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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
instead focus on submitting ideas and allowing people to express those ideas in a forum free of flaming and trolling.

This thread really doesn't have a problem except for DONKEIDIC pitching a hissy fit every time someone points out that his idea has problems and hasn't garnered support. Moreover, pointing out the flaws in a proposal is essential to any discussion intended to enact change.
Originally posted by jdbolick

This thread really doesn't have a problem except for DONKEIDIC pitching a hissy fit every time someone points out that his idea has problems and hasn't garnered support. Moreover, pointing out the flaws in a proposal is essential to any discussion intended to enact change.

Show me one place where you pointed out anything. I have asked you to do this but you refused. *insert your avi here*

Can this guy get a forum break?
Originally posted by jdbolick

This thread really doesn't have a problem except for DONKEIDIC pitching a hissy fit every time someone points out that his idea has problems and hasn't garnered support. Moreover, pointing out the flaws in a proposal is essential to any discussion intended to enact change.

Jd, this is not up for discussion.

You can all consider this a warning. Keep it on topic (If you were to change the league structure how would you do it) or move along. I would rather keep this civil than have breaks handed out.
Edited by tuba_samurai on Apr 29, 2010 15:58:33
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
Knock it off. DD is looking for ideas

sell !!

seriously tho I have players in all level leagues. the leagues all suffer (to varying degrees) from the same problem. there are some good ideas floating around in here on how to fix it. and some terribad ones as well. damn near all of them are tl;dr

ultimately it's Bort/DD's call so I hope they get it right. this is one area where GLB has been lacking since the beginning imo.
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
Jd, this is not up for discussion. You can all consider this a warning. Keep it on topic (If you were to change the league structure how would you do it) or move along. I would rather keep this civil than have breaks handed out.

Start at page 16 and move forward. Multiple people beginning with geekor asked DONKEIDIC to stop spamming his suggestion. We've all seen it by now, as he's posted it all over the forum. We don't need this thread being derailed by his obsession too. He posted it, which is fine, but now he should have the courtesy to stop posting about it.

This is trolling:
Edited by jdbolick on Apr 29, 2010 16:07:56
Q & A Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick
Start at page 16 and move forward. Multiple people beginning with geekor asked DONKEIDIC to stop spamming his suggestion. We've all seen it by now, as he's posted it all over the forum. We don't need this thread being derailed by his obsession too. He posted it, which is fine, but now he should have the courtesy to stop posting about it.

As well, you could extend the courtesy of dropping the issue and getting back to the topic of the thread. Your opinion of his suggestion has been made. Time to let it go. If you cannot partake in a discussion on Don's suggestion, then don't post at all.

To follow your edit:

Originally posted by tuba_samurai
Let's stop the personal attacks and the STFU's please.

This is the warning that followed.
Originally posted by Jethroz
If you cannot partake in a discussion on Don's suggestion, then don't post at all.

That's what we were doing: If you have any thoughts of your own to share on the subject, feel free.
doc ock
Originally posted by Vortus
Version 2

After reading through other suggestions, I modified my own to incorporate others idea's. I pretty much took some from alot of folks, so Ill give credit to everyone I took from. If you see your stuff in here, then its prob from your thread.

Using a teams effective level, and average SP value to determine starting placement in combination with a teams past performance. The actual number of each Elite, Competitive and Standard leagues is fluid based on the number of viable available teams. If an owner decides to sell during the season, there will be no refund on flex other than refunding of extra seasons purchased. The initial team cost will not be refunded. Teams that are sold in the off season are refunded as normal. Teams that are sold are automatically replaced with the next highest rated team from the league below them in the off season. Casual leagues will play under the same system.

Promotion/Demotion. Partially based on team value and partially based on record. P/D can be both up and down along with lateral. If a team is over the effective level/SP value of a league, they are promoted automatically at seasons end. League winners have the option to promote two caps. Playoff teams are promoted both up on cap league and across. IE if they were Standard, then they would move to Competitive, if they were Competitive, they would move to Elite. Non playoff teams that are promoted up to the next higher effective level cap, if they are currently Elite, they are demoted to Competitive, if they are currently Competitive, they are demoted to Standard. Teams at seasons end can request to stay if they are under the leagues effective level cap at the start of the next season.

