG then the blitz comes hot and a sack is likely. If the HB/WR fails his read than an incompletion or interception would be likely. If both pass their vision check then the pass would likely go for a long gain against fewer players in coverage. Would make vision an important attribute for HB/WRs and give the offense a chance to defend against overloads without holding anyone back.
too bad glb doesnt realize that the DPC isnt the devil behind all of this

Originally posted by NtropiK
Happens in real football all the time tbh. There should be a vision check before the play where the QB can change to a hot read not necessarily in his progression similar to how they can hold in extra blockers. Then the HB/WR would also get a vision check to "know" what the QB was going to do. If the QB fails his read because of low vision/RNG then the blitz comes hot and a sack is likely. If the HB/WR fails his read than an incompletion or interception would be likely. If both pass their vision check then the pass would likely go for a long gain against fewer players in coverage. Would make vision an important attribute for HB/WRs and give the offense a chance to defend against overloads without holding anyone back.

well i mean in a perfect world vision would help the HBs pick up blitz, but since we know glb cant code blocking thats prob NGTH. But what should happen is when there is a blitz the qb should have a vision check to check down to the HB in the flat or a WR on a quick slant rather then chucking it down field every time. hot routes would help alot of this, imo.
Edited by Ahrens858 on Oct 23, 2010 02:43:36
I don't understand how blocking logic is at all a problem. Seems to me all anyone does on offense right now is run 80%+ anyway. The only way I've been able to get pressure this season at all is with exotic DB blitzes. This is partly because my DEs need to be like NTs in order to have a chance at holding up against the run.

BUT, if these proposed changes can balance out the sim so it remotely resembles football, then I'm all for it. Somehow I'm a bit skeptical, however.
If the DPC is removed from GLB I have bought my last flex point.

The thing I enjoy most about GLB is building players that fit into a certain scheme.

Team link:
I've always wanted to try to build a 3-4 scheme with both OLBs blitzing. I tried that once before by recruiting from the market place, but quickly found out it required a certain build to run this scheme, so I decided to build an entire defense myself.

Now I log on yesterday and find out I can throw this idea out the window IF the DPC is removed. I find it highly unlikely that there will be enough good 3-4 plays to run this type of defense the way I pictured it in my head.

This team is is now a lvl 34 team and has boosted every season since we started. That's 5 seasons. I have 24 defensive dots on this team each costing 600 FP to boost every season. Oh, and they all wear CE...

Creating players price: 24*200 = 4800 FP
Boosting 5 seasons : 24*5*200 = 72000 FP
Buying CE : 24*900 = 21600 FP
FP I used on this team = 98400 FP

Again, IF the DPC is removed I'm confident I will have wasted the FP I spent on this team. This frustrates the hell out of me. I'm pretty sure many other agents are building dots to fit into certain schemes thought out by a DC... Maybe not creating entire defenses like I did in this case, but still...

I know I can search for new homes for my dots and try to find a new team for them, but this was not the idea when we started this team. So I'm not interested in keeping my dots if GLB go through with these changes!

What will GLB be offering us as compensation for all the money we put into this game? If the message is I can retire my dots and get the 70% FP I'm done! I mean, this can't in any way be fair to the costumer.

I would love if someone like Bort or Catch22 would either reply to this post or get in touch with me through PM so I know what my GLB-future brings!

PS. Sorry for my far from perfect english!

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