Team Owner Ratings. Once an agent has invested in taking a team, GLB tracks that owner record and performance as an owner. Giving agents with players on that owners team a 1 time vote of +/N/- along the lines of ebay. One vote for each player the agent has on the team. These rating would also affect team placement, or if starting over, or if a team was sold then the agent decided to give it a go again, the record would stay with the agent and affect team choice. The more experienced an owner, the higher the team they can apply for. If they start over, they have the option to start at up to the 40 cap, allowing them to utilize the instant level 40 players.

For a new owner, upon receiving his team would start in Competitive PeeWee Bronze Cap 1. This does a few things. It starts a new owner off with equal competition, and it increases the PeeWee base. Teams wanting to remain PeeWee teams would stay at the PeeWee level via requested seasonal stay order as a demotion sounds demeaning. A more experienced owner would have the option to start at a PeeWee Silver, or a higher league of choice depending on the owner rating. PeeWee Gold has to be earned.

Farm Teams. Farm teams start at the beginning as a Farm team with no intention of competiting. These teams will be placed with the excess and CPU teams at the bottom Standard leagues as the sole intent is to age the player. Farm teams are CPU owned, allowing players to sign each season until they are at the effective level of 40 with the minimum salary. Boosting a Farm player is 10% less flex as the agent is not really playing the game. Once a player has signed with a farm team and boosted, if they move to a normal team that season, they must pay the 10% flex for boosting that season back to GLB. Once effective level of 40 has been reached, boosting is full price.

Instant level 40 players. Instant lvl 40 players would be available for reduced boost cost. Starting with a full price lvl 1 player, the agent would be allow a one time boost to lvl 40 for 50% normal cost. Gaining full alg for each boost, and the appropriate BT and 20 ST. However, none of the nightly training gains up to lvl 40.

Teams will choose a regional banner to play for that will affect touraments they can play for.

Pro Leagues. The Top teams, ie current WL are in Elite Pro 1. The top current Pro teams are in Elite Pro 2. And across the board. In Pro, its make the playoffs or get demoted. As there are no lower leagues to take them, demotion is lateral to lower tiered Pro leagues. Promotion is also lateral to higher tiered Pro leagues. Effective level of 60+ required

Elite Pro #1
Elite Pro #2
Competitive Pro #3
Competitive Pro #4
Standard Pro #5
Standard Pro #6

Effective level from 54 to 64
Elite Cap 64 #1
Elite Cap 64 #2
Competitive Cap 64 #3
Competitive Cap 64 #4
Standard Cap 64 #5
Standard Cap 64 #6

Effective level from 46 to 56
Elite Cap 56 #1
Elite Cap 56 #2
Competitive Cap 56 #3
Competitive Cap 56 #4
Standard Cap 56 #5
Standard Cap 56 #6

Effective level from 38 to 48
Elite Cap 48 #1
Elite Cap 48 #2
Competitive Cap 48 #3
Competitive Cap 48 #4
Standard Cap 48 #5
Standard Cap 48 #6

Effective level from 30 to 40
Elite Cap 40 #1
Elite Cap 40 #2
Competitive Cap 40 #3
Competitive Cap 40 #4
Standard Cap 40 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 40 #6

Effective level from 22 to 32
Elite Cap 32 #1
Elite Cap 32 #2
Competitive Cap 32 #3
Competitive Cap 32 #4
Standard Cap 32 #5
Standard Cap/Farm 32 #6

Effective level from 14 to 24
Elite Cap 24 #1
Elite Cap 24 #2
Competitive Cap 24 #3
Competitive Cap 24 #4
Standard Cap 24 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 24 #6

Effective level from 8 to 16
Elite Cap 16 #1
Elite Cap 16 #2
Competitive Cap 16 #3
Competitive Cap 16 #4
Standard Cap 16 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 16 #6

PeeWee Day
Elite PeeWee Gold
Elite PeeWee Silver #1
Elite PeeWee Silver #2
Competitive PeeWee Bronze #3
Competitive PeeWee Bronze #4
Standard Cap 1 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 1 #6

One of the best ideas in this thread imo

I know this adds nothing to the discussion but... This was put here to gather ideas, but unless something is done to act upon the ideas to fix the perceived problems of the general player base, this thread will be nothing but another thorn in the player's confidence on the developing team.

Are we going to be given some insurance that something will be done about the leagues, or will this huge thread be just another bunch of ignored suggestions?
Originally posted by jpjn94
One of the best ideas in this thread imo

My concern is that it wouldn't bring back regions and rivalries for the early parts of a player's career. That suggestion would increase competitiveness, but I think the old league structure gave people a greater sense of identity, something that could seemingly add more interest to those early seasons.
doc ock
Originally posted by jdbolick
My concern is that it wouldn't bring back regions and rivalries for the early parts of a player's career. That suggestion would increase competitiveness, but I think the old league structure gave people a greater sense of identity, something that could seemingly add more interest to those early seasons.

I hate to lose the regions, but I think it's the only fair way to do it. I mean combining Europe or Canada and USA isn't going to be fair for certain regions; this is the best solution for that problem. I think the rivalry points combined with this could possibly bring back some of the rivalries that we had in seasons past.

I know this season similar leveled teams that played against in the previous season in the Minors were sent up together so some of that idea is working. I’d like to see Ranked games also be considered for that, but I think it’s a step in the right direction.

Originally posted by jdbolick

My concern is that it wouldn't bring back regions and rivalries for the early parts of a player's career. That suggestion would increase competitiveness, but I think the old league structure gave people a greater sense of identity, something that could seemingly add more interest to those early seasons.

What I am thinking is it will increase them as long as a banner is also flying for a region. This would allow teams to pick from any of the current regions to rep, and they would rep in two ways. Through league play, playing teams of similar quality from different regions in their league. And secondly, through intra league tourneys. I have grown quite competitive with many of the teams we have come up through the minors with. Many of the rivalries would be lost if all the teams go their separate ways to different regions. This way, those rivalries could be maintained, along with representing our region. This would also create more as the similar teams followed each other through the different tiers of the game.

I could think of no other way that would balance things out and increase competition at the same time.
Originally posted by Vortus
Originally posted by jdbolick

My concern is that it wouldn't bring back regions and rivalries for the early parts of a player's career. That suggestion would increase competitiveness, but I think the old league structure gave people a greater sense of identity, something that could seemingly add more interest to those early seasons.

What I am thinking is it will increase them as long as a banner is also flying for a region. This would allow teams to pick from any of the current regions to rep, and they would rep in two ways. Through league play, playing teams of similar quality from different regions in their league. And secondly, through intra league tourneys. I have grown quite competitive with many of the teams we have come up through the minors with. Many of the rivalries would be lost if all the teams go their separate ways to different regions. This way, those rivalries could be maintained, along with representing our region. This would also create more as the similar teams followed each other through the different tiers of the game.

I could think of no other way that would balance things out and increase competition at the same time.

Originally posted by jpjn94
Originally posted by Vortus

Version 2

After reading through other suggestions, I modified my own to incorporate others idea's. I pretty much took some from alot of folks, so Ill give credit to everyone I took from. If you see your stuff in here, then its prob from your thread.

Using a teams effective level, and average SP value to determine starting placement in combination with a teams past performance. The actual number of each Elite, Competitive and Standard leagues is fluid based on the number of viable available teams. If an owner decides to sell during the season, there will be no refund on flex other than refunding of extra seasons purchased. The initial team cost will not be refunded. Teams that are sold in the off season are refunded as normal. Teams that are sold are automatically replaced with the next highest rated team from the league below them in the off season. Casual leagues will play under the same system.

Promotion/Demotion. Partially based on team value and partially based on record. P/D can be both up and down along with lateral. If a team is over the effective level/SP value of a league, they are promoted automatically at seasons end. League winners have the option to promote two caps. Playoff teams are promoted both up on cap league and across. IE if they were Standard, then they would move to Competitive, if they were Competitive, they would move to Elite. Non playoff teams that are promoted up to the next higher effective level cap, if they are currently Elite, they are demoted to Competitive, if they are currently Competitive, they are demoted to Standard. Teams at seasons end can request to stay if they are under the leagues effective level cap at the start of the next season.

Team Owner Ratings. Once an agent has invested in taking a team, GLB tracks that owner record and performance as an owner. Giving agents with players on that owners team a 1 time vote of +/N/- along the lines of ebay. One vote for each player the agent has on the team. These rating would also affect team placement, or if starting over, or if a team was sold then the agent decided to give it a go again, the record would stay with the agent and affect team choice. The more experienced an owner, the higher the team they can apply for. If they start over, they have the option to start at up to the 40 cap, allowing them to utilize the instant level 40 players.

For a new owner, upon receiving his team would start in Competitive PeeWee Bronze Cap 1. This does a few things. It starts a new owner off with equal competition, and it increases the PeeWee base. Teams wanting to remain PeeWee teams would stay at the PeeWee level via requested seasonal stay order as a demotion sounds demeaning. A more experienced owner would have the option to start at a PeeWee Silver, or a higher league of choice depending on the owner rating. PeeWee Gold has to be earned.

Farm Teams. Farm teams start at the beginning as a Farm team with no intention of competiting. These teams will be placed with the excess and CPU teams at the bottom Standard leagues as the sole intent is to age the player. Farm teams are CPU owned, allowing players to sign each season until they are at the effective level of 40 with the minimum salary. Boosting a Farm player is 10% less flex as the agent is not really playing the game. Once a player has signed with a farm team and boosted, if they move to a normal team that season, they must pay the 10% flex for boosting that season back to GLB. Once effective level of 40 has been reached, boosting is full price.

Instant level 40 players. Instant lvl 40 players would be available for reduced boost cost. Starting with a full price lvl 1 player, the agent would be allow a one time boost to lvl 40 for 50% normal cost. Gaining full alg for each boost, and the appropriate BT and 20 ST. However, none of the nightly training gains up to lvl 40.

Teams will choose a regional banner to play for that will affect touraments they can play for.

Pro Leagues. The Top teams, ie current WL are in Elite Pro 1. The top current Pro teams are in Elite Pro 2. And across the board. In Pro, its make the playoffs or get demoted. As there are no lower leagues to take them, demotion is lateral to lower tiered Pro leagues. Promotion is also lateral to higher tiered Pro leagues. Effective level of 60+ required

Elite Pro #1
Elite Pro #2
Competitive Pro #3
Competitive Pro #4
Standard Pro #5
Standard Pro #6

Effective level from 54 to 64
Elite Cap 64 #1
Elite Cap 64 #2
Competitive Cap 64 #3
Competitive Cap 64 #4
Standard Cap 64 #5
Standard Cap 64 #6

Effective level from 46 to 56
Elite Cap 56 #1
Elite Cap 56 #2
Competitive Cap 56 #3
Competitive Cap 56 #4
Standard Cap 56 #5
Standard Cap 56 #6

Effective level from 38 to 48
Elite Cap 48 #1
Elite Cap 48 #2
Competitive Cap 48 #3
Competitive Cap 48 #4
Standard Cap 48 #5
Standard Cap 48 #6

Effective level from 30 to 40
Elite Cap 40 #1
Elite Cap 40 #2
Competitive Cap 40 #3
Competitive Cap 40 #4
Standard Cap 40 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 40 #6

Effective level from 22 to 32
Elite Cap 32 #1
Elite Cap 32 #2
Competitive Cap 32 #3
Competitive Cap 32 #4
Standard Cap 32 #5
Standard Cap/Farm 32 #6

Effective level from 14 to 24
Elite Cap 24 #1
Elite Cap 24 #2
Competitive Cap 24 #3
Competitive Cap 24 #4
Standard Cap 24 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 24 #6

Effective level from 8 to 16
Elite Cap 16 #1
Elite Cap 16 #2
Competitive Cap 16 #3
Competitive Cap 16 #4
Standard Cap 16 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 16 #6

PeeWee Day
Elite PeeWee Gold
Elite PeeWee Silver #1
Elite PeeWee Silver #2
Competitive PeeWee Bronze #3
Competitive PeeWee Bronze #4
Standard Cap 1 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 1 #6

One of the best ideas in this thread imo

What ever happened to Bort's idea of rivalries and all the cool things that came with that?

Mix that with Vortus Version 2.0 and I think we've got a winner.

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